
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bndlib

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object,Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bndlib

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr, parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bndlib

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r, (String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bndlib

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr,Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr,Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr,parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.configurer.simple.provider

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r, (String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bnd

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr, parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bnd

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object,Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bnd

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r, (String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bnd

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr,Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr,Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr,parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.jsonrpc.simple.provider

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object,Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bndlib

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r,(String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.jsonrpc.simple.provider

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr, parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.configurer.simple.provider

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object, Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/bnd

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r,(String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr, parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bnd

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object, Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r,(String) key);

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.dtos.bndlib.provider

return h.decodeObject(isr);
  return h.decodeArray(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, string);
  return h.decode(isr);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.TRUE);
  return h.decode(isr, Boolean.FALSE);
case '9' :
case '-' :
  return h.decode(isr, parseNumber(isr));

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.easse.simple.adapter

void encode(Encoder app, Object object, Type type, Map<Object,Type> visited) throws Exception {
  // Get the null out of the way
  if (object == null) {
  // If we have no type or the type is Object.class
  // we take the type of the object itself. Normally types
  // come from declaration sites (returns, fields, methods, etc)
  // and contain generic info.
  if (type == null || type == Object.class)
    type = object.getClass();
  // Dispatch to the handler who knows how to handle the given type.
  Handler h = getHandler(type, object.getClass());
  h.encode(app, object, visited);

代码示例来源:origin: org.osgi/osgi.enroute.dtos.bndlib.provider

if (!(keyType == null || keyType == Object.class)) {
  Handler h = r.codec.getHandler(keyType, null);
  key = h.decode(r,(String) key);
