代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.jms/org.apache.karaf.jms.command
* For commands that need a connection factory and authentication information
public abstract class JmsConnectionCommandSupport extends JmsCommandSupport {
@Argument(index = 0, name = "connectionFactory", description = "The JMS connection factory name", required = true, multiValued = false)
String connectionFactory;
@Option(name = "-u", aliases = { "--username" }, description = "Username to connect to the JMS broker", required = false, multiValued = false)
String username = "karaf";
@Option(name = "-p", aliases = { "--password" }, description = "Password to connect to the JMS broker", required = false, multiValued = false)
String password = "karaf";
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
for (Option option : optionsSet) {
String opt = option.name();
for (String alias : option.aliases()) {
opt += ", " + alias;
ActionMetaData.printFormatted(" ", option.description(), termWidth, out, true);
if (option.valueToShowInHelp() != null && option.valueToShowInHelp().length() != 0) {
if (Option.DEFAULT_STRING.equals(option.valueToShowInHelp())) {
Object o = getDefaultValue(action, option);
String defaultValue = getDefaultValueString(o);
printDefaultsTo(out, option.valueToShowInHelp());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
+ COLOR_DEFAULT + ": " : "";
for (Object param : params) {
if (HelpOption.HELP.name().equals(param)) {
int termWidth = getWidth(session);
boolean globalScope = NameScoping.isGlobalScope(session, actionMetaData.getCommand().scope());
if (name.equals(opt.name()) || Arrays.asList(opt.aliases()).contains(name)) {
option = opt;
if (option.multiValued()) {
List<Object> l = (List<Object>) optionValues.get(option);
if (option.required() && optionValues.get(option) == null) {
throw new CommandException(commandErrorSt +
"option " + INTENSITY_BOLD + option.name() + INTENSITY_NORMAL + " is required",
"Option " + option.name() + " is required"
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException(commandErrorSt +
"unable to convert option " + INTENSITY_BOLD + entry.getKey().name() + INTENSITY_NORMAL + " with value '"
+ entry.getValue() + "' to type " + new GenericType(field.getGenericType()).toString(),
"Unable to convert option " + entry.getKey().name() + " with value '"
+ entry.getValue() + "' to type " + new GenericType(field.getGenericType()).toString(),
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
if (option != null) {
fields.put(option, field);
options.put(option.name(), option);
String[] aliases = option.aliases();
if (aliases != null) {
for (String alias : aliases) {
options.put(HelpOption.HELP.name(), HelpOption.HELP);
optionsCompleter = new StringsCompleter(options.keySet());
completer = NullCompleter.INSTANCE;
optionalCompleters.put(option.name(), completer);
if (option.aliases() != null) {
for (String alias : option.aliases()) {
optionalCompleters.put(alias, completer);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
if (option != null) {
fields.put(option, field);
options.put(option.name(), option);
String[] aliases = option.aliases();
if (aliases != null) {
for (String alias : aliases) {
options.put(HelpOption.HELP.name(), HelpOption.HELP);
optionsCompleter = new StringsCompleter(options.keySet());
completer = NullCompleter.INSTANCE;
optionalCompleters.put(option.name(), completer);
if (option.aliases() != null) {
for (String alias : option.aliases()) {
optionalCompleters.put(alias, completer);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.unomi/shell-dev-commands
@Option(name = "--csv", description = "Output table in CSV format", required = false, multiValued = false)
boolean csv;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
if (option != null) {
Completer optionValueCompleter = null;
String name = option.name();
if (optionalCompleters != null && name != null) {
optionValueCompleter = optionalCompleters.get(name);
if (optionValueCompleter == null) {
String[] aliases = option.aliases();
if (aliases.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length && optionValueCompleter == null; i++) {
optionValueCompleter = optionalCompleters.get(option.aliases()[i]);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.config/org.apache.karaf.config.command
@Option(name = "-p", aliases = "--pid", description = "The configuration pid", required = false, multiValued = false)
protected String pid;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/karaf
if (option != null) {
Completer optionValueCompleter = null;
String name = option.name();
if (optionalCompleters != null && name != null) {
optionValueCompleter = optionalCompleters.get(name);
if (optionValueCompleter == null) {
String[] aliases = option.aliases();
if (aliases.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length && optionValueCompleter == null; i++) {
optionValueCompleter = optionalCompleters.get(option.aliases()[i]);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.jms/org.apache.karaf.jms.command
@Command(scope = "jms", name = "create", description = "Create a JMS connection factory.")
public class CreateCommand extends JmsCommandSupport {
@Argument(index = 0, name = "name", description = "The JMS connection factory name", required = true, multiValued = false)
String name;
@Option(name = "-t", aliases = { "--type" }, description = "The JMS connection factory type (ActiveMQ or WebsphereMQ)", required = false, multiValued = false)
String type = "ActiveMQ";
@Option(name = "--url", description = "URL of the JMS broker. For WebsphereMQ type, the URL is hostname/port/queuemanager/channel", required = false, multiValued = false)
String url = "tcp://localhost:61616";
@Option(name = "-u", aliases = { "--username" }, description = "Username to connect to the JMS broker", required = false, multiValued = false)
String username = "karaf";
@Option(name = "-p", aliases = { "--password" }, description = "Password to connect to the JMS broker", required = false, multiValued = false)
String password = "karaf";
public Object doExecute() throws Exception {
getJmsService().create(name, type, url, username, password);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.jdbc/org.apache.karaf.jdbc.command
@Option(name = "-t", aliases = { "--type" }, description = "The JDBC datasource type (generic, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, H2, HSQL, Derby, MSSQL)", required = false, multiValued = false)
String type;
@Option(name = "-d", aliases = { "--driver" }, description = "The classname of the JDBC driver to use. NB: this option is used only the type generic", required = false, multiValued = false)
String driver;
@Option(name = "-v", aliases = { "--version" }, description = "The version of the driver to use", required = false, multiValued = false)
String version;
@Option(name = "-url", description = "The JDBC URL to use", required = false, multiValued = false)
String url;
@Option(name = "-u", aliases = { "--username" }, description = "The database username", required = false, multiValued = false)
String username;
@Option(name = "-p", aliases = { "--password" }, description = "The database password", required = false, multiValued = false)
String password;
@Option(name = "-sn", aliases = { "--servername" }, description = "The server name of the database machine, applicable for MSSQL only", required = false, multiValued = false)
String servername;
@Option(name = "-dbn", aliases = { "--databasename" }, description = "The database name, applicable for MSSQL only", required = false, multiValued = false)
String databasename;
@Option(name = "-ptn", aliases = { "--portnumber" }, description = "The portnumber for MS SQL SERVER, applicable for MSSQL only", required = false, multiValued = false)
String portnumber = "1433";
@Option(name = "-i", aliases = { "--install-bundles" }, description = "Try to install the bundles providing the JDBC driver", required = false, multiValued = false)
boolean installBundles = false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.obr/org.apache.karaf.obr.command
@Command(scope = "obr", name = "deploy", description = "Deploys a list of bundles using OBR service.")
public class DeployCommand extends ObrCommandSupport {
@Argument(index = 0, name = "bundles", description = "List of bundle names to deploy (separated by whitespaces). The bundles are identified using the following syntax: symbolic_name,version where version is optional.", required = true, multiValued = true)
protected List<String> bundles;
@Option(name = "-s", aliases = { "--start" }, description = "Start the deployed bundles", required = false, multiValued = false)
protected boolean start = false;
@Option(name = "-d", aliases = { "--deployOptional" }, description = "Deploy optional bundles", required = false, multiValued = false)
protected boolean deployOptional = false;
protected void doExecute(RepositoryAdmin admin) throws Exception {
doDeploy(admin, bundles, start, deployOptional);
代码示例来源:origin: org.opendaylight.aaa/aaa-cli
@Option(name = "-keystore",
aliases = { "--KeyStore" },
description = "The keystore name.\n-keystore / --default is ctl.jks",
private String keyStoreName = "ctl.jks";
@Option(name = "-storepass",
aliases = { "--KeyStorePass" },
description = "The keystore password.\n-storepass",
private String keyStorePassword = "";
@Option(name = "-alias",
aliases = { "--alias" },
description = "The alias.\n-alias / --default is controller",
private String alias = "controller";
@Option(name = "-validity",
aliases = { "--validity" },
description = "The validity.\n-validity of the keystore certificate / --default is 365",
private int validity = 365;
@Option(name = "-dName",
aliases = { "--dName" },
description = "The dName.\n-dName / --should be in the following formate CN=, OU=, O=, L= C=",
代码示例来源:origin: org.opendaylight.aaa/aaa-cli
@Option(name = "-keystore",
aliases = { "--KeyStore" },
description = "The keystore name.\n-keystore / --default is truststore.jks",
private String keyStoreName = "truststore.jks";
@Option(name = "-storepass",
aliases = { "--KeyStorePass" },
description = "The keystore password.\n-storepass",
private String keyStorePassword = "";
@Option(name = "-alias",
aliases = { "--alias" },
description = "The alias.\n-alias / --default is node",
代码示例来源:origin: org.opendaylight.aaa/aaa-cli
@Option(name = "-cert",
aliases = { "--CertFile" },
description = "The node certificate file.\n-file / --should be accesable by the karaf command line",
private String certFile = "";
@Option(name = "-storepass",
aliases = { "--KeyStorePass" },
description = "The Trust keystore password.\n-storepass",
private String keyStorePassword = "";
@Option(name = "-alias",
aliases = { "--alias" },
description = "The alias.\n-alias / node alias should be unique",
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.package/org.apache.karaf.package.command
@Command(scope = "package", name = "imports", description = "Lists imported packages and the bundles that import them")
public class Imports extends OsgiCommandSupport {
@Option(name = "-p", description = "Only show package instead of full filter", required = false, multiValued = false)
boolean onlyPackage;
@Option(name = "--no-format", description = "Disable table rendered output", required = false, multiValued = false)
boolean noFormat;
代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-app-vtn-mgr
* Supports for updating the external gateway virtualPort.
@Command(scope = "onos", name = "externalportname-set",
description = "Supports for setting the external port name.")
public class VtnCommand extends AbstractShellCommand {
@Option(name = "-n", aliases = "--name", description = "external port name.", required = true,
multiValued = false)
String exPortName = "";
protected void execute() {
代码示例来源:origin: org.opendaylight.aaa/aaa-cli
protected IAaaCertProvider certProvider;
@Option(name = "-storepass",
aliases = { "--KeyStorePass" },
description = "The keystore password.\n-storepass",
private String keyStorePassword = "";
@Option(name = "-alias",
aliases = { "--alias" },
description = "The alias.\n-alias / --should be the node certificate alias",
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.kar/org.apache.karaf.kar.command
@Command(scope = "kar", name = "list", description = "List the installed KAR files.")
public class ListKarCommand extends KarCommandSupport {
@Option(name = "--no-format", description = "Disable table rendered output", required = false, multiValued = false)
boolean noFormat;
public Object doExecute() throws Exception {
ShellTable table = new ShellTable();
table.column("KAR Name");
for (String karName : this.getKarService().list()) {
table.print(System.out, !noFormat);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.opendaylight.aaa/aaa-cli
@Option(name = "-cert",
aliases = { "--CertFile" },
description = "The ODL certificate file.\n-file / --should be accesable by the karaf command line",
private String certFile = "";
@Option(name = "-storepass",
aliases = { "--KeyStorePass" },
description = "The ODL keystore password.\n-storepass",
private String keyStorePassword = "";
@Option(name = "-alias",
aliases = { "--alias" },
description = "The alias.\n-alias / ODL alias default is controller as the configuration",