
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Root class of the population description (previously also called "plans file")


代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

 * @return sorted map containing containing the persons as values and their ids as keys.
public static SortedMap<Id<Person>, Person> getSortedPersons(final Population population) {
  return new TreeMap<>(population.getPersons());

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public PopulationFactory getFactory() {
  return population.getFactory();

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void endTag(final String name, final String content, final Stack<String> context) {
  if (PERSON.equals(name)) {
    this.currperson = null;
  } else if (PLAN.equals(name)) {
    this.currplan = null;
  } else if (LEG.equals(name)) {
    this.currleg = null;
  } else if (ROUTE.equals(name)) {
    this.routeNodes = content;

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void startPlans(final Population plans, final BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
  if (plans.getName() != null) {
    out.write(" desc=\"" + plans.getName() + "\"");
  this.attributesWriter.writeAttributes( "\t" , out , plans.getAttributes() );

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

 * Randomly chooses for each person of the population a strategy and uses that
 * strategy on the person.
public final void run(final Population population, final ReplanningContext replanningContext) {
  beforePopulationRunHook(population, replanningContext);, population.getPersonAttributes(), replanningContext);

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim


代码示例来源:origin: io.github.agentsoz/bdi-matsim

public static void populationWithBDIAttributeExample() {
    Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig() ;
    Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario( config ) ;
    Population pop = scenario.getPopulation() ;
    PopulationFactory pf = pop.getFactory() ;
    for ( int ii=0 ; ii<10 ; ii++ ) {
      Person person = pf.createPerson( Id.createPersonId(ii)) ;
      person.getAttributes().putAttribute("isBDIAgent", true ) ;
    PopulationUtils.writePopulation(pop, "pop.xml");
    Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig() ;
    Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario( config ) ;
    for ( Person person : scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().values() ) {
      final String attribute = (String) person.getAttributes().getAttribute("isBDIAgent");
      System.out.println( "id=" + person.getId() + "; isBdi=" + attribute ) ; 

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

private void createPopulation() {
  Population pop = scenario.getPopulation();
  PopulationFactory factory = pop.getFactory();
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "1", 200, 10, 800, 300));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "2", 500, -10, 800, 300));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "3", 600, 20, 800, 300));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "4", 900, 100, 400, 500));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "5", 1000, 300, 400, 500));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "6", 700, 300, 400, 500));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "7", 800, 400, 400, 500));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "8", 440, 500, 300, 100));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "9", 250, 250, 300, 100));
  pop.addPerson(createPersonWithPlan(factory, "0", 0, 100, 300, 100));

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

final Person person = sc.getPopulation().getFactory().createPerson(Id.createPersonId(i));
sc.getPopulation().getPersonAttributes().putAttribute(person.getId().toString(), "subpopulation", subpop);

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public ObjectAttributes getPersonAttributes() {
  return population.getPersonAttributes();

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

  public Attributes getAttributes() {
    return delegate.getAttributes();

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void testPlanAttributesIO() {
  final Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(ConfigUtils.createConfig() );
  final Person person = population.getFactory().createPerson(Id.createPersonId( "Donald Trump"));
  population.addPerson( person );
  final Plan plan = population.getFactory().createPlan();
  person.addPlan( plan );
  final Leg leg = population.getFactory().createLeg( "SUV" );
  plan.addActivity( population.getFactory().createActivityFromLinkId( "speech" , Id.createLinkId( 1 )));
  plan.addLeg( leg );
  plan.addActivity( population.getFactory().createActivityFromLinkId( "tweet" , Id.createLinkId( 2 )));
  plan.getAttributes().putAttribute( "beauty" , 0.000001d );
  final String file = utils.getOutputDirectory()+"/population.xml";
  new PopulationWriter( population ).writeV6( file );
  final Scenario readScenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario( ConfigUtils.createConfig() );
  new PopulationReader( readScenario ).readFile( file );
  final Person readPerson = readScenario.getPopulation().getPersons().get( Id.createPersonId( "Donald Trump" ) );
  final Plan readPlan = readPerson.getSelectedPlan() ;
  Assert.assertEquals(                 plan.getAttributes().getAttribute( "beauty" ) ,
      readPlan.getAttributes().getAttribute( "beauty" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void handlePlan(final Plan plan) {
  // Creating a dummy population which only contains the plans which are passed here.
  // I need to copy the plans because I am not supposed to add a plan to a different Person.
  // I also need to memorize the plans which are passed here, because I am supposed to mutate them.
  final Person personWithOnlySelectedPlan = this.exportPopulation.getFactory().createPerson(plan.getPerson().getId());
  final Plan planForNewPerson = PopulationUtils.createPlan(personWithOnlySelectedPlan);
  PopulationUtils.copyFromTo(plan, planForNewPerson);
  this.plansToMutate.put(plan.getPerson().getId(), plan);

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void reset(final int iteration) {
  for ( StatType type : StatType.values() ) {
    this.statsContainer.get(type).clear() ;
    if ( this.sumsContainer.get(type)==null ) {
      this.sumsContainer.put( type, new DataMap<String>() ) ;
    this.sumsContainer.get(type).clear() ;
  for ( Person person : this.scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().values() ) {
    ObjectAttributes attribs = this.scenario.getPopulation().getPersonAttributes() ;
    attribs.putAttribute( person.getId().toString(), TRAV_TIME, 0. ) ;
    if ( attribs.getAttribute( person.getId().toString(), CERTAIN_LINKS_CNT ) != null ) {
      attribs.putAttribute( person.getId().toString(), CERTAIN_LINKS_CNT, 0. ) ;
    if ( attribs.getAttribute( person.getId().toString(), PAYMENTS) != null ) {
      attribs.putAttribute( person.getId().toString(), PAYMENTS, 0. ) ;
  // (yy not sure if I like the above; might be better to just use a local data structure. kai, may'14)
  controlStatisticsSum = 0. ;
  controlStatisticsCnt = 0. ;

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

@Override public ObjectAttributes getPersonAttributes() {
  return delegate.getPersonAttributes();

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

  public void testPopulationAttributesIO() {
    final Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(ConfigUtils.createConfig() );

    population.getAttributes().putAttribute( "type" , "candidates" );
    population.getAttributes().putAttribute( "number" , 2 );

    final String file = utils.getOutputDirectory()+"/population.xml";
    new PopulationWriter( population ).writeV6( file );

    final Scenario readScenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario( ConfigUtils.createConfig() );
    new PopulationReader( readScenario ).readFile( file );

    Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected numeric attribute in " + readScenario.getPopulation().getAttributes(),
        population.getAttributes().getAttribute( "number" ) ,
        readScenario.getPopulation().getAttributes().getAttribute( "number" ) );

    Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected String attribute in " + readScenario.getPopulation().getAttributes(),
        population.getAttributes().getAttribute( "type" ) ,
        readScenario.getPopulation().getAttributes().getAttribute( "type" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

public void testLegAttributesIO() {
  final Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(ConfigUtils.createConfig() );
  final Person person = population.getFactory().createPerson(Id.createPersonId( "Donald Trump"));
  population.addPerson( person );
  final Plan plan = population.getFactory().createPlan();
  person.addPlan( plan );
  final Leg leg = population.getFactory().createLeg( "SUV" );
  plan.addActivity( population.getFactory().createActivityFromLinkId( "speech" , Id.createLinkId( 1 )));
  plan.addLeg( leg );
  plan.addActivity( population.getFactory().createActivityFromLinkId( "tweet" , Id.createLinkId( 2 )));
  leg.getAttributes().putAttribute( "mpg" , 0.000001d );
  final String file = utils.getOutputDirectory()+"/population.xml";
  new PopulationWriter( population ).writeV6( file );
  final Scenario readScenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario( ConfigUtils.createConfig() );
  new PopulationReader( readScenario ).readFile( file );
  final Person readPerson = readScenario.getPopulation().getPersons().get( Id.createPersonId( "Donald Trump" ) );
  final Leg readLeg = (Leg) readPerson.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get( 1 );
  Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected Double attribute in " + readLeg.getAttributes(),
      leg.getAttributes().getAttribute( "mpg" ) ,
      readLeg.getAttributes().getAttribute( "mpg" ) );

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

 * Sorts the persons in the given population.
public static void sortPersons(final Population population) {
  Map<Id<Person>, Person> map = (Map<Id<Person>, Person>) population.getPersons();
  if (map instanceof SortedMap) return;
  Map<Id<Person>, Person> treeMap = new TreeMap<>(map);

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.agentsoz/util

public static void addPersonWithActivity(String actType,
    Coordinates coordsOfAct, double actEndTime, Scenario scenario) {
  PopulationFactory populationFactory = scenario.getPopulation()
  Coord matSimCoord = new Coord(coordsOfAct.getLongitude(),
  // Create a new plan
  Plan plan = populationFactory.createPlan();
  // Create a new activity with the end time and add it to the plan
  Activity act = populationFactory.createActivityFromCoord(actType,
  // Add a new leg to the plan. Needed, otherwise MATSim won't add this
  // leg-less plan to the simulation
  // Create a second activity (all plans must end in an activity)
  act = populationFactory.createActivityFromCoord(actType.toString(),
  Person person = populationFactory.createPerson(Id
      .createPersonId(personIdPrefix + personId++));

代码示例来源:origin: matsim-org/matsim

@Override public PopulationFactory getFactory() {
  return delegate.getFactory();
@Override public String getName() {
