
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Convenience methods for working with entities.

Also see the various Methods classes for traits, such as StartableMethods for Startable implementations.


代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** convenience for starting an entity, esp a new Startable instance which has been created dynamically
 * (after the application is started) */
public static void start(Entity e, Collection<? extends Location> locations) {
  if (!isManaged(e) && !manage(e)) {
    log.warn("Using discouraged mechanism to start management -- Entities.start(Application, Locations) -- caller should create and use the preferred management context");
  if (e instanceof Startable) Entities.invokeEffector((EntityLocal)e, e, Startable.START,
      MutableMap.of("locations", locations)).getUnchecked();

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public static DownloadResolver newDownloader(EntityDriver driver) {
  return newDownloader(driver, ImmutableMap.<String,Object>of());

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-messaging

public void init() {
  Entities.getRequiredUrlConfig(this, TEMPLATE_CONFIGURATION_URL);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** convenience - invokes in parallel if multiple, but otherwise invokes the item directly */
public static Task<?> invokeEffector(EntityLocal callingEntity, Iterable<? extends Entity> entitiesToCall,
    final Effector<?> effector, final Map<String,?> parameters) {
  if (Iterables.size(entitiesToCall)==1)
    return invokeEffector(callingEntity, entitiesToCall.iterator().next(), effector, parameters);
    return invokeEffectorList(callingEntity, entitiesToCall, effector, parameters);
/** convenience - invokes in parallel if multiple, but otherwise invokes the item directly */

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** stops, destroys, and unmanages the given entity -- does as many as are valid given the type and state */
public static void destroy(Entity e) {
  if (isManaged(e)) {
    if (e instanceof Startable) Entities.invokeEffector((EntityLocal)e, e, Startable.STOP).getUnchecked();
    if (e instanceof EntityInternal) ((EntityInternal)e).destroy();
    log.debug("destroyed and unmanaged "+e+"; mgmt now "+
        (e.getApplicationId()==null ? "(no app)" : e.getApplication().getManagementContext())+" - managed? "+isManaged(e));
  } else {
    log.debug("skipping destroy of "+e+": not managed");

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

  public boolean apply(@Nullable Entity input) {
    return input != null && Entities.isManaged(input);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** convenience - invokes in parallel if multiple, but otherwise invokes the item directly */
public static Task<?> invokeEffector(EntityLocal callingEntity, Iterable<? extends Entity> entitiesToCall,
    final Effector<?> effector) {
  return invokeEffector(callingEntity, entitiesToCall, effector, Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap());

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

 * @deprecated since 0.6; use {@link #addNode(Location)}, so can take that location into account when configuring node
protected Entity addNode() {
  Map<?,?> creation = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(getCustomChildFlags());
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Creating and adding a node to cluster {}({}) with properties {}", new Object[] {this, getId(), creation});
  Entity entity = createNode(null, creation);
  return entity;

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-messaging

if (Entities.isManaged(this)) Entities.manage(zookeeper);
  setAttribute(ZOOKEEPER, zookeeper);
if (Entities.isManaged(this)) Entities.manage(cluster);
setAttribute(CLUSTER, cluster);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public String toString() {
  return super.toString()+"[own="+Entities.sanitize(ownConfig)+"; inherited="+Entities.sanitize(inheritedConfig)+"]";

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

 * Builds and manages the application, calling the user's {@link #doBuild()} method.
 * @throws IllegalStateException If already managed, or if called during {@link #doBuild()}, or if 
 *                               multiple concurrent calls
public final StartableApplication manage(ManagementContext managementContext) {
  if (!inManage.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Concurrent and re-entrant calls to manage() forbidden on "+this);
  try {
    checkNotManaged(); = managementContext.getEntityManager().createEntity(appSpec);
    this.managementContext = managementContext;
    Entities.startManagement(app, managementContext);
    managed = true;
    return app;
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

for (ConfigKey<?> it : sortConfigKeys(e.getEntityType().getConfigKeys())) {
  Object v = ((EntityInternal)e).getConfigMap().getRawConfig(it);
  if (!isTrivial(v)) {
    out.append(" = ");
    if (isSecret(it.getName())) out.append("xxxxxxxx");
    else if ((v instanceof Task) && ((Task<?>)v).isDone()) {
      if (((Task<?>)v).isError()) {
for (Sensor<?> it : sortSensors(e.getEntityType().getSensors())) {
  if (it instanceof AttributeSensor) {
    Object v = e.getAttribute((AttributeSensor<?>)it);
    if (!isTrivial(v)) {
      out.append(": ");
      if (isSecret(it.getName())) out.append("xxxxxxxx");
      else out.append(""+v);
  dumpInfo(policy, out, currentIndentation+tab+tab+tab, tab);
  dumpInfo(it, out, currentIndentation+tab, tab);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

  Object val = entry.getValue();
  if (!isTrivial(val)) {
    out.append(" = ");
    if (isSecret(key)) out.append("xxxxxxxx");
    else out.append(""+val);
for (Map.Entry<String,?> entry : sortMap(FlagUtils.getFieldsWithFlags(loc)).entrySet()) {
  String key = entry.getKey();
  Object val = entry.getValue();
  if (!isTrivial(val)) {
    out.append(" = ");
    if (isSecret(key)) out.append("xxxxxxxx");
    else out.append(""+val);
  dumpInfo(it, out, currentIndentation+tab, tab);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

/** stops, destroys, and unmanages all apps in the given context,
 * and then terminates the management context */
public static void destroyAll(ManagementContext mgmt) {
  Exception error = null;
  if (mgmt instanceof NonDeploymentManagementContext) {
    // log here because it is easy for tests to destroyAll(app.getMgmtContext())
    // which will *not* destroy the mgmt context if the app has been stopped!
    log.warn("Entities.destroyAll invoked on non-deployment "+mgmt+" - not likely to have much effect! " +
        "(This usually means the mgmt context has been taken from entity has been destroyed. " +
        "To destroy other things on the management context ensure you keep a handle to the context " +
        "before the entity is destroyed, such as by creating the management context first.)");
  if (!mgmt.isRunning()) return;
  log.debug("destroying all apps in "+mgmt+": "+mgmt.getApplications());
  for (Application app: mgmt.getApplications()) {
    log.debug("destroying app "+app+" (managed? "+isManaged(app)+"; mgmt is "+mgmt+")");
    try {
      log.debug("destroyed app "+app+"; mgmt now "+mgmt);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("problems destroying app "+app+" (mgmt now "+mgmt+", will rethrow at least one exception): "+e);
      if (error==null) error = e;
  if (mgmt instanceof ManagementContextInternal) 
  if (error!=null) throw Exceptions.propagate(error);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-software-webapp

public synchronized void updateNeeded() {
  if (updateNeeded) return;
  updateNeeded = true;
  LOG.debug("queueing an update-needed task for "+this+"; update will occur shortly");
  Entities.submit(this, Tasks.builder().name("update-needed").body(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      if (updateNeeded)

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public static void dumpInfo(Iterable<? extends Entity> entities) {
  for (Entity e : entities) {

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public static void dumpInfo(Policy pol, Writer out, String currentIndentation, String tab) throws IOException {
  for (ConfigKey<?> key : sortConfigKeys(pol.getPolicyType().getConfigKeys())) {
    Object val = ((AbstractPolicy)pol).getConfigMap().getRawConfig(key);
    if (!isTrivial(val)) {
      out.append(" = ");
      if (isSecret(key.getName())) out.append("xxxxxxxx");
      else out.append(""+val);

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-launcher

/** Launches the web console on the given port, and a Brooklyn application, with a single command.
 * For readability and flexibility, clients may prefer the {@link #newLauncher()} builder-style syntax.
 * @deprecated in 0.5; use newInstance().webconsolePort(port).shutdownOnExit(shutdownApp).webconsole(startWebConsole).application(app).start()
public static ManagementContext manage(final AbstractApplication app, int port, boolean shutdownApp, boolean startWebConsole) {
  // Locate the management context
  LocalManagementContext context = (LocalManagementContext) app.getManagementContext();
  if (startWebConsole) {
    try {
      new BrooklynWebServer(context, port).start();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to start Brooklyn web-console", e);
  if (shutdownApp) Entities.invokeStopOnShutdown(app);
  return context;

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

public static <K> Map<K,Object> sanitize(Map<K,?> input) {
  Map<K,Object> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
  for (Map.Entry<K,?> e: input.entrySet()) {
    if (isSecret(""+e.getKey())) result.put(e.getKey(), "xxxxxxxx");
    else result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: io.brooklyn/brooklyn-core

 * stops, destroys, and unmanages the given application -- and terminates the mangaement context;
 * does as many as are valid given the type and state
 * @deprecated since 0.6.0 use destroy(Application) if you DONT want to destroy the mgmt context,
 * or destroy(app.getManagementContext()) if you want to destory everything in the app's mgmt context
public static void destroyAll(Application app) {
  if (isManaged(app)) {
    ManagementContext managementContext = app.getManagementContext();
    if (app instanceof Startable) Entities.invokeEffector((EntityLocal)app, app, Startable.STOP).getUnchecked();
    if (app instanceof AbstractEntity) ((AbstractEntity)app).destroy();
    if (managementContext instanceof ManagementContextInternal) ((ManagementContextInternal)managementContext).terminate();
