
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Pairing of a name and the org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId it currently has.

A ref in Git is (more or less) a variable that holds a single object identifier. The object identifier can be any valid Git object (blob, tree, commit, annotated tag, ...).

The ref name has the attributes of the ref that was asked for as well as the ref it was resolved to for symbolic refs plus the object id it points to and (for tags) the peeled target object id, i.e. the tag resolved recursively until a non-tag object is referenced.
ref name具有请求的ref的属性,以及符号ref解析为的ref加上它指向的对象id和(标记)剥离的目标对象id,即递归解析的标记,直到引用非标记对象。


代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. private static String getHeadName(Ref head) {
  2. String headName;
  3. if (head.isSymbolic()) {
  4. headName = head.getTarget().getName();
  5. } else {
  6. ObjectId headId = head.getObjectId();
  7. // the callers are checking this already
  8. assert headId != null;
  9. headName = headId.getName();
  10. }
  11. return headName;
  12. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. /**
  2. * Include a single ref (a name/object pair) in the bundle.
  3. * <p>
  4. * This is a utility function for:
  5. * <code>include(r.getName(), r.getObjectId())</code>.
  6. *
  7. * @param r
  8. * the ref to include.
  9. */
  10. public void include(Ref r) {
  11. include(r.getName(), r.getObjectId());
  12. if (r.getPeeledObjectId() != null)
  13. tagTargets.add(r.getPeeledObjectId());
  14. else if (r.getObjectId() != null
  15. && r.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS))
  16. tagTargets.add(r.getObjectId());
  17. }

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

  1. public Long commitCountOnMaster() throws GitAPIException, IncorrectObjectTypeException, MissingObjectException {
  2. // not inside a doLocked/synchronized block because we don't want to block the server status service.
  3. // we do a `git branch` because we switch branches as part of normal git operations,
  4. // and we don't care about number of commits on those branches.
  5. List<Ref> branches = git.branchList().call();
  6. for (Ref branch : branches) {
  7. if (branch.getName().equals("refs/heads/master")) {
  8. Iterable<RevCommit> commits = git.log().add(branch.getObjectId()).call();
  9. long count = 0;
  10. for (RevCommit commit : commits) {
  11. count++;
  12. }
  13. return count;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. return Long.valueOf(-1);
  17. }
  18. }

代码示例来源:origin: jphp-group/jphp

  1. public static ArrayMemory valueOf(Ref ref) {
  2. ArrayMemory memory = new ArrayMemory();
  3. memory.refOfIndex("name").assign(ref.getName());
  4. memory.refOfIndex("peeled").assign(ref.isPeeled());
  5. memory.refOfIndex("symbolic").assign(ref.isSymbolic());
  6. memory.refOfIndex("objectId").assign(valueOf(ref.getObjectId()));
  7. memory.refOfIndex("storage").assign(valueOf(ref.getStorage()));
  8. return memory;
  9. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. @Override
  2. int valueType() {
  3. if (ref.isSymbolic()) {
  4. return VALUE_SYMREF;
  5. } else if (ref.getStorage() == NEW && ref.getObjectId() == null) {
  6. return VALUE_NONE;
  7. } else if (ref.getPeeledObjectId() != null) {
  8. return VALUE_2ID;
  9. } else {
  10. return VALUE_1ID;
  11. }
  12. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. try (Git git = Git.cloneRepository()
  2. .setURI(REMOTE_URL)
  3. .setDirectory(localPath)
  4. .call()) {
  5. System.out.println("Having repository: " + git.getRepository().getDirectory());
  6. FetchResult result = git.fetch().setCheckFetchedObjects(true).call();
  7. System.out.println("Messages: " + result.getMessages());
  8. List<Ref> call = git.branchList().call();
  9. for (Ref ref : call) {
  10. System.out.println("Branch: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  11. call = git.branchList().setListMode(ListMode.ALL).call();
  12. for (Ref ref : call) {
  13. System.out.println("Branch: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. checkCallable();
  2. try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
  3. Ref headRef = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD);
  4. if (headRef == null)
  5. throw new NoHeadException(
  6. JGitText.get().commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported);
  7. RevCommit headCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(headRef.getObjectId());
  8. ObjectId srcObjectId = src.getPeeledObjectId();
  9. if (srcObjectId == null)
  10. srcObjectId = src.getObjectId();
  11. RevCommit srcCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(srcObjectId);
  12. String revertName = srcCommit.getId().abbreviate(7).name()
  13. + "\""; //$NON-NLS-1$
  14. String newMessage = shortMessage + "\n\n" //$NON-NLS-1$
  15. + "This reverts commit " + srcCommit.getId().getName() //$NON-NLS-1$
  16. + ".\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
  17. if (merger.merge(headCommit, srcParent)) {
  18. .formatWithConflicts(newMessage,
  19. merger.getUnmergedPaths());
  20. repo.writeRevertHead(srcCommit.getId());

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. checkCallable();
  2. try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
  3. Ref headRef = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD);
  4. if (headRef == null)
  5. throw new NoHeadException(
  6. JGitText.get().commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported);
  7. newHead = revWalk.parseCommit(headRef.getObjectId());
  8. ObjectId srcObjectId = src.getPeeledObjectId();
  9. if (srcObjectId == null)
  10. srcObjectId = src.getObjectId();
  11. RevCommit srcCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(srcObjectId);
  12. String cherryPickName = srcCommit.getId().abbreviate(7).name()
  13. + " " + srcCommit.getShortMessage(); //$NON-NLS-1$
  14. merger.setBase(srcParent.getTree());
  15. merger.setCommitNames(new String[] { "BASE", ourName, //$NON-NLS-1$
  16. cherryPickName });
  17. repo.writeCherryPickHead(srcCommit.getId());
  18. repo.writeMergeCommitMsg(message);

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. // See e.g. GetRevCommitFromObjectId for how to use a SHA-1 directly
  4. Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");
  5. System.out.println("Ref of HEAD: " + head + ": " + head.getName() + " - " + head.getObjectId().getName());
  6. // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
  7. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  8. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  9. System.out.println("Commit: " + commit);
  10. // a commit points to a tree
  11. RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
  12. System.out.println("Found Tree: " + tree);
  13. walk.dispose();
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");
  4. // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
  5. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  6. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  7. RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
  8. System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);
  9. // now use a TreeWalk to iterate over all files in the Tree
  10. // you can set Filters to narrow down the results if needed
  11. try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
  12. treeWalk.addTree(tree);
  13. // not walk the tree recursively so we only get the elements in the top-level directory
  14. treeWalk.setRecursive(false);
  15. while ( {
  16. System.out.println("found: " + treeWalk.getPathString());
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

  1. try (Git git = new Git(repo)) {
  2. CreateBranchCommand command = git.branchCreate();
  3. command.setName(name);
  4. if (startCommit != null)
  5. Ref headRef = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD);
  6. if (headRef == null) {
  8. this.status = CheckoutResult.NOT_TRIED_RESULT;
  9. return repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD);
  10. try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
  11. AnyObjectId headId = headRef.getObjectId();
  12. headCommit = headId == null ? null
  13. : revWalk.parseCommit(headId);
  14. newCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(branch);
  15. RevTree headTree = headCommit == null ? null : headCommit.getTree();
  16. if (ref != null && !ref.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS))
  17. Result updateResult;
  18. if (ref != null)
  19. updateResult =;
  20. else if (orphan) {
  21. updateResult =;

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. Ref head = repository.exactRef("refs/heads/master");
  4. System.out.println("Found head: " + head);
  5. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  6. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  7. System.out.println("Found Commit: " + commit);
  8. try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
  9. git.notesAdd().setMessage("some note message").setObjectId(commit).call();
  10. System.out.println("Added Note to commit " + commit);
  11. List<Note> call = git.notesList().call();
  12. System.out.println("Listing " + call.size() + " notes");
  13. for(Note note : call) {
  14. if(!note.getName().equals(head.getObjectId().getName())) {
  15. System.out.println("Note " + note + " did not match commit " + head);
  16. continue;
  17. ObjectLoader loader =;
  18. loader.copyTo(System.out);
  19. walk.dispose();

代码示例来源:origin: FlowCI/flow-platform

  1. /**
  2. * Get latest commit by ref name from local .git
  3. */
  4. @Override
  5. public GitCommit commit(String refName) throws GitException {
  6. try (Git git = gitOpen()) {
  7. Repository repo = git.getRepository();
  8. Ref head = repo.findRef(refName);
  9. if (head == null) {
  10. return null;
  11. }
  12. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
  13. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  14. walk.dispose();
  15. String id = commit.getId().getName();
  16. String message = commit.getFullMessage();
  17. String author = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName();
  18. return new GitCommit(id, message, author);
  19. }
  20. } catch (IOException e) {
  21. throw new GitException("Fail to get commit message", e);
  22. }
  23. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
  4. List<Ref> call = git.tagList().call();
  5. for (Ref ref : call) {
  6. System.out.println("Tag: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  7. // fetch all commits for this tag
  8. LogCommand log = git.log();
  9. Ref peeledRef = repository.getRefDatabase().peel(ref);
  10. if(peeledRef.getPeeledObjectId() != null) {
  11. log.add(peeledRef.getPeeledObjectId());
  12. } else {
  13. log.add(ref.getObjectId());
  14. }
  15. Iterable<RevCommit> logs =;
  16. for (RevCommit rev : logs) {
  17. System.out.println("Commit: " + rev /* + ", name: " + rev.getName() + ", id: " + rev.getId().getName() */);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  2. try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
  3. List<Ref> call = git.branchList().call();
  4. for (Ref ref : call) {
  5. System.out.println("Branch-Before: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  6. List<Ref> refs = git.branchList().call();
  7. for(Ref ref : refs) {
  8. System.out.println("Had branch: " + ref.getName());
  9. if(ref.getName().equals("refs/heads/testbranch")) {
  10. System.out.println("Removing branch before");
  11. git.branchDelete()
  12. .call();
  13. call = git.branchList().call();
  14. for (Ref ref : call) {
  15. System.out.println("Branch-Created: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  16. call = git.branchList().call();
  17. for (Ref ref : call) {
  18. System.out.println("Branch-After: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. private static AbstractTreeIterator prepareTreeParser(Repository repository, String ref) throws IOException {
  2. // from the commit we can build the tree which allows us to construct the TreeParser
  3. Ref head = repository.exactRef(ref);
  4. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  5. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  6. RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
  7. CanonicalTreeParser treeParser = new CanonicalTreeParser();
  8. try (ObjectReader reader = repository.newObjectReader()) {
  9. treeParser.reset(reader, tree.getId());
  10. }
  11. walk.dispose();
  12. return treeParser;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. System.out.println("Listing local branches:");
  4. try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
  5. List<Ref> call = git.branchList().call();
  6. for (Ref ref : call) {
  7. System.out.println("Branch: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  8. }
  9. System.out.println("Now including remote branches:");
  10. call = git.branchList().setListMode(ListMode.ALL).call();
  11. for (Ref ref : call) {
  12. System.out.println("Branch: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. // the Ref holds an ObjectId for any type of object (tree, commit, blob, tree)
  4. Ref head = repository.exactRef("refs/heads/master");
  5. System.out.println("Ref of refs/heads/master: " + head);
  6. System.out.println("\nPrint contents of head of master branch, i.e. the latest commit information");
  7. ObjectLoader loader =;
  8. loader.copyTo(System.out);
  9. System.out.println("\nPrint contents of tree of head of master branch, i.e. the latest binary tree information");
  10. // a commit points to a tree
  11. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  12. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  13. RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
  14. System.out.println("Found Tree: " + tree);
  15. loader =;
  16. loader.copyTo(System.out);
  17. walk.dispose();
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
  4. List<Ref> refs = git.branchList().call();
  5. for (Ref ref : refs) {
  6. System.out.println("Branch: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  7. listReflog(repository, ref);
  8. }
  9. List<Ref> call = git.tagList().call();
  10. for (Ref ref : call) {
  11. System.out.println("Tag: " + ref + " " + ref.getName() + " " + ref.getObjectId().getName());
  12. listReflog(repository, ref);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  2. try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
  3. Ref head = repository.exactRef("refs/heads/master");
  4. System.out.println("Found head: " + head);
  5. // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
  6. try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
  7. RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
  8. System.out.println("Found Commit: " + commit);
  9. // You can also get the commit for an (abbreviated) SHA
  10. walk.reset();
  11. ObjectId id = repository.resolve("38d51408bd");
  12. RevCommit commitAgain = walk.parseCommit(id);
  13. System.out.println("Found Commit again: " + commitAgain);
  14. walk.dispose();
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
