
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]A Sign links three things together

  1. the signifier (ID) used to identify the sign
  2. the description (Representation) for the signified entity
  3. the organisation (Site) that provides this description


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Getter for the value of the {@link #SOURCE} property of the parsed
 * Entity.
 * @param entity the entity
 * @return the value or <code>null</code> if not present.
public static String getSourceId(Entity entity) {
  Object id = entity.getRepresentation().getFirst(SOURCE);
  return id != null?id.toString():null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public Suggestion(Entity entity) {
  this.entity = entity;
  this.entityUri = new IRI(entity.getId()); = entity.getSite();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Stores both the Representation and the Metadata of the parsed Entity to the
 * parsed yard.<p>
 * This Method also updated the modification date of the Metadata.
 * @param entity the stored entity
 * @throws YardException
private void storeEntity(Entity entity) throws YardException{
  if(entity != null){;
    entity.getMetadata().set(NamespaceEnum.dcTerms+"modified", new Date());;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

public boolean equals(Object o) {
  return o instanceof Entity && 
    representation.equals(((Entity)o).getRepresentation()) &&
    site.equals(((Entity)o).getSite()) &&

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

   * @param entity
   * @return
   * @throws JSONException
  private JSONObject convertEntityToJSON(Entity entity) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject jSign;
    jSign = new JSONObject();
    jSign.put("id", entity.getId());
    jSign.put("site", entity.getSite());
//        Representation rep = sign.getRepresentation();
    jSign.put("representation", toJSON(entity.getRepresentation()));
    jSign.put("metadata", toJSON(entity.getMetadata()));
    return jSign;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

for (Suggestion suggestion : entitySuggestions.getValue()) {
  log.debug("Add Suggestion {} for {}", suggestion.getEntity().getId(),
  EnhancementRDFUtils.writeEntityAnnotation(this, literalFactory, graph, ci.getUri(),
    entityData.put(suggestion.getEntity().getId(), suggestion.getEntity()

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

public final Entity delete(String id) throws EntityhubException, IllegalArgumentException {
  if(id == null || id.isEmpty()){
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed id MUST NOT be NULL nor emtpty!");
  Entity entity = loadEntity(id);
  if(entity != null){
    log.debug("delete Entity {} as requested by the parsed id {}",entity.getId(),id);
    //we need to remove all mappings for this Entity
  } else {
    log.debug("Unable to delete Entity for id {}, because no Entity for this id is" +
        "managed by the Entityhub",id);
  return entity;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

 * Adds the Triples that represent the Sign to the parsed graph. Note that
 * this method does not add triples for the representation. However it adds
 * the triple (sign,singRepresentation,representation)
 * @param graph the graph to add the triples
 * @param sign the sign
private void addEntityTriplesToGraph(Model graph, Entity sign) {
  URI id = sesameFactory.createURI(sign.getId());
  URI metaId = sesameFactory.createURI(sign.getMetadata().getId());
  //add the FOAF triples between metadata and content
  graph.add(id, FOAF_PRIMARY_TOPIC_OF, metaId);
  graph.add(metaId, FOAF_PRIMARY_TOPIC, metaId);
  graph.add(metaId, RDF_TYPE, FOAF_DOCUMENT);
  //add the site to the metadata
  //TODO: this should be the HTTP URI and not the id of the referenced site
  Literal siteName = sesameFactory.createLiteral(sign.getSite());
  graph.add(metaId, EH_SIGN_SITE, siteName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Setter for the modified date (replaces existing values)
 * @param date the new date
public void setModified(Date date) {
  if(date != null){
    wrappedEntity.getMetadata().set(NamespaceEnum.dcTerms+"modified", date);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

String nameField, 
                    String lang) {
Representation rep = suggestion.getEntity().getRepresentation();
if(suggestion.getEntity().getSite() != null){
  graph.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, 
    new IRI(, 
    new PlainLiteralImpl(suggestion.getEntity().getSite())));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

Entity guess =;
Float score =
    guess.getRepresentation().getFirst(RdfResourceEnum.resultScore.getUri(), Float.class);
if (score == null) {
  log.warn("Missing Score for Entityhub Query Result {}!", guess.getId());
  maxScore = score;
IRI uri = new IRI(guess.getId());
Suggestion suggestion = savedEntity.getSuggestion(uri);
if (suggestion == null) {" - not found {}", guess.getId());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public boolean equals(Object o) {
  return o instanceof Entity && 
    representation.equals(((Entity)o).getRepresentation()) &&
    site.equals(((Entity)o).getSite()) &&

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public final Entity delete(String id) throws EntityhubException, IllegalArgumentException {
  if(id == null || id.isEmpty()){
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed id MUST NOT be NULL nor emtpty!");
  Entity entity = loadEntity(id);
  if(entity != null){
    log.debug("delete Entity {} as requested by the parsed id {}",entity.getId(),id);
    //we need to remove all mappings for this Entity
  } else {
    log.debug("Unable to delete Entity for id {}, because no Entity for this id is" +
        "managed by the Entityhub",id);
  return entity;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

 * Adds the Triples that represent the Sign to the parsed graph. Note that
 * this method does not add triples for the representation. However it adds
 * the triple (sign,singRepresentation,representation)
 * @param graph the graph to add the triples
 * @param sign the sign
private void addEntityTriplesToGraph(Graph graph, Entity sign) {
  IRI id = new IRI(sign.getId());
  IRI metaId = new IRI(sign.getMetadata().getId());
  //add the FOAF triples between metadata and content
  graph.add(new TripleImpl(id, FOAF_PRIMARY_TOPIC_OF, metaId));
  graph.add(new TripleImpl(metaId, FOAF_PRIMARY_TOPIC, metaId));
  graph.add(new TripleImpl(metaId, RDF.type, FOAF_DOCUMENT));
  //add the site to the metadata
  //TODO: this should be the HTTP URI and not the id of the referenced site
  Literal siteName = literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(sign.getSite());
  graph.add(new TripleImpl(metaId, SIGN_SITE, siteName));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Removes a link to the creator
 * @param reference the creator
public final void removeCreatorLink(String reference) {
  wrappedEntity.getMetadata().removeReference(NamespaceEnum.dcTerms+"creator", reference);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Setter for the expire date for this representation.
 * @param date the date or <code>null</code> if this representation does not
 * expire
public final void setExpires(Date date) {
  wrappedEntity.getRepresentation().set(EXPIRES, date);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

 * Stores both the Representation and the Metadata of the parsed Entity to the
 * parsed yard.<p>
 * This Method also updated the modification date of the Metadata.
 * @param entity the stored entity
 * @throws YardException
private void storeEntity(Entity entity) throws YardException{
  if(entity != null){;
    entity.getMetadata().set(NamespaceEnum.dcTerms+"modified", new Date());;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

Representation rep = match.getEntity().getRepresentation();
Float score = rep.getFirst(RdfResourceEnum.resultScore.getUri(), Float.class);
if (maxScore == null) {
  log.debug("No value of {} for Entity {}!", nameField, match.getEntity().getId());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

try {
  Entity entity =;
  updated.put(entity.getId(), entity);
}catch (EntityhubException e) {
  log.error(String.format("Exception while storing Entity %s" +
  ResponseBuilder rb = Response.created(uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder()
    .queryParam("id", "{entityId}")

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.core

 * Adds an attribution to the metadata of the entity
 * @param text the attribution
 * @param lang the language of the attribution (optional)
public final void addAttributionText(String text,String lang){
  if(text != null && !text.isEmpty()){
    wrappedEntity.getMetadata().addNaturalText("attributionName", text,lang);
