使用OpenCV操作CUDA 图像

x33g5p2x  于2021-12-10 转载在 其他  
void makeJPEG(PyObject* _py_list_src, int idx, int _target_size, bool _crop_to_square, PyObject* _py_list_tgt, bool withGpu) {
    cv::Mat _resized_mat_buffer;
    cv::cuda::GpuMat _resized_mat_buffer_gpu;
    std::vector<uchar> _output_jpeg_buffer; 
    std::vector<int> _encode_params;

     * Decompress JPEG
    PyObject* pySrc = PyList_GET_ITEM(_py_list_src, idx);
    uchar* src = (unsigned char*)PyString_AsString(pySrc);
    size_t src_len = PyString_GET_SIZE(pySrc);
    vector<uchar> src_vec(src, src + src_len);

    cv::Mat decoded_mat = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(src_vec), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    assert(decoded_mat.channels() == 3);

    // Load to GPU.
    cv::cuda::GpuMat decoded_mat_gpu;
    if (withGpu) {

     * Resize
    double min_dim = std::min(decoded_mat.size().height, decoded_mat.size().width);
    double scale_factor = _target_size / min_dim;

    int new_height = round(scale_factor * decoded_mat.size().height);
    int new_width = round(scale_factor * decoded_mat.size().width);
    assert((new_height == _target_size && new_width >= _target_size)
           || (new_width == _target_size && new_height >= _target_size));
    int interpolation = scale_factor == 1 ? cv::INTER_LINEAR
                      : scale_factor > 1 ? cv::INTER_CUBIC : cv::INTER_AREA;

    if (withGpu) {
        cv::cuda::resize(decoded_mat_gpu, _resized_mat_buffer_gpu, cv::Size(new_width, new_height), 0, 0, interpolation);
    } else {
        cv::resize(decoded_mat, _resized_mat_buffer, cv::Size(new_width, new_height), 0, 0, interpolation);

     * Conditionally crop and compress JPEG
    if (_crop_to_square) {
        int crop_start_x = (new_width - _target_size) / 2;
        int crop_start_y = (new_height - _target_size) / 2;
        cv::Rect cropRect(crop_start_x, crop_start_y, _target_size, _target_size);
        cv::Mat cropped_mat_buffer = _resized_mat_buffer(cropRect);
        cv::imencode(".jpg", cropped_mat_buffer, _output_jpeg_buffer, _encode_params);
    } else {
        cv::imencode(".jpg", _resized_mat_buffer, _output_jpeg_buffer, _encode_params);

    char* output_jpeg_buffer_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_output_jpeg_buffer[0]);
    PyObject* pyStr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(output_jpeg_buffer_ptr, _output_jpeg_buffer.size());
    #pragma omp critical
        PyList_Append(_py_list_tgt, pyStr);


Cuda::GpuMat imageGpu(cv::Size(640,480),CV_32FC4);

Capture>> frame;
imageRGBA.convertTo(imageRGBA, CV_32FC4,4);

// Here is the memory data allocated when getting the GPU corresponding to the above upload
// That is, imageNetMean's first parameter parameter

完整代码:GitHub - wkexinw/tensorSSD: Deep-Learn model SSD_300x300 transplante to TensorRT(Nvidia Jetson Tx2)
