[英]The interface to Mustache objects
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void testImplicitIteratorWithScope() throws IOException {
Mustache test = new DefaultMustacheFactory().compile(new StringReader("{{#test}}_{{.}}_{{/test}}"), "test");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
test.execute(sw, new Object() {
List<String> test = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
assertEquals("_a__b__c_", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public synchronized void init() {
Map<String, ExtendNameCode> replaceMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Code code : mustache.getCodes()) {
if (code instanceof ExtendNameCode) {
// put name codes in the map
ExtendNameCode erc = (ExtendNameCode) code;
replaceMap.put(erc.getName(), erc);
} else if ((code instanceof WriteCode) || (code instanceof CommentCode)) {
// ignore text and comments
} else {
// fail on everything else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Illegal code in extend section: " + code.getClass().getName());
Mustache original = mf.compilePartial(partialName());
partial = (Mustache) original.clone();
Code[] supercodes = partial.getCodes();
// recursively replace named sections with replacements
Set<Code> seen = new HashSet<>();
partial.setCodes(replaceCodes(supercodes, replaceMap, seen));
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public Mustache compile(Reader reader, String file, String sm, String em) {
Mustache compile = mc.compile(reader, file, sm, em);
return compile;
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void should_load_teamplates_with_absolute_references_using_filepath() throws Exception {
File file = new File("compiler/src/test/resources/templates_filepath");
File root = new File(file, TEMPLATE_FILE).exists() ? file : new File("src/test/resources/templates_filepath");
MustacheFactory factory = new DefaultMustacheFactory(root);
Mustache maven = factory.compile(TEMPLATE_FILE);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
maven.execute(sw, new Object() {
List<String> messages = Arrays.asList("w00pw00p", "mustache rocks");
assertEquals("w00pw00p mustache rocks ", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void testArrayOutput() throws IOException {
MustacheFactory mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
Mustache test = mf.compile(new StringReader("{{#test}}{{#first}}[{{/first}}{{^first}}, {{/first}}\"{{value}}\"{{#last}}]{{/last}}{{/test}}"), "test");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
test.execute(sw, new Object() {
Collection test = new DecoratedCollection(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three"));
assertEquals("[\"one\", \"two\", \"three\"]", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void testObjectHandler() throws IOException {
DefaultMustacheFactory mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
mf.setObjectHandler(new ReflectionObjectHandler() {
public Object coerce(Object object) {
if (object instanceof Collection) {
return new DecoratedCollection((Collection) object);
return super.coerce(object);
Mustache test = mf.compile(new StringReader(
"{{#test}}{{index}}: {{#first}}first: {{/first}}{{#last}}last: {{/last}}{{value}}\n{{/test}}"), "test");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
test.execute(sw, new Object() {
Collection test = Arrays.asList("First", "Second", "Third", "Last");
assertEquals("0: first: First\n1: Second\n2: Third\n3: last: Last\n", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch.plugin/lang-mustache-client
* At compile time, this function extracts the name of the variable:
* {{#toJson}}variable_name{{/toJson}}
protected static String extractVariableName(String fn, Mustache mustache, TemplateContext tc) {
Code[] codes = mustache.getCodes();
if (codes == null || codes.length != 1) {
throw new MustacheException("Mustache function [" + fn + "] must contain one and only one identifier");
try (StringWriter capture = new StringWriter()) {
// Variable name is in plain text and has type WriteCode
if (codes[0] instanceof WriteCode) {
codes[0].execute(capture, Collections.emptyList());
return capture.toString();
} else {
return capture.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MustacheException("Exception while parsing mustache function [" + fn + "] at line " + tc.line(), e);
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
protected void handleFunction(Writer writer, Function function, List<Object> scopes) throws IOException {
String value;
Object newtemplate = function.apply(null);
if (newtemplate == null) {
value = "";
} else {
String templateText = newtemplate.toString();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
// The specification says that template functions need to be parsed with the default delimiters
// Running Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters - A lambda's return value should parse with the default delimiters.: failed!
// TemplateContext newTC = new TemplateContext(tc.startChars(), tc.endChars(), tc.file(), tc.line(), tc.startOfLine());
TemplateContext newTC = new TemplateContext(DEFAULT_SM, DEFAULT_EM, tc.file(), tc.line(), tc.startOfLine());
df.getFragment(new FragmentKey(newTC, templateText)).execute(sw, scopes).close();
value = sw.toString();
execute(writer, value);
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws MustacheException, IOException {
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
MustacheFactory mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
Mustache mustache = mf.compile(new StringReader("{{hello}}, {{world}}!"), "helloworld");
mustache.execute(writer, new HelloWorld());
代码示例来源:origin: jersey/jersey
public void writeTo(final Mustache mustache, final Viewable viewable, final MediaType mediaType,
final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
Charset encoding = setContentType(mediaType, httpHeaders);
mustache.execute(new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding), viewable.getModel()).flush();
代码示例来源:origin: dropwizard/dropwizard
public void render(View view, Locale locale, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
try {
final MustacheFactory mustacheFactory = useCache ? factories.get(view.getClass())
: createNewMustacheFactory(view.getClass());
final Mustache template = mustacheFactory.compile(view.getTemplateName());
final Charset charset = view.getCharset().orElse(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
try (OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(output, charset)) {
template.execute(writer, view);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ViewRenderException("Mustache template error: " + view.getTemplateName(), e);
代码示例来源:origin: zcourts/higgs
public Mustache compile(String name) {
if (config.cache_templates) {
return super.compile(name);
try {
Mustache mustache = mc.compile(name);
return mustache;
} catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) {
throw handle(e);
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public Code[] getCodes() {
return partial == null ? null : partial.getCodes();
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public Mustache getFragment(FragmentKey templateKey) {
Mustache mustache = templateCache.computeIfAbsent(templateKey, getFragmentCacheFunction());
return mustache;
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public Mustache compile(String name) {
Mustache mustache = mustacheCache.computeIfAbsent(name, getMustacheCacheFunction());
return mustache;
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void should_handle_more_than_one_level_of_partial_nesting() throws Exception {
MustacheFactory factory = new DefaultMustacheFactory(root);
Mustache maven = factory.compile(TEMPLATE_FILE);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
maven.execute(sw, new Object() {
List<String> messages = Arrays.asList("w00pw00p", "mustache rocks");
assertEquals("w00pw00p mustache rocks ", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void testIndexLastFirst() throws IOException {
MustacheFactory mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
Mustache test = mf.compile(new StringReader(
"{{#test}}{{index}}: {{#first}}first: {{/first}}{{#last}}last: {{/last}}{{value}}\n{{/test}}"), "test");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
test.execute(sw, new Object() {
Collection test = new DecoratedCollection(Arrays.asList("First", "Second", "Third", "Last"));
assertEquals("0: first: First\n1: Second\n2: Third\n3: last: Last\n", sw.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: org.codelibs.elasticsearch.module/lang-mustache
* At compile time, this function extracts the name of the variable:
* {{#toJson}}variable_name{{/toJson}}
protected static String extractVariableName(String fn, Mustache mustache, TemplateContext tc) {
Code[] codes = mustache.getCodes();
if (codes == null || codes.length != 1) {
throw new MustacheException("Mustache function [" + fn + "] must contain one and only one identifier");
try (StringWriter capture = new StringWriter()) {
// Variable name is in plain text and has type WriteCode
if (codes[0] instanceof WriteCode) {
codes[0].execute(capture, Collections.emptyList());
return capture.toString();
} else {
return capture.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MustacheException("Exception while parsing mustache function [" + fn + "] at line " + tc.line(), e);
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public void testAbstractClass() throws IOException {
final List<Container> containers = new ArrayList<>();
containers.add(new Container(new Foo()));
containers.add(new Container(new Bar()));
HashMap<String, Object> scopes = new HashMap<>();
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
MustacheFactory mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
Mustache mustache = mf.compile(new StringReader("{{#containers}} {{foo.value}} {{/containers}}"), "example");
scopes.put("containers", containers);
mustache.execute(writer, scopes);
代码示例来源:origin: spullara/mustache.java
public Code[] getCodes() {
return mustache == null ? null : mustache.getCodes();