
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: ReactiveX/RxJava

@Ignore("This is not a separate class anymore")
public void constructorShouldBePrivate() {
  // TestHelper.checkUtilityClass(BlockingOperatorToIterator.class);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightNullability() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
       rowsMetadata.isNullable( 18 ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getInt_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getInt( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnType_forREAL() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqREAL ),
       equalTo( Types.REAL ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBINARY() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ),
       equalTo( "BINARY" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_matches() throws SQLException {
   rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
   // (equalTo because Short is final)
   equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqSMALLINT ).getClass().getName() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getLong_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getLong( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2L ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getObject_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (Object) 5.5f ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "unless and until all COLUMNS columns are present" )
public void testMetadataHasRightNumberOfColumns() throws SQLException {
 // Is this check valid?  (Are extra columns allowed?)
 assertThat( "column count", rowsMetadata.getColumnCount(), equalTo( 50 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
public void test_getBigDecimal_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( 1 ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getPrecision_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 5 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_isShort() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
       equalTo( Short.class.getName() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
public void test_getDouble_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( 1D ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getFloat_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( 5.5f ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getShort_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getShort( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (short) 5 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: languagetool-org/languagetool

@Ignore("interferes with LuceneSingleIndexLanguageModel")
public void testSort() {
 URL ngramUrl = JLanguageTool.getDataBroker().getFromResourceDirAsUrl("/yy/ngram-index");
 try (LuceneLanguageModel model = new LuceneLanguageModel(new File(ngramUrl.getFile()))) {
  SuggestionSorter sorter = new SuggestionSorter(model);
  assertThat(sorter.sortSuggestions(Arrays.asList("thee", "the", "teh")), is(Arrays.asList("the", "thee", "teh")));
  assertThat(sorter.sortSuggestions(Arrays.asList("nuce", "foo", "nice")), is(Arrays.asList("nice", "nuce", "foo")));
  assertThat(sorter.sortSuggestions(Arrays.asList("nuce")), is(Arrays.asList("nuce")));
  assertThat(sorter.sortSuggestions(Arrays.asList("nice")), is(Arrays.asList("nice")));
  assertThat(sorter.sortSuggestions(Arrays.asList("")), is(Arrays.asList("")));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
public void test_getByte_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( testDataRow.getByte( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (byte) 5 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
public void test_getScale_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 3 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

@Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
public void test_isSigned_forBINARY_1048576() throws SQLException {
 assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ), equalTo( false ) );
