
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]A representation of a planar, linear vector geometry.

Binary Predicates

Because it is not clear at this time what semantics for spatial analysis methods involving GeometryCollections would be useful, GeometryCollections are not supported as arguments to binary predicates or the relate method.

Overlay Methods

The overlay methods return the most specific class possible to represent the result. If the result is homogeneous, a Point, LineString, or Polygon will be returned if the result contains a single element; otherwise, a MultiPoint, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon will be returned. If the result is heterogeneous a GeometryCollection will be returned.

Because it is not clear at this time what semantics for set-theoretic methods involving GeometryCollections would be useful, GeometryCollections are not supported as arguments to the set-theoretic methods.

Representation of Computed Geometries

The SFS states that the result of a set-theoretic method is the "point-set" result of the usual set-theoretic definition of the operation (SFS However, there are sometimes many ways of representing a point set as a Geometry.

The SFS does not specify an unambiguous representation of a given point set returned from a spatial analysis method. One goal of JTS is to make this specification precise and unambiguous. JTS uses a canonical form for Geometrys returned from overlay methods. The canonical form is a Geometry which is simple and noded:

  • Simple means that the Geometry returned will be simple according to the JTS definition of isSimple.
  • Noded applies only to overlays involving LineStrings. It means that all intersection points on LineStrings will be present as endpoints of LineStrings in the result.
    This definition implies that non-simple geometries which are arguments to spatial analysis methods must be subjected to a line-dissolve process to ensure that the results are simple.
Constructed Points And The Precision Model

The results computed by the set-theoretic methods may contain constructed points which are not present in the input Geometry s. These new points arise from intersections between line segments in the edges of the input Geometrys. In the general case it is not possible to represent constructed points exactly. This is due to the fact that the coordinates of an intersection point may contain twice as many bits of precision as the coordinates of the input line segments. In order to represent these constructed points explicitly, JTS must truncate them to fit the PrecisionModel.

Unfortunately, truncating coordinates moves them slightly. Line segments which would not be coincident in the exact result may become coincident in the truncated representation. This in turn leads to "topology collapses" -- situations where a computed element has a lower dimension than it would in the exact result.

When JTS detects topology collapses during the computation of spatial analysis methods, it will throw an exception. If possible the exception will report the location of the collapse.

Geometry Equality

There are two ways of comparing geometries for equality: structural equality and topological equality.

Structural Equality

Structural Equality is provided by the #equalsExact(Geometry) method. This implements a comparison based on exact, structural pointwise equality. The #equals(Object) is a synonym for this method, to provide structural equality semantics for use in Java collections. It is important to note that structural pointwise equality is easily affected by things like ring order and component order. In many situations it will be desirable to normalize geometries before comparing them (using the #norm() or #normalize() methods). #equalsNorm(Geometry) is provided as a convenience method to compute equality over normalized geometries, but it is expensive to use. Finally, #equalsExact(Geometry,double)allows using a tolerance value for point comparison.

Topological Equality

Topological Equality is provided by the #equalsTopo(Geometry) method. It implements the SFS definition of point-set equality defined in terms of the DE-9IM matrix. To support the SFS naming convention, the method #equals(Geometry) is also provided as a synonym. However, due to the potential for confusion with #equals(Object)its use is discouraged.

Since #equals(Object) and #hashCode() are overridden, Geometries can be used effectively in Java collections.


代码示例来源:origin: com.h2database/h2

 * Test if this geometry envelope intersects with the other geometry
 * envelope.
 * @param r the other geometry
 * @return true if the two overlap
public boolean intersectsBoundingBox(ValueGeometry r) {
  // the Geometry object caches the envelope
  return getGeometryNoCopy().getEnvelopeInternal().intersects(

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

@Description("Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on the LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length.")
public static Double lineLocatePoint(@SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) Slice lineSlice, @SqlType(GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME) Slice pointSlice)
  Geometry line = JtsGeometrySerde.deserialize(lineSlice);
  Geometry point = JtsGeometrySerde.deserialize(pointSlice);
  if (line.isEmpty() || point.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  GeometryType lineType = GeometryType.getForJtsGeometryType(line.getGeometryType());
  if (lineType != GeometryType.LINE_STRING && lineType != GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING) {
    throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("First argument to line_locate_point must be a LineString or a MultiLineString. Got: %s", line.getGeometryType()));
  GeometryType pointType = GeometryType.getForJtsGeometryType(point.getGeometryType());
  if (pointType != GeometryType.POINT) {
    throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT, format("Second argument to line_locate_point must be a Point. Got: %s", point.getGeometryType()));
  return new LengthIndexedLine(line).indexOf(point.getCoordinate()) / line.getLength();

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static void writePolyline(Geometry geometry, SliceOutput output, boolean multitype)
  int numParts;
  int numPoints = geometry.getNumPoints();
  if (multitype) {
    numParts = geometry.getNumGeometries();
  else {
    numParts = numPoints > 0 ? 1 : 0;
  writeEnvelope(geometry, output);
  int partIndex = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
    partIndex += geometry.getGeometryN(i).getNumPoints();
  writeCoordinates(geometry.getCoordinates(), output);

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

private boolean testVerticesEquality(Geometry geom1, Geometry geom2) {
    if ( geom1.getNumPoints() != geom2.getNumPoints() ) {
      return false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < geom1.getNumPoints(); i++ ) {
      Coordinate cn1 = geom1.getCoordinates()[i];
      Coordinate cn2 = geom2.getCoordinates()[i];
      if ( !cn1.equals2D( cn2 ) ) {
        return false;
    return true;

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

protected boolean testTypeAndVertexEquality(Geometry geom1, Geometry geom2) {
  if ( !geom1.getGeometryType().equals( geom2.getGeometryType() ) ) {
    return false;
  if ( geom1.getNumGeometries() != geom2.getNumGeometries() ) {
    return false;
  if ( geom1.getNumPoints() != geom2.getNumPoints() ) {
    return false;
  Coordinate[] coordinates1 = geom1.getCoordinates();
  Coordinate[] coordinates2 = geom2.getCoordinates();
  for ( int i = 0; i < coordinates1.length; i++ ) {
    Coordinate c1 = coordinates1[i];
    Coordinate c2 = coordinates2[i];
    if ( !testCoordinateEquality( c1, c2 ) ) {
      return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

private Geometry clipToWorldFeatureTypeGeometry(Geometry geom) {
  // Oracle cannot deal with filters using geometries that span beyond the whole world
  if (isFeatureTypeGeometryGeodetic() && !WORLD.contains(geom.getEnvelopeInternal())) {
    Geometry result = geom.intersection(JTS.toGeometry(WORLD));
    if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) {
      if (result instanceof GeometryCollection) {
        result = distillSameTypeGeometries((GeometryCollection) result, geom);
      return result;
  return geom;

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public void smoothLinearRing() {
  Coordinate[] coords = getPolyCoords();
  LineString line = factory.createLinearRing(coords);
  Geometry smoothed = JTS.smooth(line, 0);
  assertTrue(smoothed instanceof LinearRing);
  CoordList list = new CoordList(smoothed.getCoordinates());
  Envelope lineEnv = line.getEnvelopeInternal();
  Envelope smoothEnv = smoothed.getEnvelopeInternal();

代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-orm

public boolean test(Geometry geom1, Geometry geom2) {
  if ( geom1 != null && geom1.isEmpty() ) {
    return geom2 == null || geom2.isEmpty();
  return super.test( geom1, geom2 );

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static void writeGeometryCollection(Geometry collection, DynamicSliceOutput output)
  for (int geometryIndex = 0; geometryIndex < collection.getNumGeometries(); geometryIndex++) {
    Geometry geometry = collection.getGeometryN(geometryIndex);
    int startPosition = output.size();
    // leave 4 bytes for the shape length
    writeGeometry(geometry, output);
    int endPosition = output.size();
    int length = endPosition - startPosition - Integer.BYTES;
    output.getUnderlyingSlice().setInt(startPosition, length);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

clipped = clipper.clip(geom, true);
} else {
  if (geom.getEnvelopeInternal().intersects(clip.getEnvelopeInternal())) {
    clipped = clip.intersection(geom);
    new GeometryDimensionCollector(geom.getDimension());
Geometry result = collector.collect();
if (result == null) {
if (preserveZ && !geom.equalsExact(clipped)) {
  if (result.getDimension() == 2 || result.getDimension() == 0) {
    result.apply(new IDWElevationInterpolator(geom, crs));
  } else if (result.getDimension() == 1) {
    result.apply(new LinearElevationInterpolator(geom, crs));

代码示例来源:origin: locationtech/spatial4j

 * This "pages" through standard geo boundaries offset by multiples of 360
 * longitudinally that intersect geom, and the intersecting results of a page
 * and the geom are shifted into the standard -180 to +180 and added to a new
 * geometry that is returned.
private static Geometry cutUnwrappedGeomInto360(Geometry geom) {
 Envelope geomEnv = geom.getEnvelopeInternal();
 if (geomEnv.getMinX() >= -180 && geomEnv.getMaxX() <= 180)
  return geom;
 assert geom.isValid() : "geom";
 //TODO opt: support geom's that start at negative pages --
 // ... will avoid need to previously shift in unwrapDateline(geom).
 List<Geometry> geomList = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
 //page 0 is the standard -180 to 180 range
 for (int page = 0; true; page++) {
  double minX = -180 + page * 360;
  if (geomEnv.getMaxX() <= minX)
  Geometry rect = geom.getFactory().toGeometry(new Envelope(minX, minX + 360, -90, 90));
  assert rect.isValid() : "rect";
  Geometry pageGeom = rect.intersection(geom);//JTS is doing some hard work
  assert pageGeom.isValid() : "pageGeom";
  shiftGeomByX(pageGeom, page * -360);
 return UnaryUnionOp.union(geomList);

代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto

private static void writeEnvelope(Geometry geometry, SliceOutput output)
  if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  Envelope envelope = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public static ReferencedEnvelope reprojectEnvelope(
    ReferencedEnvelope sourceEnvelope,
    CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS,
    ReferencedEnvelope targetReferenceEnvelope)
    throws FactoryException, TransformException {
  Geometry reprojected =
          sourceEnvelope, targetCRS, targetReferenceEnvelope);
  if (reprojected == null) {
    return new ReferencedEnvelope(targetCRS);
  } else {
    if (reprojected.getNumGeometries() > 1) {
      return new ReferencedEnvelope(
          reprojected.getGeometryN(0).getEnvelopeInternal(), targetCRS);
    } else {
      return new ReferencedEnvelope(reprojected.getEnvelopeInternal(), targetCRS);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public void smoothMultiLineString() {
  LineString[] lines = new LineString[3];
  lines[0] = factory.createLineString(getLineCoords(0));
  lines[1] = factory.createLineString(getLineCoords(10));
  lines[2] = factory.createLineString(getLineCoords(20));
  MultiLineString mls = factory.createMultiLineString(lines);
  Geometry smoothed = JTS.smooth(mls, 0);
  assertTrue(smoothed instanceof MultiLineString);
  assertEquals(3, smoothed.getNumGeometries());
  Envelope mlsEnv = mls.getEnvelopeInternal();
  Envelope smoothEnv = smoothed.getEnvelopeInternal();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

 * Tests if a specified {@link Point2D}is inside the boundary of the <code>Shape</code>.
 * @param p a specified <code>Point2D</code>
 * @return <code>true</code> if the specified <code>Point2D</code> is inside the boundary of the
 *     <code>Shape</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean contains(Point2D p) {
  Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(p.getX(), p.getY());
  Geometry point = geometry.getFactory().createPoint(coord);
  return geometry.contains(point);

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

private void initCRS(Geometry g) {
    // see if we have a native CRS in the mix
    if (crs == null && g.getUserData() instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem) {
      crs = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) g.getUserData();
    if (srid == -1 && g.getSRID() > 0) {
      srid = g.getSRID();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

protected void visitLiteralGeometry(Literal expression) throws IOException {
  Geometry g = (Geometry) evaluateLiteral(expression, Geometry.class);
  if (g instanceof LinearRing) {
    // WKT does not support linear rings
    g = g.getFactory().createLineString(((LinearRing) g).getCoordinateSequence());
  out.write("ST_GeomFromText('" + g.toText() + "', " + currentSRID + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public void filter(Geometry gmtr) {
  if (MultiPolygon.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) {
    if (gmtr.getArea() != 0.0d && gmtr.getGeometryType().equals("Polygon")) {
  if (MultiLineString.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) {
    if (gmtr.getLength() != 0.0d && gmtr.getGeometryType().equals("LineString")) {
  if (MultiPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) {
    if (gmtr.getNumGeometries() > 0 && gmtr.getGeometryType().equals("Point")) {
  if (Point.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) {
    if (gmtr.getGeometryType().equals("Point")) {

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public ROI intersect(ROI roi) {
  final Geometry geom = getGeometry(roi);
  // is it a rectangle?
  if (geom != null && geom.equalsExact(geom.getEnvelope())) {
    GeometryClipper clipper = new GeometryClipper(geom.getEnvelopeInternal());
    Geometry intersect = clipper.clip(getAsGeometry(), true);
    return new ROIGeometry(intersect);
  } else {
    return super.intersect(roi);

代码示例来源:origin: com.h2database/h2

private static int getDimensionCount(Geometry geometry) {
  ZVisitor finder = new ZVisitor();
  return finder.isFoundZ() ? 3 : 2;
