GoReplay 对数据流的抽象出了两个概念,即用 输入(input ) 和 输出(output ) 来表示数据来源与去向,统称为 plugin,用介于输入和输出模块之间的中间件实现拓展机制。
input_file.go:实现文件读取的输入插件, 实现 io.Reader 接口,最后根据配置注册到 Plugin.inputs 队列里。
-input-file value //从一个文件中读取请求
Read requests from file:
gor --input-file ./requests.gor --output-http staging.com
-input-file-dry-run //模拟从数据源读取数据而不重新回放它
Simulate reading from the data source without replaying it. You will get information about expected replay time, number of found records etc.
-input-file-loop //循环读取文件
Loop input files, useful for performance testing.
-input-file-max-wait duration //设置请求之间的最大时间间隔
Set the maximum time between requests. Can help in situations when you have too long periods between request, and you want to skip them. Example: --input-raw-max-wait 1s
-input-file-read-depth int //尝试提前读取和缓存多个记录。与此同时,如果请求没有按顺序出现,它还可以对请求进行排序。因为它需要在内存中保存这个缓冲区,较大的值会导致更差的性能(默认为100)
GoReplay tries to read and cache multiple records, in advance. In parallel it also perform sorting of requests, if they came out of order. Since it needs hold this buffer in memory, bigger values can cause worse performance (default 100)
GoReplay 实现压力测试的核心特性就是满足流量变速回放功能。支持将录制的生产实际请求流量减少或者放大回放以用于压力测试
比如运行以下命令,将流量从文件回放到 237 服务器,并放大两倍:
[root@vm-1 ~]./gor --input-file "requests.gor|200%" --output-http=""
2021/08/17 15:03:58 [PPID 12356 and PID 18187] Version:1.3.0
[DEBUG][elapsed 1.361742ms]: [INPUT-FILE] FileInput: end of file 'requests.gor'
gor.go 为 main 方法,初始化所有插件,启动 emiter(核心处理器) 监听
启动 emitter:
func main() {
if os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS") == "" {
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() * 2)
args := os.Args[1:]
var plugins *InOutPlugins
if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "file-server" {
if len(args) != 2 {
log.Fatal("You should specify port and IP (optional) for the file server. Example: `gor file-server :80`")
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
Debug(0, "Started example file server for current directory on address ", args[1])
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(args[1], loggingMiddleware(args[1], http.FileServer(http.Dir(dir)))))
} else {
//初始化全局的 Settings 变量
plugins = NewPlugins()
log.Printf("[PPID %d and PID %d] Version:%s\n", os.Getppid(), os.Getpid(), VERSION)
if len(plugins.Inputs) == 0 || len(plugins.Outputs) == 0 {
log.Fatal("Required at least 1 input and 1 output")
if *memprofile != "" {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
if Settings.Pprof != "" {
go func() {
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(Settings.Pprof, nil))
closeCh := make(chan int)
emitter := NewEmitter()
//调用 Start 函数,启动 emitter
go emitter.Start(plugins, Settings.Middleware)
if Settings.ExitAfter > 0 {
log.Printf("Running gor for a duration of %s\n", Settings.ExitAfter)
time.AfterFunc(Settings.ExitAfter, func() {
log.Printf("gor run timeout %s\n", Settings.ExitAfter)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
exit := 0
select {
case <-c:
exit = 1
case <-closeCh:
exit = 0
plugins.go 类中,通过 limiter 类执行各种变速操作:
// Automatically detects type of plugin and initialize it
// See this article if curious about reflect stuff below: http://blog.burntsushi.net/type-parametric-functions-golang
func (plugins *InOutPlugins) registerPlugin(constructor interface{}, options ...interface{}) {
var path, limit string
vc := reflect.ValueOf(constructor)
// Pre-processing options to make it work with reflect
vo := []reflect.Value{}
for _, oi := range options {
vo = append(vo, reflect.ValueOf(oi))
if len(vo) > 0 {
// Removing limit options from path
path, limit = extractLimitOptions(vo[0].String())
// Writing value back without limiter "|" options
vo[0] = reflect.ValueOf(path)
// Calling our constructor with list of given options
plugin := vc.Call(vo)[0].Interface()
if limit != "" {
plugin = NewLimiter(plugin, limit)
// Some of the output can be Readers as well because return responses
if r, ok := plugin.(PluginReader); ok {
plugins.Inputs = append(plugins.Inputs, r)
if w, ok := plugin.(PluginWriter); ok {
plugins.Outputs = append(plugins.Outputs, w)
plugins.All = append(plugins.All, plugin)
plugins.go 类中,对类似 ‘request.gor|100%’ 的参数进行解析:
// extractLimitOptions detects if plugin get called with limiter support
// Returns address and limit
func extractLimitOptions(options string) (string, string) {
split := strings.Split(options, "|")
if len(split) > 1 {
return split[0], split[1]
return split[0], ""
主要执行方法在 limiter.go 类,源代码如下:
package main
import (
// Limiter is a wrapper for input or output plugin which adds rate limiting
type Limiter struct {
plugin interface{}
limit int
isPercent bool
currentRPS int
currentTime int64
func parseLimitOptions(options string) (limit int, isPercent bool) {
if n := strings.Index(options, "%"); n > 0 {
limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(options[:n])
isPercent = true
} else {
limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(options)
isPercent = false
// NewLimiter constructor for Limiter, accepts plugin and options
// `options` allow to sprcify relatve or absolute limiting
func NewLimiter(plugin interface{}, options string) PluginReadWriter {
l := new(Limiter)
l.limit, l.isPercent = parseLimitOptions(options)
l.plugin = plugin
l.currentTime = time.Now().UnixNano()
// FileInput have its own rate limiting. Unlike other inputs we not just dropping requests, we can slow down or speed up request emittion.
if fi, ok := l.plugin.(*FileInput); ok && l.isPercent {
fi.speedFactor = float64(l.limit) / float64(100)
return l
func (l *Limiter) isLimited() bool {
// File input have its own limiting algorithm
if _, ok := l.plugin.(*FileInput); ok && l.isPercent {
return false
if l.isPercent {
return l.limit <= rand.Intn(100)
if (time.Now().UnixNano() - l.currentTime) > time.Second.Nanoseconds() {
l.currentTime = time.Now().UnixNano()
l.currentRPS = 0
if l.currentRPS >= l.limit {
return true
return false
// PluginWrite writes message to this plugin
func (l *Limiter) PluginWrite(msg *Message) (n int, err error) {
if l.isLimited() {
return 0, nil
if w, ok := l.plugin.(PluginWriter); ok {
return w.PluginWrite(msg)
// avoid further writing
return 0, io.ErrClosedPipe
// PluginRead reads message from this plugin
func (l *Limiter) PluginRead() (msg *Message, err error) {
if r, ok := l.plugin.(PluginReader); ok {
msg, err = r.PluginRead()
} else {
// avoid further reading
return nil, io.ErrClosedPipe
if l.isLimited() {
return nil, nil
func (l *Limiter) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Limiting %s to: %d (isPercent: %v)", l.plugin, l.limit, l.isPercent)
// Close closes the resources.
func (l *Limiter) Close() error {
if fi, ok := l.plugin.(io.Closer); ok {
return nil
limiter.go 类同样实现文件限速功能:
input_file.go 类调用了文件限速功能:
$ sudo ./gor --input-file 'request.gor|10000%' --input-file-loop --output-http ''
在 plufins.go 类中应用文件循环使用:
for _, options := range Settings.InputFile {
plugins.registerPlugin(NewFileInput, options, Settings.InputFileLoop, Settings.InputFileReadDepth, Settings.InputFileMaxWait, Settings.InputFileDryRun)
input_file.go 类中实现文件读取功能:
// NewFileInput constructor for FileInput. Accepts file path as argument.
func NewFileInput(path string, loop bool, readDepth int, maxWait time.Duration, dryRun bool) (i *FileInput) {
i = new(FileInput)
i.data = make(chan []byte, 1000)
i.exit = make(chan bool)
i.path = path
i.speedFactor = 1
i.loop = loop
i.readDepth = readDepth
i.stats = expvar.NewMap("file-" + path)
i.dryRun = dryRun
i.maxWait = maxWait
if err := i.init(); err != nil {
go i.emit()
// FileInput can read requests generated by FileOutput
type FileInput struct {
mu sync.Mutex
data chan []byte
exit chan bool
path string
readers []*fileInputReader
speedFactor float64
loop bool
readDepth int
dryRun bool
maxWait time.Duration
stats *expvar.Map
if reader == nil {
if i.loop {
lastTime = -1
} else {
版权说明 : 本文为转载文章, 版权归原作者所有 版权申明
原文链接 : https://blog.csdn.net/zuozewei/article/details/121302089