
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]A generic factory interface for creating instances that do not need any additional dependencies or parameters. If the implementation is not always creating new instances, you should probably use java.util.function.Supplier.


代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
@Documented( "Get all indexes." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void get_indexes() throws Exception
  String labelName1 = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey1 = properties.newInstance();
  String labelName2 = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey2 = properties.newInstance();
  createIndex( labelName1, propertyKey1 );
  createIndex( labelName2, propertyKey2 );
  List<Map<String,Object>> serializedList = retryOnStillPopulating(
      () -> gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 ).get( getSchemaIndexUri() ).entity() );
  Map<String,Object> index1 = new HashMap<>();
  index1.put( "label", labelName1 );
  index1.put( "labels", singletonList( labelName1 ) );
  index1.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey1 ) );
  Map<String,Object> index2 = new HashMap<>();
  index2.put( "label", labelName2 );
  index2.put( "labels", singletonList( labelName2 ) );
  index2.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey2 ) );
  assertThat( serializedList, hasItems( index1, index2 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

try ( PrimitiveCollection a = factory.newInstance() )
  int o = a.hashCode();
  assertThat( "0 elm hashcode equal", o, is( i ) );
  assertThat( "1 elm hashcode equal", n, is( j ) );
  assertThat( "2 elm hashcode equal", m, is( k ) );
  assertThat( "3 elm hashcode distinct", l, not( isOneOf( i, j, k, m, n, o ) ) );
  assertThat( "2 elm hashcode distinct", k, not( isOneOf( i, j, l, n, o ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Documented( "Create index.\n" +
       "\n" +
       "This will start a background job in the database that will create and populate the index.\n" +
       "You can check the status of your index by listing all the indexes for the relevant label." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void create_index() throws JsonParseException
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey = properties.newInstance();
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  String result = gen.get()
      .expectedStatus( 200 )
      .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) )
      .post( getSchemaIndexLabelUri( labelName ) )
  Map<String,Object> serialized = jsonToMap( result );
  Map<String,Object> index = new HashMap<>();
  index.put( "label", labelName );
  index.put( "labels", singletonList( labelName ) );
  index.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  assertThat( serialized, equalTo( index ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

final String index = indexes.newInstance();
String key = "name";
String value = "Peter";
GraphDatabaseService graphdb = graphdb();
helper.createRelationshipIndex( index );
try ( Transaction tx = graphdb.beginTx() )
  Node node1 = graphdb.createNode();
  Node node2 = graphdb.createNode();
  Relationship rel = node1.createRelationshipTo( node2, MyRelationshipTypes.KNOWS );
  graphdb.index().forRelationships( index ).add( rel, key, value );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Documented( "List indexes for a label." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void get_indexes_for_label() throws Exception
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey = properties.newInstance();
  createIndex( labelName, propertyKey );
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  List<Map<String,Object>> serializedList = retryOnStillPopulating( () -> gen.get()
                                    .expectedStatus( 200 )
                                    .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) )
                                    .get( getSchemaIndexLabelUri( labelName ) )
                                    .entity() );
  Map<String,Object> index = new HashMap<>();
  index.put( "label", labelName );
  index.put( "labels", singletonList( labelName ) );
  index.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  assertThat( serializedList, hasItem( index ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Documented( "Get a specific uniqueness constraint.\n" +
       "Get a specific uniqueness constraint for a label and a property." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void getLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraint() throws JsonParseException
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey = properties.newInstance();
  createLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraint( labelName, propertyKey );
  String result = gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 ).get(
      getSchemaConstraintLabelUniquenessPropertyUri( labelName, propertyKey ) ).entity();
  List<Map<String, Object>> serializedList = jsonToList( result );
  Map<String, Object> constraint = new HashMap<>(  );
  constraint.put( "type", );
  constraint.put( "label", labelName );
  constraint.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  assertThat( serializedList, hasItem( constraint ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void get_or_create_node_with_array_properties() throws Exception
  final String index = indexes.newInstance();
  String key = "name";
  String value = "Tobias";
  helper.createNodeIndex( index );
  ResponseEntity response = gen()
      .expectedStatus( 201 /* created */ )
      .payloadType( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE )
      .payload( "{\"key\": \"" + key + "\", \"value\": \"" + value
                          + "\", \"properties\": {\"" + key + "\": \"" + value
                          + "\", \"array\": [1,2,3]}}" )
                 .post( functionalTestHelper.nodeIndexUri() + index + "?unique" );
  MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = response.response().getHeaders();
  Map<String, Object> result = JsonHelper.jsonToMap( response.entity() );
  String location = headers.getFirst("Location");
  assertEquals( result.get( "indexed" ), location );
  Map<String, Object> data = assertCast( Map.class, result.get( "data" ) );
  assertEquals( value, data.get( key ) );
  assertEquals(Arrays.asList( 1, 2, 3), data.get( "array" ) );
  Node node;
  try ( Transaction tx = graphdb().beginTx() )
    node = graphdb().index().forNodes(index).get(key, value).getSingle();
  assertThat( node, inTx( graphdb(), hasProperty( key ).withValue( value ) ) );
  assertThat( node, inTx( graphdb(), hasProperty( "array" ).withValue( new int[]{1, 2, 3} ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void create_compound_schema_index()
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys",
      asList( properties.newInstance(), properties.newInstance() ) );
  gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 )
      .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) ).post( getSchemaIndexLabelUri( labels.newInstance() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public ResourceIterator<Path> iterator()
  TraverserIterator traverserIterator = traverserIteratorFactory.newInstance();
  lastIterator = traverserIterator;
  return traverserIterator;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@Documented( "Create uniqueness constraint.\n" +
       "Create a uniqueness constraint on a property." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void createPropertyUniquenessConstraint() throws JsonParseException
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey = properties.newInstance();
  Map<String, Object> definition = map( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  String result = gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 ).payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) ).post(
      getSchemaConstraintLabelUniquenessUri( labelName ) ).entity();
  Map<String, Object> serialized = jsonToMap( result );
  Map<String, Object> constraint = new HashMap<>(  );
  constraint.put( "type", );
  constraint.put( "label", labelName );
  constraint.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
  assertThat( serialized, equalTo( constraint ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void already_indexed_relationship_should_not_fail_on_create_or_fail()
  // Given
  final String index = indexes.newInstance();
  String key = "name";
  String value = "Peter";
  GraphDatabaseService graphdb = graphdb();
  helper.createRelationshipIndex( index );
  Relationship rel;
  try ( Transaction tx = graphdb.beginTx() )
    Node node1 = graphdb.createNode();
    Node node2 = graphdb.createNode();
    rel = node1.createRelationshipTo( node2, MyRelationshipTypes.KNOWS );
    graphdb.index().forRelationships( index ).add( rel, key, value );
  // When & Then
      .expectedStatus( 201 )
      .payloadType( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE )
          "{\"key\": \"" + key + "\", \"value\": \"" + value + "\", \"uri\":\""
              + functionalTestHelper.relationshipUri( rel.getId() ) + "\"}" )
      .post( functionalTestHelper.relationshipIndexUri() + index + "?uniqueness=create_or_fail" );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void create_compound_schema_constraint()
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys",
      asList( properties.newInstance(), properties.newInstance() ) );
  gen.get().expectedStatus( 405 )
      .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) ).post( getSchemaConstraintLabelUri( labels.newInstance() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

protected R create()
  return factory.newInstance();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void already_indexed_node_should_not_fail_on_create_or_fail()
  // Given
  final String index = indexes.newInstance();
  String key = "name";
  String value = "Peter";
  GraphDatabaseService graphdb = graphdb();
  helper.createNodeIndex( index );
  Node node;
  try ( Transaction tx = graphdb.beginTx() )
    node = graphdb.createNode();
    graphdb.index().forNodes( index ).add( node, key, value );
  // When & Then
      .expectedStatus( 201 )
      .payloadType( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE )
          "{\"key\": \"" + key + "\", \"value\": \"" + value + "\", \"uri\":\""
              + functionalTestHelper.nodeUri( node.getId() ) + "\"}" )
      .post( functionalTestHelper.nodeIndexUri() + index + "?uniqueness=create_or_fail" );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
@Documented( "Get all uniqueness constraints for a label." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void getLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraints() throws JsonParseException
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey1 = properties.newInstance();
  String propertyKey2 = properties.newInstance();
  createLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraint( labelName, propertyKey1 );
  createLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraint( labelName, propertyKey2 );
  String result = gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 ).get( getSchemaConstraintLabelUniquenessUri( labelName ) ).entity();
  List<Map<String, Object>> serializedList = jsonToList( result );
  Map<String, Object> constraint1 = new HashMap<>(  );
  constraint1.put( "type", );
  constraint1.put( "label", labelName );
  constraint1.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey1 ) );
  Map<String, Object> constraint2 = new HashMap<>(  );
  constraint2.put( "type", );
  constraint2.put( "label", labelName );
  constraint2.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey2 ) );
  assertThat( serializedList, hasItems( constraint1, constraint2 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void create_compound_index()
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys", asList( properties.newInstance(), properties.newInstance()) );
      .expectedStatus( 200 )
      .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) )
      .post( getSchemaIndexLabelUri( labels.newInstance() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  public AbstractIndexPartition createPartition( File partitionFolder, Directory directory ) throws IOException
    return new WritableIndexPartition( partitionFolder, directory, writerConfigFactory.newInstance() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void get_or_create_unique_node_if_already_existing() throws Exception
  final String index = indexes.newInstance();
  String key = "name";
  String value = "Peter";
  try ( Transaction tx = graphdb().beginTx() )
    Node peter = graphdb.createNode();
    peter.setProperty( key, value );
    peter.setProperty( "sequence", 1 );
    graphdb.index().forNodes( index ).add( peter, key, value );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
@Documented( "Get all constraints for a label." )
@GraphDescription.Graph( nodes = {} )
public void getLabelPropertyConstraints() throws JsonParseException
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey1 = properties.newInstance();
  createLabelUniquenessPropertyConstraint( labelName, propertyKey1 );
  String result = gen.get().expectedStatus( 200 ).get( getSchemaConstraintLabelUri( labelName ) ).entity();
  List<Map<String, Object>> serializedList = jsonToList( result );
  Map<String, Object> constraint1 = new HashMap<>(  );
  constraint1.put( "type", );
  constraint1.put( "label", labelName );
  constraint1.put( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey1 ) );
  assertThat( serializedList, hasItems( constraint1 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

 * Create an index for a label and property key which already exists.
public void create_existing_index()
  String labelName = labels.newInstance();
  String propertyKey = properties.newInstance();
  createIndex( labelName, propertyKey );
  Map<String,Object> definition = map( "property_keys", singletonList( propertyKey ) );
      .expectedStatus( 409 )
      .payload( createJsonFrom( definition ) )
      .post( getSchemaIndexLabelUri( labelName ) );

