* This procedure displays text in a graphics window.
* Input parameters:
* WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where
* the message should be displayed
* String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed
* CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given
* with respect to the window coordinate system.
* If set to 'image', image coordinates are used.
* (This may be useful in zoomed images.)
* Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position
* A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different
* positions.
* Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position
* A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different
* positions.
* Color: defines the color of the text as string.
* If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used.
* If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically...
* - if |Row| == |Column| == 1: for each new textline
* = else for each text position.
* Box: If Box[0] is set to 'true', the text is written within an orange box.
* If set to' false', no box is displayed.
* If set to a color string (e.g. 'white', '#FF00CC', etc.),
* the text is written in a box of that color.
* An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed:
* 'true' -> display a shadow in a default color
* 'false' -> display no shadow
* otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color
* It is possible to display multiple text strings in a single call.
* In this case, some restrictions apply:
* - Multiple text positions can be defined by specifying a tuple
* with multiple Row and/or Column coordinates, i.e.:
* - |Row| == n, |Column| == n
* - |Row| == n, |Column| == 1
* - |Row| == 1, |Column| == n
* - If |Row| == |Column| == 1,
* each element of String is display in a new textline.
* - If multiple positions or specified, the number of Strings
* must match the number of positions, i.e.:
* - Either |String| == n (each string is displayed at the
* corresponding position),
* - or |String| == 1 (The string is displayed n times).
* Convert the parameters for disp_text.
if (Row == [] or Column == [])
return ()
if (Row == -1)
Row := 12
if (Column == -1)
Column := 12
* Convert the parameter Box to generic parameters.
GenParamName := []
GenParamValue := []
if (|Box| > 0)
if (Box[0] == 'false')
* Display no box
GenParamName := [GenParamName,'box']
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,'false']
elseif (Box[0] != 'true')
* Set a color other than the default.
GenParamName := [GenParamName,'box_color']
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,Box[0]]
if (|Box| > 1)
if (Box[1] == 'false')
* Display no shadow.
GenParamName := [GenParamName,'shadow']
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,'false']
elseif (Box[1] != 'true')
* Set a shadow color other than the default.
GenParamName := [GenParamName,'shadow_color']
GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,Box[1]]
* Restore default CoordSystem behavior.
if (CoordSystem != 'window')
CoordSystem := 'image'
if (Color == '')
* disp_text does not accept an empty string for Color.
Color := []
disp_text (WindowHandle, String, CoordSystem, Row, Column, Color, GenParamName, GenParamValue)
return ()
版权说明 : 本文为转载文章, 版权归原作者所有 版权申明
原文链接 : https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_46211269/article/details/121779246