
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  



[英]Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class. Arrays are represented as e.g. java.lang.String[].


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-util

/** Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class.
* Arrays are represented as e.g. <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
* @param clazz the class to name
* @return the human-presentable name
public static String getClassName(Class<?> clazz) {
  // if it is an array, get short name of element type and append []
  if (clazz.isArray()) {
    return getClassName(clazz.getComponentType()) + "[]"; // NOI18N
  } else {
    return clazz.getName();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class.
* Arrays are represented as e.g. <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
* @param clazz the class to name
* @return the human-presentable name
public static String getClassName (Class clazz) {
  // if it is an array, get short name of element type and append []
  if (clazz.isArray ())
    return getClassName (clazz.getComponentType ()) + "[]"; // NOI18N
    return clazz.getName ();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class.
* Arrays are represented as e.g. <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
* @param clazz the class to name
* @return the human-presentable name
public static String getClassName (Class clazz) {
  // if it is an array, get short name of element type and append []
  if (clazz.isArray ())
    return getClassName (clazz.getComponentType ()) + "[]"; // NOI18N
    return clazz.getName ();

代码示例来源:origin: in.jlibs/org-openide-util

/** Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class.
* Arrays are represented as e.g. <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
* @param clazz the class to name
* @return the human-presentable name
public static String getClassName(Class clazz) {
  // if it is an array, get short name of element type and append []
  if (clazz.isArray()) {
    return getClassName(clazz.getComponentType()) + "[]"; // NOI18N
  } else {
    return clazz.getName();


/** Assemble a human-presentable class name for a specified class.
* Arrays are represented as e.g. <code>java.lang.String[]</code>.
* @param clazz the class to name
* @return the human-presentable name
public static String getClassName(Class<?> clazz) {
  // if it is an array, get short name of element type and append []
  if (clazz.isArray()) {
    return getClassName(clazz.getComponentType()) + "[]"; // NOI18N
  } else {
    return clazz.getName();
