
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Method deleteResource deletes the resource represented by this instance.


代码示例来源:origin: elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop

public boolean deleteResource(Object conf) throws IOException {
  return actualTap.deleteResource(conf);

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( Config conf ) throws IOException
 return original.deleteResource( conf );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( Config conf ) throws IOException
 return keepParentOnDelete || parent.deleteResource( conf );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( FlowProcess<? extends Config> flowProcess ) throws IOException
 return original.deleteResource( flowProcess );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private boolean deleteParent( Properties conf ) throws IOException
 return keepParentOnDelete || parent.deleteResource( conf );

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-hadoop

public boolean deleteResource(Object conf) throws IOException {
  return actualTap.deleteResource(conf);

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( FlowProcess<? extends TConfig> flowProcess ) throws IOException
 return original.deleteResource( processProvider.apply( flowProcess ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( TConfig conf ) throws IOException
 return original.deleteResource( configProvider.apply( conf ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method deleteResource deletes the resource represented by this instance.
 * @param flowProcess of type FlowProcess
 * @return boolean
 * @throws IOException when the resource cannot be deleted
public boolean deleteResource( FlowProcess<? extends Config> flowProcess ) throws IOException
 return deleteResource( flowProcess.getConfig() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean deleteResource( Config conf ) throws IOException
 for( Tap tap : getTaps() )
  if( !tap.deleteResource( conf ) )
   return false;
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method openForWrite opens the resource represented by this Tap instance for writing.
 * <p>
 * This method is for user application use and does honor the {@link SinkMode#REPLACE} settings. That is, if
 * SinkMode is set to {@link SinkMode#REPLACE} the underlying resource will be deleted.
 * <p>
 * Note if {@link SinkMode#UPDATE} is set, the resource will not be deleted.
 * @param flowProcess of type FlowProcess
 * @return TupleEntryCollector
 * @throws when the resource cannot be opened
public TupleEntryCollector openForWrite( FlowProcess<? extends Config> flowProcess ) throws IOException
 if( isReplace() )
  deleteResource( flowProcess );
 return openForWrite( flowProcess, null );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void deleteOrFail( Tap tap ) throws IOException
 if( !tap.resourceExists( getConfig() ) )
 if( !tap.deleteResource( getConfig() ) )
  throw new FlowTapException( "unable to delete resource: " + tap.getFullIdentifier( getFlowProcess() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-mr1

protected void cleanIntermediateData( JobConf config, Tap sink )
 if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
   sink.deleteResource( config );
  catch( Exception exception )
   // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
   logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
  cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected void cleanIntermediateData( JobConf config, Tap sink )
 if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
   sink.deleteResource( config );
  catch( Exception exception )
   // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
   logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
  cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-tez

public void clean( TezConfiguration config )
 for( Tap sink : getSinkTaps() )
  if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
    sink.deleteResource( config );
   catch( Exception exception )
    // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
    logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
   cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );
 for( Tap tap : getTraps() )
  cleanTapMetaData( config, tap );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void clean( TezConfiguration config )
 for( Tap sink : getSinkTaps() )
  if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
    sink.deleteResource( config );
   catch( Exception exception )
    // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
    logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
   cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );
 for( Tap tap : getTraps() )
  cleanTapMetaData( config, tap );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testSkipStrategiesKeep() throws Exception
 getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
 Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileApache );
 // !!! enable replace
 Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( "keep" ), SinkMode.KEEP );
 Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
 pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
 Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
 sink.deleteResource( flow.getConfig() );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "default skip", flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 validateLength( flow.openSource(), 10 ); // validate source, this once, as a sanity check
 validateLength( flow, 10, null );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-platform

public void testSkipStrategiesKeep() throws Exception
 getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
 Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileApache );
 // !!! enable replace
 Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( "keep" ), SinkMode.KEEP );
 Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
 pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
 Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
 sink.deleteResource( flow.getConfig() );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "default skip", flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 validateLength( flow.openSource(), 10 ); // validate source, this once, as a sanity check
 validateLength( flow, 10, null );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-platform

public void testSkipStrategiesReplace() throws Exception
 getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
 Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileApache );
 // !!! enable replace
 Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( "replace" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
 Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
 pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
 Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
 sink.deleteResource( flow.getConfig() );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 FlowSkipStrategy old = flow.getFlowSkipStrategy();
 FlowSkipStrategy replaced = flow.setFlowSkipStrategy( new FlowSkipIfSinkExists() );
 assertTrue( "not same instance", old == replaced );
 validateLength( flow.openSource(), 10 ); // validate source, this once, as a sanity check
 validateLength( flow, 10, null );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testSkipStrategiesReplace() throws Exception
 getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileApache );
 Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileApache );
 // !!! enable replace
 Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( "replace" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
 Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
 pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexParser( new Fields( "ip" ), "^[^ ]*" ), new Fields( "ip" ) );
 Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
 sink.deleteResource( flow.getConfig() );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "default skip", !flow.getFlowSkipStrategy().skipFlow( flow ) );
 assertTrue( "exist skip", !new FlowSkipIfSinkExists().skipFlow( flow ) );
 FlowSkipStrategy old = flow.getFlowSkipStrategy();
 FlowSkipStrategy replaced = flow.setFlowSkipStrategy( new FlowSkipIfSinkExists() );
 assertTrue( "not same instance", old == replaced );
 validateLength( flow.openSource(), 10 ); // validate source, this once, as a sanity check
 validateLength( flow, 10, null );
