
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Method isTemporary returns true if this Tap is temporary (used for intermediate results).


代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean isTemporary()
 return original.isTemporary();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean isTemporary()
 return original.isTemporary();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String makeFlowStepName( FlowStep flowStep, int numSteps, int stepNum )
 Tap sink = Util.getFirst( flowStep.getSinkTaps() );
 stepNum++; // number more sensical (5/5)
 if( sink == null || sink.isTemporary() )
  return String.format( "(%d/%d)", stepNum, numSteps );
 String identifier = sink.getIdentifier();
 if( Util.isEmpty( identifier ) )
  return String.format( "(%d/%d)", stepNum, numSteps );
 if( identifier.length() > 25 )
  identifier = String.format( "...%25s", identifier.substring( identifier.length() - 25 ) );
 return String.format( "(%d/%d) %s", stepNum, numSteps, identifier );

代码示例来源:origin: LiveRamp/cascading_ext

private static String getPrettyNameForTap(Tap tap, boolean removeRandomSuffixFromTempTaps) {
 String id = tap.getIdentifier();
 if (id == null) {
  id = "null";
 final String[] tokens = id.split("/");
 // use the last token as the pretty name (works well for things that
 // are paths and doesn't break things that are not)
 String prettyName = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
 // For temporary sources, we don't care about the random suffix appended by cascading
 if (tap.isTemporary() && removeRandomSuffixFromTempTaps) {
  prettyName = getCanonicalName(prettyName);
 if (prettyName.matches("^\\d+$")) {
  // For versioned stores, return "store_name/version_number", instead of just "version_number"
  if (tokens.length > 1) {
   return tokens[tokens.length - 2] + "/" + prettyName;
  } else {
   return prettyName;
 } else {
  return prettyName;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Returns a Set as a given tap may be bound to multiple branches
 * @param duct
 * @return
private Set<String> getTapBranchNamesFor( Duct duct )
 if( ( (Tap) ( (ElementDuct) duct ).getFlowElement() ).isTemporary() )
  return Collections.emptySet();
 if( duct instanceof SourceStage )
  return node.getSourceTapNames( (Tap) ( (SourceStage) duct ).getFlowElement() );
 else if( duct instanceof SinkStage )
  return node.getSinkTapNames( (Tap) ( (SinkStage) duct ).getFlowElement() );
  throw new IllegalStateException( "duct does not wrap a Tap: " + duct.getClass().getCanonicalName() );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-mr1

protected void cleanIntermediateData( JobConf config, Tap sink )
 if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
   sink.deleteResource( config );
  catch( Exception exception )
   // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
   logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
  cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected void cleanIntermediateData( JobConf config, Tap sink )
 if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
   sink.deleteResource( config );
  catch( Exception exception )
   // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
   logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
  cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void clean( TezConfiguration config )
 for( Tap sink : getSinkTaps() )
  if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
    sink.deleteResource( config );
   catch( Exception exception )
    // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
    logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
   cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );
 for( Tap tap : getTraps() )
  cleanTapMetaData( config, tap );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-tez

public void clean( TezConfiguration config )
 for( Tap sink : getSinkTaps() )
  if( sink.isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
    sink.deleteResource( config );
   catch( Exception exception )
    // sink all exceptions, don't fail app
    logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + sink, exception );
   cleanTapMetaData( config, sink );
 for( Tap tap : getTraps() )
  cleanTapMetaData( config, tap );
