[英]subclass specialization/optimization calculations
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
private IteratorImpl(Array maa) {
this.maa = maa;
counter = (Index) Index.this.clone(); // could be subtype of Index
if (rank > 0)
counter.current[rank - 1] = -1; // avoid "if first" on every incr.
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
private IteratorImpl(Array maa) {
this.maa = maa;
counter = (Index) Index.this.clone(); // could be subtype of Index
if (rank > 0)
counter.current[rank - 1] = -1; // avoid "if first" on every incr.
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
private IteratorImpl(Array maa) {
this.maa = maa;
counter = (Index) Index.this.clone(); // could be subtype of Index
if (rank > 0)
counter.current[rank - 1] = -1; // avoid "if first" on every incr.
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
* Create a new Index based on current one, except
* flip the index so that it runs from shape[index]-1 to 0.
* Leave rightmost vlen alone.
* @param index dimension to flip
* @return new index with flipped dimension
Index flip(int index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index i = (Index) this.clone();
if (shape[index] >= 0) { // !vlen case
i.offset += stride[index] * (shape[index] - 1);
i.stride[index] = -stride[index];
i.fastIterator = false;
i.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return i;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
* Create a new Index based on current one, except
* flip the index so that it runs from shape[index]-1 to 0.
* @param index dimension to flip
* @return new index with flipped dimension
Index flip(int index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index i = (Index) this.clone();
i.offset += stride[index] * (shape[index] - 1);
i.stride[index] = -stride[index];
i.fastIterator = false;
i.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return i;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
* create a new Index based on a permutation of the current indices; vlen fails.
* @param dims: the old index dim[k] becomes the new kth index.
* @return new Index with permuted indices
Index permute(int[] dims) {
if (dims.length != shape.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (int dim : dims)
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
boolean isPermuted = false;
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
newIndex.stride[i] = stride[dims[i]];
newIndex.shape[i] = shape[dims[i]];
//if (name != null) newIndex.name[i] = name[dims[i]];
if (i != dims[i]) isPermuted = true;
newIndex.fastIterator = fastIterator && !isPermuted; // useful optimization
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
* create a new Index based on a permutation of the current indices
* @param dims: the old index dim[k] becomes the new kth index.
* @return new Index with permuted indices
Index permute(int[] dims) {
if (dims.length != shape.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (int dim : dims)
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
boolean isPermuted = false;
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
newIndex.stride[i] = stride[dims[i]];
newIndex.shape[i] = shape[dims[i]];
//if (name != null) newIndex.name[i] = name[dims[i]];
if (i != dims[i]) isPermuted = true;
newIndex.fastIterator = fastIterator && !isPermuted; // useful optimization
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
* create a new Index based on current one, except
* transpose two of the indices.
* @param index1 transpose these two indices
* @param index2 transpose these two indices
* @return new Index with transposed indices
Index transpose(int index1, int index2) {
if ((index1 < 0) || (index1 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ((index2 < 0) || (index2 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
newIndex.stride[index1] = stride[index2];
newIndex.stride[index2] = stride[index1];
newIndex.shape[index1] = shape[index2];
newIndex.shape[index2] = shape[index1];
/* if (name != null) {
newIndex.name[index1] = name[index2];
newIndex.name[index2] = name[index1];
} */
newIndex.fastIterator = false;
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
* create a new Index based on a permutation of the current indices; vlen fails.
* @param dims: the old index dim[k] becomes the new kth index.
* @return new Index with permuted indices
Index permute(int[] dims) {
if (dims.length != shape.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (int dim : dims)
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
boolean isPermuted = false;
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
newIndex.stride[i] = stride[dims[i]];
newIndex.shape[i] = shape[dims[i]];
//if (name != null) newIndex.name[i] = name[dims[i]];
if (i != dims[i]) isPermuted = true;
newIndex.fastIterator = fastIterator && !isPermuted; // useful optimization
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
* Create a new Index based on current one, except
* flip the index so that it runs from shape[index]-1 to 0.
* Leave rightmost vlen alone.
* @param index dimension to flip
* @return new index with flipped dimension
Index flip(int index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index i = (Index) this.clone();
if(shape[index] >= 0) {// !vlen case
i.offset += stride[index] * (shape[index] - 1);
i.stride[index] = -stride[index];
i.fastIterator = false;
i.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return i;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
* create a new Index based on current one, except
* transpose two of the indices.
* @param index1 transpose these two indices
* @param index2 transpose these two indices
* @return new Index with transposed indices
Index transpose(int index1, int index2) {
if ((index1 < 0) || (index1 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ((index2 < 0) || (index2 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
newIndex.stride[index1] = stride[index2];
newIndex.stride[index2] = stride[index1];
newIndex.shape[index1] = shape[index2];
newIndex.shape[index2] = shape[index1];
/* if (name != null) {
newIndex.name[index1] = name[index2];
newIndex.name[index2] = name[index1];
} */
newIndex.fastIterator = false;
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
* create a new Index based on current one, except
* transpose two of the indices.
* @param index1 transpose these two indices
* @param index2 transpose these two indices
* @return new Index with transposed indices
Index transpose(int index1, int index2) {
if ((index1 < 0) || (index1 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if ((index2 < 0) || (index2 >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Index newIndex = (Index) this.clone();
newIndex.stride[index1] = stride[index2];
newIndex.stride[index2] = stride[index1];
newIndex.shape[index1] = shape[index2];
newIndex.shape[index2] = shape[index1];
/* if (name != null) {
newIndex.name[index1] = name[index2];
newIndex.name[index2] = name[index1];
} */
newIndex.fastIterator = false;
newIndex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
* Create a new Index based on current one by
* eliminating the specified dimension;
* @param dim: dimension to eliminate: must be of length one, else IllegalArgumentException
* @return the new Index
Index reduce(int dim) {
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim);
if (shape[dim] != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim + " : length != 1");
Index newindex = Index.factory(rank - 1);
newindex.offset = offset;
int count = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < rank; ii++) {
if (ii != dim) {
newindex.shape[count] = shape[ii];
newindex.stride[count] = stride[ii];
//if (name != null) newindex.name[count] = name[ii];
newindex.size = computeSize(newindex.shape);
newindex.fastIterator = fastIterator;
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
* Create a new Index based on current one by
* eliminating the specified dimension;
* @param dim: dimension to eliminate: must be of length one, else IllegalArgumentException
* @return the new Index
Index reduce(int dim) {
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim);
if (shape[dim] != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim + " : length != 1");
Index newindex = Index.factory(rank - 1);
newindex.offset = offset;
int count = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < rank; ii++) {
if (ii != dim) {
newindex.shape[count] = shape[ii];
newindex.stride[count] = stride[ii];
//if (name != null) newindex.name[count] = name[ii];
newindex.size = computeSize(newindex.shape);
newindex.fastIterator = fastIterator;
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
* Create a new Index based on current one by
* eliminating the specified dimension;
* @param dim: dimension to eliminate: must be of length one, else IllegalArgumentException
* @return the new Index
Index reduce(int dim) {
if ((dim < 0) || (dim >= rank))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim);
if (shape[dim] != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal reduce dim " + dim + " : length != 1");
Index newindex = Index.factory(rank - 1);
newindex.offset = offset;
int count = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < rank; ii++) {
if (ii != dim) {
newindex.shape[count] = shape[ii];
newindex.stride[count] = stride[ii];
//if (name != null) newindex.name[count] = name[ii];
newindex.size = computeSize(newindex.shape);
newindex.fastIterator = fastIterator;
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
newindex.precalc(); // any subclass-specific optimizations
return newindex;