[英]Create a valid, empty shell of a document, suitable for adding more elements to.
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsoup/jsoup
* Parse a fragment of HTML into the {@code body} of a Document.
* @param bodyHtml fragment of HTML
* @param baseUri base URI of document (i.e. original fetch location), for resolving relative URLs.
* @return Document, with empty head, and HTML parsed into body
public static Document parseBodyFragment(String bodyHtml, String baseUri) {
Document doc = Document.createShell(baseUri);
Element body = doc.body();
List<Node> nodeList = parseFragment(bodyHtml, body, baseUri);
Node[] nodes = nodeList.toArray(new Node[nodeList.size()]); // the node list gets modified when re-parented
for (int i = nodes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
for (Node node : nodes) {
return doc;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsoup/jsoup
public boolean isValidBodyHtml(String bodyHtml) {
Document clean = Document.createShell("");
Document dirty = Document.createShell("");
ParseErrorList errorList = ParseErrorList.tracking(1);
List<Node> nodes = Parser.parseFragment(bodyHtml, dirty.body(), "", errorList);
dirty.body().insertChildren(0, nodes);
int numDiscarded = copySafeNodes(dirty.body(), clean.body());
return numDiscarded == 0 && errorList.size() == 0;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsoup/jsoup
Creates a new, clean document, from the original dirty document, containing only elements allowed by the whitelist.
The original document is not modified. Only elements from the dirt document's <code>body</code> are used.
@param dirtyDocument Untrusted base document to clean.
@return cleaned document.
public Document clean(Document dirtyDocument) {
Document clean = Document.createShell(dirtyDocument.baseUri());
if (dirtyDocument.body() != null) // frameset documents won't have a body. the clean doc will have empty body.
copySafeNodes(dirtyDocument.body(), clean.body());
return clean;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jsoup/jsoup
Determines if the input document <b>body</b>is valid, against the whitelist. It is considered valid if all the tags and attributes
in the input HTML are allowed by the whitelist, and that there is no content in the <code>head</code>.
This method can be used as a validator for user input. An invalid document will still be cleaned successfully
using the {@link #clean(Document)} document. If using as a validator, it is recommended to still clean the document
to ensure enforced attributes are set correctly, and that the output is tidied.
@param dirtyDocument document to test
@return true if no tags or attributes need to be removed; false if they do
public boolean isValid(Document dirtyDocument) {
Document clean = Document.createShell(dirtyDocument.baseUri());
int numDiscarded = copySafeNodes(dirtyDocument.body(), clean.body());
return numDiscarded == 0
&& dirtyDocument.head().childNodes().size() == 0; // because we only look at the body, but we start from a shell, make sure there's nothing in the head
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin/vaadin-server
Document document = Document.createShell("");
BootstrapPageResponse pageResponse = new BootstrapPageResponse(this,
request, context.getSession(), context.getUIClass(),
代码示例来源:origin: br.com.anteros/Anteros-Bean-Validation
* Returns a document whose {@code <body>} element contains the given HTML fragment.
private Document getFragmentAsDocument(CharSequence value) {
// using the XML parser ensures that all elements in the input are retained, also if they actually are not allowed at the given
// location; E.g. a <td> element isn't allowed directly within the <body> element, so it would be used by the default HTML parser.
// we need to retain it though to apply the given white list properly; See HV-873
Document fragment = Jsoup.parse( value.toString(), "", Parser.xmlParser() );
Document document = Document.createShell( "" );
// add the fragment's nodes to the body of resulting document
Iterator<Element> nodes = fragment.children().iterator();
while ( nodes.hasNext() ) {
document.body().appendChild( nodes.next() );
return document;
代码示例来源:origin: org.hibernate.validator/hibernate-validator
* Returns a document whose {@code <body>} element contains the given HTML fragment.
private Document getFragmentAsDocument(CharSequence value) {
// using the XML parser ensures that all elements in the input are retained, also if they actually are not allowed at the given
// location; E.g. a <td> element isn't allowed directly within the <body> element, so it would be used by the default HTML parser.
// we need to retain it though to apply the given white list properly; See HV-873
Document fragment = Jsoup.parse( value.toString(), baseURI, Parser.xmlParser() );
Document document = Document.createShell( baseURI );
// add the fragment's nodes to the body of resulting document
Iterator<Element> nodes = fragment.children().iterator();
while ( nodes.hasNext() ) {
document.body().appendChild( nodes.next() );
return document;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.hibernate-validator
* Returns a document whose {@code <body>} element contains the given HTML fragment.
private Document getFragmentAsDocument(CharSequence value) {
// using the XML parser ensures that all elements in the input are retained, also if they actually are not allowed at the given
// location; E.g. a <td> element isn't allowed directly within the <body> element, so it would be used by the default HTML parser.
// we need to retain it though to apply the given white list properly; See HV-873
Document fragment = Jsoup.parse( value.toString(), "", Parser.xmlParser() );
Document document = Document.createShell( "" );
// add the fragment's nodes to the body of resulting document
Iterator<Element> nodes = fragment.children().iterator();
while ( nodes.hasNext() ) {
document.body().appendChild( nodes.next() );
return document;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kantega.openaksess/openaksess-core
public Document runFilter(Document document) {
final Document clean = Document.createShell(document.baseUri());
if (document.body() != null) // frameset documents won't have a body. the clean doc will have empty body.
copySafeNodes(document.body(), clean.body());
return clean;