[英]A collection that supports order-independent equality, like Set, but may have duplicate elements. A multiset is also sometimes called a bag.
Elements of a multiset that are equal to one another are referred to as occurrences of the same single element. The total number of occurrences of an element in a multiset is called the count of that element (the terms "frequency" and "multiplicity" are equivalent, but not used in this API). Since the count of an element is represented as an int, a multiset may never contain more than Integer#MAX_VALUEoccurrences of any one element.
Multiset refines the specifications of several methods from Collection. It also defines an additional query operation, #count, which returns the count of an element. There are five new bulk-modification operations, for example #add(Object,int), to add or remove multiple occurrences of an element at once, or to set the count of an element to a specific value. These modification operations are optional, but implementations which support the standard collection operations #add(Object) or #remove(Object) are encouraged to implement the related methods as well. Finally, two collection views are provided: #elementSet contains the distinct elements of the multiset "with duplicates collapsed", and #entrySet is similar but contains Entry instances, each providing both a distinct element and the count of that element.
In addition to these required methods, implementations of Multiset are expected to provide two static creation methods: create(), returning an empty multiset, and create(Iterable), returning a multiset containing the given initial elements. This is simply a refinement of Collection's constructor recommendations, reflecting the new developments of Java 5.
As with other collection types, the modification operations are optional, and should throw UnsupportedOperationException when they are not implemented. Most implementations should support either all add operations or none of them, all removal operations or none of them, and if and only if all of these are supported, the setCount methods as well.
A multiset uses Object#equals to determine whether two instances should be considered "the same," unless specified otherwise by the implementation.
Common implementations include ImmutableMultiset, HashMultiset, and ConcurrentHashMultiset.
If your values may be zero, negative, or outside the range of an int, you may wish to use com.google.common.util.concurrent.AtomicLongMapinstead. Note, however, that unlike Multiset, AtomicLongMapdoes not automatically remove zeros.
See the Guava User Guide article on Multiset.
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public void testCreateWithSize() {
Multiset<String> multiset = HashMultiset.create(50);
multiset.add("foo", 2);
assertEquals(3, multiset.size());
assertEquals(2, multiset.count("foo"));
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
@CollectionSize.Require(absent = ZERO)
public void testElementSetRemovePropagatesToMultiset() {
Set<E> elementSet = getMultiset().elementSet();
int size = getNumElements();
int expectedSize = size - getMultiset().count(e0());
assertEquals(expectedSize, getMultiset().size());
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
ImmutableMultiset<E> buildJdkBacked() {
if (contents.isEmpty()) {
return of();
return JdkBackedImmutableMultiset.create(contents.entrySet());
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#setCount(Object, int)}. */
static <E> int setCountImpl(Multiset<E> self, E element, int count) {
checkNonnegative(count, "count");
int oldCount = self.count(element);
int delta = count - oldCount;
if (delta > 0) {
self.add(element, delta);
} else if (delta < 0) {
self.remove(element, -delta);
return oldCount;
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
@CollectionSize.Require(absent = ZERO)
public void testEquals_differentElements() {
Multiset<E> other = HashMultiset.create(getSampleElements());
assertFalse("multiset equals a multiset with different elements", getMultiset().equals(other));
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonarqube
public Integer apply(@Nonnull String language) {
return multiset.count(language);
代码示例来源:origin: caskdata/coopr
public void testSimpleIterator() {
NodeLayout masterNodeLayout = new NodeLayout("large", "centos6", ImmutableSet.of("master1"));
NodeLayout slaveLayout = new NodeLayout("medium", "centos6", ImmutableSet.of("slave1"));
Multiset<NodeLayout> counts = HashMultiset.create();
ClusterLayout layout = new ClusterLayout(constraints, counts);
Iterator<ClusterLayoutChange> iter = new AddServiceChangeIterator(layout, "slave2");
// only possible change is to add slave2 to the slave node
List<ClusterLayoutChange> expected = Lists.newArrayList();
Multiset<NodeLayout> expectedCounts = HashMultiset.create();
expected.add(new AddServicesChange(expectedCounts, "slave2"));
assertIterator(expected, iter);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/mahout
public void testHashFloat() {
Multiset<Integer> violations = HashMultiset.create();
for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) {
List<Float> original = Lists.newArrayList();
Random gen = RandomUtils.getRandom();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
float x = (float) gen.nextDouble();
violations.add(checkCounts(original) <= 12 ? 0 : 1);
// the hashes for floats don't really have 32 bits of entropy so the test
// only succeeds at better than about 99% rate.
assertTrue(violations.count(0) >= 985);
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.collections/google-collections
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) {
if (object instanceof Multiset) {
Multiset<?> that = (Multiset<?>) object;
return this.size() == that.size() && delegate.equals(that.elementSet());
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: immutables/immutables
private void checkAttributeNamesForDuplicates(ValueType type, Protoclass protoclass) {
if (!type.attributes.isEmpty()) {
Multiset<String> attributeNames = HashMultiset.create(type.attributes.size());
for (ValueAttribute attribute : type.attributes) {
if (attribute.isGenerateLazy) {
attributeNames.add(attribute.name() + "$lazy"); // making lazy compare in it's own scope
} else {
List<String> duplicates = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Multiset.Entry<String> entry : attributeNames.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getCount() > 1) {
duplicates.add(entry.getElement().replace("$lazy", ""));
if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {
.error("Duplicate attribute names %s. You should check if correct @Value.Style applied",
代码示例来源:origin: caskdata/coopr
public void testValidLayout() {
NodeLayout masterNodeLayout = new NodeLayout("large-mem", "centos6", ImmutableSet.of("namenode"));
NodeLayout slaveLayout = new NodeLayout("medium", "centos6", ImmutableSet.of("datanode"));
NodeLayout reactorLayout = new NodeLayout("medium", "centos6", ImmutableSet.of("reactor", "zookeeper"));
Multiset<NodeLayout> counts = HashMultiset.create();
counts.add(slaveLayout, 50);
ClusterLayout layout = new ClusterLayout(constraints, counts);
代码示例来源:origin: education-service/speech-mfcc
* A method to split a dataset into two datasets by a specified percentage. This method is class-aware.
* It will ensure that "percentage" of the observations for each class make it into the training data set.
* The remaining observations will be put into the testing data set.
* @param percentage
* @return Dataset[]
public Dataset[] split(int percentage) {
Multiset<String> splitCounts = HashMultiset.create();
List<Observation> trainingObservations = Lists.newArrayList();
List<Observation> testingObservations = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Observation observation : observations) {
if (getCountServedToTraining(splitCounts, observation) <= (percentage / 100D)) {
} else {
return new Dataset[] { new Dataset(trainingObservations, classMetadata),
new Dataset(testingObservations, classMetadata) };
代码示例来源:origin: edu.cmu.ml.rtw/matt-util
* Assert that each of the lines passed in has been written, but don't care about the order.
public void expectWritten(Collection<String> lines) {
TestCase.assertEquals("File: " + filename, lines.size(), written.size());
Multiset<String> counts = HashMultiset.create(lines);
for (Multiset.Entry<String> entry : counts.entrySet()) {
TestUtil.assertCount(written, entry.getElement(), entry.getCount());
written = Lists.newArrayList();
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.guava/guava-jdk5
public int add(@Nullable E element, int occurrences) {
"Element %s does not match predicate %s", element, predicate);
return unfiltered.add(element, occurrences);
代码示例来源:origin: com.google.guava/guava-jdk5
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) {
if (object instanceof Multiset) {
Multiset<?> other = (Multiset<?>) object;
return other.isEmpty();
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan
final Set<String> names = ImmutableSet.of("Marko", "Dan", "Stephen", "Daniel", "Josh", "Thad", "Pavel", "Matthias");
final int numG = 10;
final long[] gids = new long[numG];
Multiset<Integer> partitions = HashMultiset.create();
assertTrue(partitions.elementSet().size() >= 3); //
int numV = 0;
while (parts.size() < numP) {
int part = Iterables.get(partitions.elementSet(), random.nextInt(partitions.elementSet().size()));
if (parts.add(part)) numV += partitions.count(part);
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.tomakehurst/wiremock-jre8
public List<StubMapping> process(Iterable<StubMapping> stubMappings) {
final Multiset<RequestPattern> requestCounts = HashMultiset.create();
final List<StubMapping> processedStubMappings = new ArrayList<>();
for (StubMapping stubMapping: stubMappings) {
// Skip duplicate requests if shouldRecordRepeatsAsScenarios is not enabled
if (
requestCounts.count(stubMapping.getRequest()) > 1
&& !shouldRecordRepeatsAsScenarios
) {
if (bodyExtractMatcher != null && bodyExtractMatcher.match(stubMapping.getResponse()).isExactMatch()) {
if (shouldRecordRepeatsAsScenarios) {
new ScenarioProcessor().putRepeatedRequestsInScenarios(processedStubMappings);
// Run any stub mapping transformer extensions
return Lists.transform(processedStubMappings, transformerRunner);
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public void testCreateWithSize() {
Multiset<String> multiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(50);
multiset.add("foo", 2);
assertEquals(3, multiset.size());
assertEquals(2, multiset.count("foo"));
assertEquals("[foo x 2, bar]", multiset.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
@GwtIncompatible // SerializableTester
public void testSerializationContainingSelf() {
Multiset<Multiset<?>> multiset = HashMultiset.create();
multiset.add(multiset, 2);
Multiset<Multiset<?>> copy = SerializableTester.reserialize(multiset);
assertEquals(2, copy.size());
assertSame(copy, copy.iterator().next());
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public void testCopyOf_multiset_empty() {
Multiset<String> c = HashMultiset.create();
Multiset<String> multiset = ImmutableSortedMultiset.copyOf(c);