[英]Gets all Clouds that can launch for this label.
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}.
* This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Can jobs be assigned to this label?
* <p>
* The answer is yes if there is a reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have
* an executor under this label, given the current configuration. This includes
* situations such as (1) there are offline agents that have this label (2) clouds exist
* that can provision agents that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes())
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if(nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
private WorkspaceOfflineReason workspaceOffline(R build) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
FilePath ws = build.getWorkspace();
Label label = getAssignedLabel();
if (isAllSuitableNodesOffline(build)) {
Collection<Cloud> applicableClouds = label == null ? Jenkins.getInstance().clouds : label.getClouds();
return applicableClouds.isEmpty() ? WorkspaceOfflineReason.all_suitable_nodes_are_offline : WorkspaceOfflineReason.use_ondemand_slave;
if (ws==null || !ws.exists()) {
return WorkspaceOfflineReason.nonexisting_workspace;
Node builtOn = build.getBuiltOn();
if (builtOn == null) { // node built-on doesn't exist anymore
return WorkspaceOfflineReason.builton_node_gone;
if (builtOn.toComputer() == null) { // node still exists, but has 0 executors - o.s.l.t.
return WorkspaceOfflineReason.builton_node_no_executors;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
j.getRootUrl(), Util.escape(l.getName()), l.getUrl(), l.getNodes().size(), l.getClouds().size())
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}.
* This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}.
* This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}.
* This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}.
* This is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* If there's no such label defined in {@link Node} or {@link Cloud}. This
* is usually used as a signal that this label is invalid.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return getNodes().isEmpty() && getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Can jobs be assigned to this label?
* <p>
* The answer is yes if there is a reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have
* an executor under this label, given the current configuration. This includes
* situations such as (1) there are offline slaves that have this label (2) clouds exist
* that can provision slaves that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes())
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* Can jobs be assigned to this label?
* <p>
* The answer is yes if there is a reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have
* an executor under this label, given the current configuration. This includes
* situations such as (1) there are offline agents that have this label (2) clouds exist
* that can provision agents that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes())
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
* Can jobs be assigned to this label?
* <p>
* The answer is yes if there is a reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have
* an executor under this label, given the current configuration. This includes
* situations such as (1) there are offline slaves that have this label (2) clouds exist
* that can provision slaves that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes())
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Can jobs be assigned to this label?
* <p>
* The answer is yes if there is a reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have
* an executor under this label, given the current configuration. This includes
* situations such as (1) there are offline slaves that have this label (2) clouds exist
* that can provision slaves that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes())
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* Can jobs be assigned to this label? <p> The answer is yes if there is a
* reasonable basis to believe that Hudson can have an executor under this
* label, given the current configuration. This includes situations such as
* (1) there are offline slaves that have this label (2) clouds exist that
* can provision slaves that have this label.
public boolean isAssignable() {
for (Node n : getNodes()) {
if (n.getNumExecutors() > 0) {
return true;
return !getClouds().isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if(nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if(nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if(nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if(nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* Returns a human readable text that explains this label.
public String getDescription() {
Set<Node> nodes = getNodes();
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
Set<Cloud> clouds = getClouds();
if (clouds.isEmpty()) {
return Messages.Label_InvalidLabel();
return Messages.Label_ProvisionedFrom(toString(clouds));
if (nodes.size() == 1) {
return nodes.iterator().next().getNodeDescription();
return Messages.Label_GroupOf(toString(nodes));