
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Method getScheme returns the scheme of this Tap object.


代码示例来源:origin: elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop

private void initInnerTapIfNotSet(Object target, String hadoopTypeName) {
    if (actualTap != null) {

    Class<?> clz = null;
    try {
      clz = Class.forName(hadoopTypeName, false, getClass().getClassLoader());
      if (clz.isInstance(target)) {
        runningInHadoop = true;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      runningInHadoop = false;
    actualTap = (runningInHadoop ? new EsHadoopTap(host, port, resource, query, fields, props) : new EsLocalTap(host, port, resource, query, fields, props));
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug(String.format("Detected %s environment; initializing [%s]", (runningInHadoop ? "Hadoop" : "local"), actualTap.getClass().getSimpleName()));

    // use SLF4J just like Cascading
    if (!logVersion) {
      logVersion = true;
      Logger esTapLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EsTap.class);"Elasticsearch Hadoop %s initialized", Version.version()));
      esTapLogger.warn("ES-Hadoop Cascading Integration is Deprecated as of 6.6.0 and will be removed in a later release.");

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public Scheme<Config, Input, Output, ?, ?> getScheme()
 return original.getScheme();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method isSink returns true if this Tap instance can be used as a sink.
 * @return boolean
public boolean isSink()
 return getScheme().isSink();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public HadoopTupleEntrySchemeIterator( FlowProcess<? extends Configuration> flowProcess, Tap parentTap, RecordReader recordReader ) throws IOException
 this( flowProcess, parentTap, parentTap.getScheme(), makeIterator( flowProcess, parentTap, recordReader ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * A hook for allowing a Scheme to lazily retrieve its source fields.
 * @param flowProcess of type FlowProcess
 * @return the found Fields
public Fields retrieveSourceFields( FlowProcess<? extends Config> flowProcess )
 return getScheme().retrieveSourceFields( flowProcess, this );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method isSource returns true if this Tap instance can be used as a source.
 * @return boolean
public boolean isSource()
 return getScheme().isSource();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method getSourceFields returns the sourceFields of this Tap object.
 * @return the sourceFields (type Fields) of this Tap object.
public Fields getSourceFields()
 return getScheme().getSourceFields();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public Scheme getScheme()
 Scheme scheme = super.getScheme();
 if( scheme != null )
  return scheme;
 return taps[ 0 ].getScheme(); // they should all be equivalent per verifyTaps

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-io

public HadoopTupleEntrySchemeIterator( FlowProcess<? extends Configuration> flowProcess, Tap parentTap, RecordReader recordReader ) throws IOException
 this( flowProcess, parentTap, parentTap.getScheme(), makeIterator( flowProcess, parentTap, recordReader ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String toString()
 if( getIdentifier() != null )
  return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[\"" + getScheme() + "\"]" + "[\"" + Util.sanitizeUrl( getIdentifier() ) + "\"]"; // sanitize
  return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[\"" + getScheme() + "\"]" + "[not initialized]";

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String toString()
 if( getIdentifier() != null )
  return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[\"" + original.getScheme() + "\"]" + "[\"" + Util.sanitizeUrl( getIdentifier() ) + "\"]"; // sanitize
  return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[\"" + original.getScheme() + "\"]" + "[not initialized]";

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private static int hash( FlowElement flowElement )
 int lhs = flowElement.getClass().getName().hashCode();
 int rhs = 0;
 if( flowElement instanceof Operator && ( (Operator) flowElement ).getOperation() != null )
  rhs = ( (Operator) flowElement ).getOperation().getClass().getName().hashCode();
 else if( flowElement instanceof Tap && ( (Tap) flowElement ).getScheme() != null )
  rhs = ( (Tap) flowElement ).getScheme().getClass().getName().hashCode();
 else if( flowElement instanceof Splice )
  rhs = ( (Splice) flowElement ).getJoiner().getClass().getName().hashCode() + 31 * ( (Splice) flowElement ).getNumSelfJoins();
 return pair( lhs, rhs );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public int hashCode()
 int result = getIdentifier() != null ? getIdentifier().hashCode() : 0;
 result = 31 * result + ( getScheme() != null ? getScheme().hashCode() : 0 );
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public int hashCode()
 int result = getIdentifier() != null ? getIdentifier().hashCode() : 0;
 result = 31 * result + ( original.getScheme() != null ? original.getScheme().hashCode() : 0 );
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void verifyTaps()
 Tap tap = taps[ 0 ];
 for( int i = 1; i < taps.length; i++ )
  if( tap.getClass() != taps[ i ].getClass() )
   throw new TapException( "all taps must be of the same type" );
  if( !tap.getScheme().equals( taps[ i ].getScheme() ) )
   throw new TapException( "all tap schemes must be equivalent" );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected BasePartitionTap( Tap parent, Partition partition, SinkMode sinkMode, boolean keepParentOnDelete, int openWritesThreshold )
 super( new PartitionScheme( parent.getScheme(), partition.getPartitionFields() ), sinkMode );
 this.parent = parent;
 this.partition = partition;
 this.keepParentOnDelete = keepParentOnDelete;
 this.openWritesThreshold = openWritesThreshold;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public HadoopTupleEntrySchemeCollector( FlowProcess<? extends Configuration> flowProcess, Tap<Configuration, RecordReader, OutputCollector> tap ) throws IOException
 super( flowProcess, tap, tap.getScheme(), makeCollector( flowProcess, tap, null ), tap.getIdentifier() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected BasePartitionTap( Tap parent, Partition partition, SinkMode sinkMode )
 super( new PartitionScheme( parent.getScheme(), partition.getPartitionFields() ), sinkMode );
 this.parent = parent;
 this.partition = partition;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private static String createMessage( Tap tap, Fields incomingFields, Fields selectorFields )
 String message = "unable to resolve scheme sink selector: " + selectorFields.printVerbose() +
  ", with incoming: " + incomingFields.printVerbose();
 return TraceUtil.formatTrace( tap.getScheme(), message );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-platform

public void testCoGroupAroundCoGroupWith() throws Exception
 // hack to get classname
 runCoGroupAroundCoGroup( getPlatform().getDelimitedFile( new Fields( "num" ), "\t", inputFileNums10 ).getScheme().getClass(), "cogroupacogroupopt2" );
