代码示例来源:origin: com.wavefront/java-lib
AgentConfiguration checkin(@PathParam("sshDaemonId") final UUID agentId,
@QueryParam("hostname") String hostname,
@QueryParam("token") String token,
@QueryParam("version") String version,
@QueryParam("currentMillis") final Long currentMillis,
@QueryParam("local") Boolean localAgent,
@GZIP JsonNode agentMetrics,
@QueryParam("push") Boolean pushAgent,
@QueryParam("ephemeral") Boolean ephemeral);
代码示例来源:origin: wavefrontHQ/java
AgentConfiguration checkin(@PathParam("sshDaemonId") final UUID agentId,
@QueryParam("hostname") String hostname,
@QueryParam("token") String token,
@QueryParam("version") String version,
@QueryParam("currentMillis") final Long currentMillis,
@QueryParam("local") Boolean localAgent,
@GZIP JsonNode agentMetrics,
@QueryParam("push") Boolean pushAgent,
@QueryParam("ephemeral") Boolean ephemeral);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Suspect Metrics data as CSV")
StreamingOutput suspectMetrics(@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the drift compliance data")
StreamingOutput generateReport(
@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@QueryParam("resourceTypeId") String resourceTypeId,
@QueryParam("version") String version);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Recent drift data as CSV")
StreamingOutput recentDrift(
@QueryParam("categories") String categories,
@QueryParam("snapshot") Integer snapshot,
@QueryParam("path") String path,
@QueryParam("definition") String definitionName,
@QueryParam("startTime") Long startTime,
@QueryParam("endTime") Long endTime,
@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Configuration History data as CSV")
StreamingOutput configurationHistory(@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Recent Operations Data as CSV")
StreamingOutput recentOperations(
@QueryParam("status") @DefaultValue("inprogress,success,failure,canceled") String operationRequestStatus,
@QueryParam("startTime") Long startTime,
@QueryParam("endTime") Long endTime,
@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: com.wavefront/java-lib
* Post work unit results from an agent executing a particular work unit on a host machine.
* @param agentId Agent Id of the agent reporting the result.
* @param workUnitId Work unit that the agent is reporting.
* @param targetId The target that's reporting the result.
* @param shellOutputDTO The output of running the work unit.
Response postWorkUnitResult(@PathParam("agentId") UUID agentId,
@PathParam("workUnitId") UUID workUnitId,
@PathParam("hostId") UUID targetId,
@GZIP @Valid ShellOutputDTO shellOutputDTO);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Platform utilization data as CSV")
StreamingOutput generateReport(@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: wavefrontHQ/java
* Post work unit results from an agent executing a particular work unit on a host machine.
* @param agentId Agent Id of the agent reporting the result.
* @param workUnitId Work unit that the agent is reporting.
* @param targetId The target that's reporting the result.
* @param shellOutputDTO The output of running the work unit.
Response postWorkUnitResult(@PathParam("agentId") UUID agentId,
@PathParam("workUnitId") UUID workUnitId,
@PathParam("hostId") UUID targetId,
@GZIP @Valid ShellOutputDTO shellOutputDTO);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Recent Alert data as CSV")
StreamingOutput recentAlerts(
@QueryParam("alertPriority") @DefaultValue("high,medium,low") String alertPriority,
@QueryParam("startTime") Long startTime,
@QueryParam("endTime") Long endTime,
@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the AlertDefinitions as CSV")
StreamingOutput alertDefinitions(@Context HttpServletRequest request);
代码示例来源:origin: com.wavefront/java-lib
* Post batched data from pushed data (graphitehead, statsd) that was proxied through the collector.
* @param agentId Agent Id of the agent reporting the result.
* @param workUnitId Work unit that the agent is reporting.
* @param currentMillis Current millis on the agent (to adjust for timing).
* @param format The format of the data
* @param pushData The batched push data
Response postPushData(@PathParam("agentId") UUID agentId,
@PathParam("workUnitId") UUID workUnitId,
@Deprecated @QueryParam("currentMillis") Long currentMillis,
@QueryParam("format") String format,
@GZIP String pushData);
代码示例来源:origin: wavefrontHQ/java
* Post batched data from pushed data (graphitehead, statsd) that was proxied through the collector.
* @param agentId Agent Id of the agent reporting the result.
* @param workUnitId Work unit that the agent is reporting.
* @param currentMillis Current millis on the agent (to adjust for timing).
* @param format The format of the data
* @param pushData The batched push data
Response postPushData(@PathParam("agentId") UUID agentId,
@PathParam("workUnitId") UUID workUnitId,
@Deprecated @QueryParam("currentMillis") Long currentMillis,
@QueryParam("format") String format,
@GZIP String pushData);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Recent Alert data as CSV", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput recentAlerts(
@QueryParam("alertPriority") @DefaultValue("high,medium,low") String alertPriority,
@QueryParam("startTime") Long startTime,
@QueryParam("endTime") Long endTime,
@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
return recentAlertLocal.recentAlertsInternal(alertPriority, startTime, endTime, request, caller);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Inventory Summary data as CSV", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput generateInventorySummaryReport(
@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@QueryParam("resourceTypeId") String resourceTypeId,
@QueryParam("version") String version) {
return inventorySummaryLocal.generateReportInternal(request,resourceTypeId,version,caller);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the drift compliance data", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput generateDriftComplianceReport(
@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@QueryParam("resourceTypeId") String resourceTypeId,
@QueryParam("version") String version) {
return driftComplianceLocal.generateReportInternal(request,resourceTypeId,version,caller);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Suspect Metrics data as CSV", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput suspectMetrics(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
return suspectMetricLocal.suspectMetricsInternal(request,caller);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the Configuration History data as CSV", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput configurationHistory(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
return configurationHistoryLocal.configurationHistoryInternal(request,caller);
代码示例来源:origin: org.rhq/rhq-enterprise-server
@ApiOperation(value = "Export the AlertDefinitions as CSV", responseClass = "String", multiValueResponse = true)
public StreamingOutput alertDefinitions(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
return alertDefinitionLocal.alertDefinitionsInternal(request, caller);