
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for table
public class TableOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Database name */
 @Option(name = "--database", description = "Database to use")
 public String database = Defaults.DATABASE;

 /** Table name */
 @Option(name = { "-t", "--table" }, description = "Table to read from")
 public String table;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

代码示例来源:origin: io.tesla/airline

OptionType optionType = optionAnnotation.type();
String name;
if (!optionAnnotation.title().isEmpty()) {
  name = optionAnnotation.title();
List<String> options = ImmutableList.copyOf(;
String description = optionAnnotation.description();
int arity = optionAnnotation.arity();
Preconditions.checkArgument(arity >= 0 || arity == Integer.MIN_VALUE, "Invalid arity for option %s", name);
if (optionAnnotation.arity() >= 0) {
  arity = optionAnnotation.arity();
boolean required = optionAnnotation.required();
boolean hidden = optionAnnotation.hidden();
List<String> allowedValues = ImmutableList.copyOf(optionAnnotation.allowedValues());
if (allowedValues.isEmpty()) {
  allowedValues = null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.atlassian.sdk/ap3-api

 * @since version
public abstract class AbstractProductStartCommand extends AbstractStartCommand
  @Option(name = {"-v", "--version"}, title = "Version", description = "The product version to use")
  protected String version = "";

  @Option(name = {"-ch", "--clean-home"}, title = "Clean Home", description = "TCleans the product home directory")
  protected boolean cleanHome = false;

  @Option(name = {"-pdv", "--product-data-version"}, title = "Product Data Version", description = "The product data version to use")
  protected String dataVersion = "";

  @Option(name = {"-pdp", "--product-data-path"}, title = "Product Data Path", description = "A path to a product home zip file to use")
  protected String dataPath = "";

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for SOCKS proxy
public class SocksProxyOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Host */
 @Option(name = "--socks-proxy-host", hidden = true)
 public String host = "localhost";

 /** Port */
 @Option(name = "--socks-proxy-port", hidden = true)
 public int port = -1;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for multi-threaded
public class MultiThreadOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Number of threads to use */
 @Option(name = "--threads", description = "Number of threads to use")
 public int threads = 1;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

 public boolean isMultiThreaded() {
  return threads > 1;

 public boolean isSingleThreaded() {
  return threads == 1;

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for parser
public class ParserOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Parse only, don't print */
 @Option(name = { "--parse-only", "--dont-print" },
   description = "Don't print, just measure performance")
 public boolean parseOnly = false;

 /** Name of Java bean parser */
 @Option(name = "--bean-parser", description = "Use bean parser")
 public boolean beanParser = false;

 /** Name of row class */
 @Option(name = "--row-class", description = "class which represents a row")
 public String rowClassName = IdIdSimRow.class.getName();
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier

代码示例来源:origin: io.airlift.airship/airship-cli

public class GlobalOptions
  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = {"-e", "--environment"}, description = "Airship environment")
  public String environment;

  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = "--batch", description = "Do not prompt")
  public boolean batch;

  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = "--debug", description = "Enable debug messages")
  public boolean debug = false;

  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(", batch=").append(batch);
    sb.append(", debug=").append(debug);
    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: prezi/pride

public abstract class AbstractConfiguredCommand extends AbstractCommand {
  @Option(name = "--gradle-version",
      title = "version",
      description = "Use specified Gradle version (can be a version number, a URL of a distribution, or a location of an installation)")
  private String explicitGradleVersion;

  @Option(name = "--gradle-home",
      title = "directory",
      description = "Use specified Gradle home")
  private String explicitGradleHome;

  final public Integer call() throws Exception {
    PropertiesConfiguration globalConfiguration = loadGlobalConfiguration();
    RuntimeConfiguration config = DefaultRuntimeConfiguration.create(globalConfiguration);

    config.override(GRADLE_VERSION, explicitGradleVersion);
    config.override(GRADLE_HOME, explicitGradleHome);

    return 0;

  abstract protected void executeWithConfiguration(RuntimeConfiguration config) throws Exception;

代码示例来源:origin: com.atlassian.sdk/ap3-api

public class GlobalOptions
  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = {"-o", "--offline"}, description = "Offline mode")
  private boolean offline = false;

  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = {"-u", "--update"}, description = "Force update of the AP3 SDK")
  private boolean update = false;

  @Option(type = GLOBAL, name = {"-ud", "--update-develop"}, hidden = true)
  private boolean updateDevelop = false;

  public boolean isOffline()
    return offline;

  public boolean doUpdate()
    return update;

  public boolean doUpdateDevelop()
    return updateDevelop;

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for output table
public class OutputTableOptions extends TableOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Is the table partitioned */
 @Option(name = "--partitioned", description = "Write to a table partitioned by ds")
 public boolean partitioned = false;
  // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier

 /** Constructor */
 public OutputTableOptions() {
  table = "hiveio_output_test";

 /** Process options */
 public void process() {
  if (partitioned) {
   table = "hiveio_output_test_partitioned";

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for Metastore
public class MetastoreOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** Hive host */
 @Option(name = { "--metastore-host" }, description = "Hive Metastore Host")
 public String host = Defaults.METASTORE_HOST;

 /** Hive port */
 @Option(name = { "--metastore-port" }, description = "Hive Metatstore Port")
 public int port = Defaults.METASTORE_PORT;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

  * Create Metastore Thrift client
  * @return thrift metastore client
  * @throws TTransportException
 public ThriftHiveMetastore.Iface makeClient() throws TTransportException {
  return HiveMetastores.create(host, port);

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Options for Hadoop input splits
public class SplitOptions {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** number of splits */
 @Option(name = "--request-num-splits", description = "Number of splits to request")
 public int requestNumSplits = 0;

 /** splits per thread */
 @Option(name = "--request-splits-per-thread", description = "Number of splits per thread")
 public int requestSplitsPerThread = 3;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

  * Compute number of splits
  * @param threads number of threads
 public void compute(int threads) {
  if (requestNumSplits == 0) {
   requestNumSplits = threads * requestSplitsPerThread;

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

@Option(name = { "-f", "--partition-filter" }, description = "Partition filter")
public String partitionFilter = Defaults.PARTITION_FILTER;
@Option(name = "--parser", description = "Force Input parser to use")
public String parser;

代码示例来源:origin: prezi/pride

public abstract class AbstractCommand implements PrideCommand {
  protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCommand.class);
  @Option(name = {"-v", "--verbose"},
      description = "Verbose mode")
  private boolean verbose;
  @Option(name = {"-q", "--quiet"},
      description = "Quite mode")
  private boolean quiet;
  @Option(name = {"-p", "--pride-directory"},
      title = "directory",
      description = "Initializes the pride in the given directory instead of the current directory")
  private File explicitPrideDirectory;
  @Option(name = {"--help"},
      description = "Show help for the command")
  private boolean help;

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

@Option(name = "--namespaces-file", description = "File of Hive metastore clusters")
public String path;
@Option(name = "--namespace", description = "Cluster to use")
public String name = "silver";

代码示例来源:origin: prezi/pride

@Command(name = "reinit", description = "Re-initialize the configuration of an existing pride")
public class ReinitCommand extends AbstractConfiguredCommand {

  @Option(name = "--with-wrapper",
      description = "Add a Gradle wrapper")
  private boolean explicitWithWrapper;

  @Option(name = "--no-wrapper",
      description = "Do not add Gradle wrapper")
  private boolean explicitNoWrapper;

  @Option(name = {"-D", "--refresh-dependencies"},
      description = "Refresh Gradle dependencies after update completed")
  private Boolean explicitRefreshDependencies;

  protected void executeWithConfiguration(RuntimeConfiguration config) throws Exception {
    Pride pride = Pride.getPride(getPrideDirectory(), config, getVcsManager());
    boolean addWrapper = pride.getConfiguration().override(GRADLE_WRAPPER, explicitWithWrapper, explicitNoWrapper);
    InitAction.create(pride.getRootDirectory(), config, getVcsManager(), true, true, false).createPride(addWrapper, isVerbose());

    boolean refreshDependencies = config.override(COMMAND_REINIT_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES, explicitRefreshDependencies);
    if (refreshDependencies) {
      new RefreshDependenciesAction().refreshDependencies(pride);

代码示例来源:origin: io.airlift.airship/airship-cli

@Command(name = "provision", description = "Provision a new agent")
public static class AgentProvisionCommand extends AirshipCommanderCommand
  @Option(name = "--agent-config", description = "Agent for the coordinator")
  public String agentConfig;
  @Option(name = {"--count"}, description = "Number of agent to provision")
  public int count = 1;
  @Option(name = "--ami", description = "Amazon Machine Image for agent")
  public String ami;
  @Option(name = "--key-pair", description = "Key pair for agent")
  public String keyPair;
  @Option(name = "--security-group", description = "Security group for agent")
  public String securityGroup;
  @Option(name = "--availability-zone", description = "EC2 availability zone for agent")
  public String availabilityZone;
  @Option(name = "--instance-type", description = "Instance type to provision")
  public String instanceType;
  @Option(name = "--no-wait", description = "Do not wait for agent to start")
  public boolean noWait;

代码示例来源:origin: prezi/pride

@Option(name = {"-f", "--force"},
    description = "Force initialization of a pride, even if one already exists")
private boolean explicitForce;
@Option(name = "--with-wrapper",
    description = "Add a Gradle wrapper")
private boolean explicitWithWrapper;
@Option(name = "--no-wrapper",
    description = "Do not add Gradle wrapper")
private boolean explicitNoWrapper;
@Option(name = "--no-add-existing",
    description = "Do not add existing modules in the pride directory to the pride")
private boolean explicitNoAddExisting;
@Option(name = "--ignore-config",
    description = "Ignore existing pride's configuration (to be used with --force)")
private boolean explicitIgnoreConfig;
@Option(name = "--import",
    title = "file or URL",
    description = "Import configuration and modules from configuration file exported by 'pride export' (use '-' to read from standard input)")
@Option(name = "--from-config",
    hidden = true)
private String explicitFromConfig;
@Option(name = {"-c", "--use-repo-cache"},

代码示例来源:origin: io.airlift.airship/airship-cli

@Command(name = "provision", description = "Provision a new coordinator")
public static class CoordinatorProvisionCommand extends AirshipCommanderCommand
  @Option(name = "--coordinator-config", description = "Configuration for the coordinator")
  public String coordinatorConfig;
  @Option(name = {"--count"}, description = "Number of coordinators to provision")
  public int count = 1;
  @Option(name = "--ami", description = "Amazon Machine Image for coordinator")
  public String ami;
  @Option(name = "--key-pair", description = "Key pair for coordinator")
  public String keyPair;
  @Option(name = "--security-group", description = "Security group for coordinator")
  public String securityGroup;
  @Option(name = "--availability-zone", description = "EC2 availability zone for coordinator")
  public String availabilityZone;
  @Option(name = "--instance-type", description = "Instance type to provision")
  public String instanceType;
  @Option(name = "--no-wait", description = "Do not wait for coordinator to start")
  public boolean noWait;

代码示例来源:origin: facebookarchive/hive-io-experimental

 * Input benchmark
@Command(name = "input-benchmark", description = "Benchmark for Input")
public class InputBenchmarkCmd extends BaseCmd {
 // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifier
 /** metastore options */
 @Inject public MetastoreOptions metastoreOpts = new MetastoreOptions();

 /** table options */
 @Inject public InputTableOptions tableOpts = new InputTableOptions();

 /** Whether to track metrics */
 @Option(name = "--trackMetrics", description = "Track metrics while running")
 public boolean trackMetrics = false;

 /** Every how many splits to print */
 @Option(name = "--splitPrintPeriod", description = "Every how many splits to print")
 public int splitPrintPeriod = 3;

 /** Every how many records in a split to print */
 @Option(name = "--recordPrintPeriod")
 public int recordPrintPeriod = 1000000;
 // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifier

 @Override public void execute() throws Exception {
  new InputBenchmark().run(this);

