
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]This class emulates the new Java 7 "Try-With-Resources" statement. Remove once Lucene is on Java 7.
[中]这个类模拟新的Java7“trywithresources”语句。一旦Lucene在Java 7上,就删除它。


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

 * Creates a CharArraySet from a path.
 * @param stopwords
 *          the stopwords file to load
 * @return a CharArraySet containing the distinct stopwords from the given
 *         file
 * @throws IOException
 *           if loading the stopwords throws an {@link IOException}
protected static CharArraySet loadStopwordSet(Path stopwords) throws IOException {
 Reader reader = null;
 try {
  reader = Files.newBufferedReader(stopwords, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
  return WordlistLoader.getWordSet(reader);
 } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

Lucene70NormsProducer(SegmentReadState state, String dataCodec, String dataExtension, String metaCodec, String metaExtension) throws IOException {
 maxDoc = state.segmentInfo.maxDoc();
 String metaName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(, state.segmentSuffix, metaExtension);
 int version = -1;
 try (ChecksumIndexInput in =, state.context)) {
  Throwable priorE = null;
  try {
   version = CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(in, metaCodec, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix);
   readFields(in, state.fieldInfos);
  } catch (Throwable exception) {
   priorE = exception;
  } finally {
   CodecUtil.checkFooter(in, priorE);
 String dataName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(, state.segmentSuffix, dataExtension);
 data =, state.context);
 boolean success = false;
 try {
  final int version2 = CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(data, dataCodec, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT, state.segmentInfo.getId(), state.segmentSuffix);
  if (version != version2) {
   throw new CorruptIndexException("Format versions mismatch: meta=" + version + ",data=" + version2, data);
 } finally {
  if (!success) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

boolean success = false;
try {
 input = getBufferedReader(IOUtils.getDecodingReader(stream, charset));
} finally {
 if (success) {
 } else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

 * Opens a Reader for the given resource using a {@link CharsetDecoder}.
 * Unlike Java's defaults this reader will throw an exception if your it detects 
 * the read charset doesn't match the expected {@link Charset}. 
 * <p>
 * Decoding readers are useful to load configuration files, stopword lists or synonym files
 * to detect character set problems. However, it's not recommended to use as a common purpose 
 * reader.
 * @param clazz the class used to locate the resource
 * @param resource the resource name to load
 * @param charSet the expected charset
 * @return a reader to read the given file
public static Reader getDecodingReader(Class<?> clazz, String resource, Charset charSet) throws IOException {
 InputStream stream = null;
 boolean success = false;
 try {
  stream = clazz
  final Reader reader = getDecodingReader(stream, charSet);
  success = true;
  return reader;
 } finally {
  if (!success) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

 public void close() throws IOException {
  // TODO: add a finish() at least to PushBase? DV too...?
  boolean success = false;
  try {
   if (docOut != null) {
   if (posOut != null) {
   if (payOut != null) {
   success = true;
  } finally {
   if (success) {
    IOUtils.close(docOut, posOut, payOut);
   } else {
    IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(docOut, posOut, payOut);
   docOut = posOut = payOut = null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

synchronized private void persist() throws IOException {
 String fileName = SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + nextWriteGen;
 IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
 boolean success = false;
 try {
  CodecUtil.writeHeader(out, CODEC_NAME, VERSION_CURRENT);   
  for(Entry<Long,Integer> ent : refCounts.entrySet()) {
  success = true;
 } finally {
  if (!success) {
   IOUtils.deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(dir, fileName);
  } else {
 if (nextWriteGen > 0) {
  String lastSaveFile = SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + (nextWriteGen-1);
  // exception OK: likely it didn't exist
  IOUtils.deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(dir, lastSaveFile);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

Path rules = Files.createTempFile(tmpFile, "es", "sb");
Files.write(rules, Collections.singleton(SANDBOX_RULES));
  int ret = libc_mac.sandbox_init(rules.toAbsolutePath().toString(), SANDBOX_NAMED, errorRef);
    throw e;
  logger.debug("OS X seatbelt initialization successful");
  success = true;
} finally {
  if (success) {
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

Path lockFile = lockDir.resolve(lockName);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
 realPath = lockFile.toRealPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
final FileTime creationTime = Files.readAttributes(realPath, BasicFileAttributes.class).creationTime();
if (LOCK_HELD.add(realPath.toString())) {
 FileChannel channel = null;
 FileLock lock = null;
   IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(channel); // TODO: addSuppressed

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

  public void handle(ChannelReference channelReference) {
    if (isReferencedGeneration(channelReference.getGeneration()) == false) {
      Path translogPath = channelReference.getPath();
      assert channelReference.getPath().getParent().equals(location) : "translog files must be in the location folder: " + location + " but was: " + translogPath;
      // if the given translogPath is not the current we can safely delete the file since all references are released
      logger.trace("delete translog file - not referenced and not current anymore {}", translogPath);
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(location)) {
      for (Path path : stream) {
        Matcher matcher = PARSE_STRICT_ID_PATTERN.matcher(path.getFileName().toString());
        if (matcher.matches()) {
          long generation = Long.parseLong(;
          if (isReferencedGeneration(generation) == false) {
            logger.trace("delete translog file - not referenced and not current anymore {}", path);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.warn("failed to delete unreferenced translog files", e);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

  public void move(String source, String target) throws IOException {
    Path sourcePath = path.resolve(source);
    Path targetPath = path.resolve(target);
    // If the target file exists then Files.move() behaviour is implementation specific
    // the existing file might be replaced or this method fails by throwing an IOException.
    assert !Files.exists(targetPath);
    Files.move(sourcePath, targetPath, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
    IOUtils.fsync(path, true);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-benchmark

private Directory createDirectory(boolean eraseIndex, String dirName,
  String dirParam) throws IOException {
 if ("FSDirectory".equals(config.get(dirParam,"RAMDirectory"))) {
  Path workDir = Paths.get(config.get("work.dir","work"));
  Path indexDir = workDir.resolve(dirName);
  if (eraseIndex && Files.exists(indexDir)) {
 return new RAMDirectory();

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public void writeBlob(String blobName, BytesReference data) throws IOException {
  final Path file = path.resolve(blobName);
  try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(file)) {
  IOUtils.fsync(file, false);
  IOUtils.fsync(path, true);

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

currentCommittingTranslog = current.immutableReader();
Path checkpoint = location.resolve(CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME);
assert == currentCommittingTranslog.getGeneration();
Path commitCheckpoint = location.resolve(getCommitCheckpointFileName(currentCommittingTranslog.getGeneration()));
Files.copy(checkpoint, commitCheckpoint);
IOUtils.fsync(commitCheckpoint, false);
IOUtils.fsync(commitCheckpoint.getParent(), true);
  view.onNewTranslog(currentCommittingTranslog.clone(), current.newReaderFromWriter());
logger.trace("current translog set to [{}]", current.getGeneration());
assert oldCurrent.syncNeeded() == false : "old translog oldCurrent must not need a sync";
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(this); // tragic event
throw t;

代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-embedded-query

public void renameFile(String source, String dest) throws IOException {
 Files.move(directory.resolve(source), directory.resolve(dest), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
 // TODO: should we move directory fsync to a separate 'syncMetadata' method?
 // for example, to improve listCommits(), IndexFileDeleter could also call that after deleting segments_Ns
 IOUtils.fsync(directory, true);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-analyzers-common

flagLookup.add(new BytesRef()); // no flags -> ord 0
Path aff = Files.createTempFile(tempPath, "affix", "aff");
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(aff));
InputStream aff1 = null;
InputStream aff2 = null;
 aff1 = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(aff));
 String encoding = getDictionaryEncoding(aff1);
 IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(out, aff1, aff2);
 if (success) {
 } else {

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

   * Deletes all meta state directories recursively for the given data locations
   * @param dataLocations the data location to delete
  public static void deleteMetaState(Path... dataLocations) throws IOException {
    Path[] stateDirectories = new Path[dataLocations.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < dataLocations.length; i++) {
      stateDirectories[i] = dataLocations[i].resolve(STATE_DIR_NAME);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

protected void fsync(String name) throws IOException {
 IOUtils.fsync(directory.resolve(name), false);

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * Moves the index folder found in <code>source</code> to <code>target</code>
void upgrade(final Index index, final Path source, final Path target) throws IOException {
  boolean success = false;
  try {
    Files.move(source, target, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
    success = true;
  } catch (NoSuchFileException | FileNotFoundException exception) {
    // thrown when the source is non-existent because the folder was renamed
    // by another node (shared FS) after we checked if the target exists
    logger.error((Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("multiple nodes trying to upgrade [{}] in parallel, retry " +
      "upgrading with single node", target), exception);
    throw exception;
  } finally {
    if (success) {"{} moved from [{}] to [{}]", index, source, target);
      logger.trace("{} syncing directory [{}]", index, target);
      IOUtils.fsync(target, true);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lucene/lucene-core

 * Deletes one or more files or directories (and everything underneath it).
 * @throws IOException if any of the given files (or their subhierarchy files in case
 * of directories) cannot be removed.
public static void rm(Path... locations) throws IOException {
 LinkedHashMap<Path,Throwable> unremoved = rm(new LinkedHashMap<Path,Throwable>(), locations);
 if (!unremoved.isEmpty()) {
  StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Could not remove the following files (in the order of attempts):\n");
  for (Map.Entry<Path,Throwable> kv : unremoved.entrySet()) {
   b.append("   ")
    .append(": ")
  throw new IOException(b.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

 * This method tries to delete left-over shards where the index name has been reused but the UUID is different
 * to allow the new shard to be allocated.
public static void deleteLeftoverShardDirectory(Logger logger, NodeEnvironment env, ShardLock lock, IndexSettings indexSettings) throws IOException {
  final String indexUUID = indexSettings.getUUID();
  final Path[] paths = env.availableShardPaths(lock.getShardId());
  for (Path path : paths) {
    // EMPTY is safe here because we never call namedObject
    ShardStateMetaData load = ShardStateMetaData.FORMAT.loadLatestState(logger, NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, path);
    if (load != null) {
      if (load.indexUUID.equals(indexUUID) == false && IndexMetaData.INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE.equals(load.indexUUID) == false) {
        logger.warn("{} deleting leftover shard on path: [{}] with a different index UUID", lock.getShardId(), path);
        assert Files.isDirectory(path) : path + " is not a directory";
        NodeEnvironment.acquireFSLockForPaths(indexSettings, paths);
