
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Router of calls from Server connectors to Restlets. The attached Restlets are typically Applications.

A virtual host is defined along three properties:

  • request's Request#getHostRef(): the URI of the host that received the request. Note that the same IP address can correspond to multiple domain names and therefore receive request with different "hostRef" URIs.
  • request's Request#getResourceRef(): the URI of the target resource of the request. If this reference is relative, then it is based on the "hostRef", otherwise it is maintained as received. This difference is useful for resources identified by URNs or for Web proxies or Web caches.
  • response's Response#getServerInfo(): the information about the server connector receiving the requests such as it IP address and port number.
    When creating a new instance, you can define Java regular expressions ( java.util.regex.Pattern) that must match the domain name, port, scheme for references or IP address and port number for server information. The default values match everything.

Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.
*response's response#getServerInfo():有关接收请求的服务器连接器的信息,如it IP地址和端口号。


代码示例来源:origin: uber/chaperone


代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.osgi/org.restlet.ext.platform

Endpoint result = null;
for (Route route : virtualHost.getRoutes()) {
  if (route.getNext() != null) {
    Application app = getNextApplication(route.getNext());
        && application.getClass().equals(app.getClass())) {
      String hostDomain = null;
      if (virtualHost.getHostDomain() != null
          && !".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostDomain())) {
        if (virtualHost.getHostDomain().contains("|")) {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain().split("|")[0];
        } else {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain();
        if (!".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostScheme())) {
          scheme = Protocol.valueOf(virtualHost
        } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jee/org.restlet.ext.wadl

if (vh.getHostDomain().equals(hostDomain)
    && vh.getHostPort().equals(hostPort)
    && vh.getHostScheme().equals(hostScheme)) {
  host = vh;
host = new VirtualHost(component.getContext().createChildContext());

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.osgi/org.restlet

protected void logRoute(org.restlet.routing.Route route) {
  if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    if (route instanceof HostRoute) {
      VirtualHost vhost = ((HostRoute) route).getVirtualHost();
      if (getComponent().getDefaultHost() == vhost) {
        getLogger().fine("Default virtual host selected");
      } else {
            "Virtual host selected: \"" + vhost.getHostScheme()
                + "\", \"" + vhost.getHostDomain()
                + "\", \"" + vhost.getHostPort() + "\"");
    } else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet/org.restlet.ext.servlet

log("[Restlet] Attaching application: " + this.application
    + " to URI: " + uriPattern);
if (component.getDefaultHost().getRoutes().isEmpty()) {
      .getDefaultRoute() != null;
} else {
  for (final Route route : component.getDefaultHost()
      .getRoutes()) {
    if (route.getTemplate().getPattern() == null) {
      addFullServletPath = true;
  for (final VirtualHost virtualHost : component
      .getHosts()) {
    if (virtualHost.getRoutes().isEmpty()) {
          .getDefaultRoute() != null;
    } else {
      for (final Route route : virtualHost
          .getRoutes()) {
        if (route.getTemplate().getPattern() == null) {
          addFullServletPath = true;
  if (defaultRoute != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.osgi/org.restlet

if (matches(getVirtualHost().getHostDomain(), hostDomain)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getHostPort(), hostPort)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getHostScheme(), hostScheme)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getResourceDomain(), resourceDomain)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getResourcePort(), resourcePort)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getResourceScheme(), resourceScheme)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getServerAddress(), serverAddress)
    && matches(getVirtualHost().getServerPort(), serverPort)) {
  result = 1F;
    "Call score for the \"" + getVirtualHost().getName()
        + "\" host: " + result);

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.osgi/org.restlet

 * Stop all applications attached to a virtual host
 * @param host
 * @throws Exception
private void stopHostApplications(VirtualHost host) throws Exception {
  for (Route route : host.getRoutes()) {
    if (route.getNext().isStarted()) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.osgi/org.restlet

for (Route route : host.getRoutes()) {
  Restlet next = route.getNext();

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jee/org.restlet.ext.wadl

 * Attaches the application to the given host using the WADL base reference.
 * @param host
 *            The virtual host to attach to.
public void attachToHost(VirtualHost host) {
  if (getBaseRef() != null) {
    final String path = getBaseRef().getPath();
    if (path == null) {
      host.attach("", this);
    } else {
      host.attach(path, this);
  } else {
            "The WADL application has no base reference defined. Unable to guess the virtual host.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jee/org.restlet.ext.apispark

Endpoint result = null;
for (Route route : virtualHost.getRoutes()) {
  if (route.getNext() != null) {
    Application app = getNextApplication(route.getNext());
        && application.getClass().equals(app.getClass())) {
      String hostDomain = null;
      if (virtualHost.getHostDomain() != null
          && !".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostDomain())) {
        if (virtualHost.getHostDomain().contains("|")) {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain().split("|")[0];
        } else {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain();
        if (!".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostScheme())) {
          scheme = Protocol.valueOf(virtualHost
        } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jse/org.restlet.example

 * Creates and starts component. Pass 'auto' or 'explicit' (or a prefix of
 * either) to control how the Injector is created. Default is auto.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  if (args.length > 0) {
    if ("explicit".startsWith(args[0])) {
      mode = Mode.EXPLICIT_INJECTOR;
    } else if (!"auto".startsWith(args[0])) {
          .println("Call with prefix of 'auto' (default) or 'explicit'");
  Component component = new Component();
  component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
  component.getDefaultHost().attach(new Main());

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jee/org.restlet.ext.platform

Endpoint result = null;
for (Route route : virtualHost.getRoutes()) {
  if (route.getNext() != null) {
    Application app = getNextApplication(route.getNext());
        && application.getClass().equals(app.getClass())) {
      String hostDomain = null;
      if (virtualHost.getHostDomain() != null
          && !".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostDomain())) {
        if (virtualHost.getHostDomain().contains("|")) {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain().split("|")[0];
        } else {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain();
        if (!".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostScheme())) {
          scheme = Protocol.valueOf(virtualHost
        } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: icclab/cyclops

component.getDefaultHost().attach(new RuleEngine().createInboundRoot());
} catch (org.hibernate.HibernateException | DatabaseException e) {
  String log = String.format("Couldn't load facts and rules from backend database via Hibernate: %s", e.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jse/org.restlet.ext.platform

Endpoint result = null;
for (Route route : virtualHost.getRoutes()) {
  if (route.getNext() != null) {
    Application app = getNextApplication(route.getNext());
        && application.getClass().equals(app.getClass())) {
      String hostDomain = null;
      if (virtualHost.getHostDomain() != null
          && !".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostDomain())) {
        if (virtualHost.getHostDomain().contains("|")) {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain().split("|")[0];
        } else {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain();
        if (!".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostScheme())) {
          scheme = Protocol.valueOf(virtualHost
        } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.jse/org.restlet.example

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  // Create a new Restlet component and add a HTTP server connector to it
  Component component = new Component();
  component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8111);
  // Then attach it to the local host
  // Now, let's start the component!
  // Note that the HTTP server connector is also automatically started.

代码示例来源:origin: org.restlet.gae/org.restlet.ext.platform

Endpoint result = null;
for (Route route : virtualHost.getRoutes()) {
  if (route.getNext() != null) {
    Application app = getNextApplication(route.getNext());
        && application.getClass().equals(app.getClass())) {
      String hostDomain = null;
      if (virtualHost.getHostDomain() != null
          && !".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostDomain())) {
        if (virtualHost.getHostDomain().contains("|")) {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain().split("|")[0];
        } else {
          hostDomain = virtualHost.getHostDomain();
        if (!".*".equals(virtualHost.getHostScheme())) {
          scheme = Protocol.valueOf(virtualHost
        } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: dice-group/AGDISTIS

public static void main(String[] args) {
  try {
    // Create a new Component.
    Component component = new Component();
    // Add a new HTTP server listening on port 8082.
    component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8080);
    // Attach the sample application.
    component.getDefaultHost().attach(new RestletApplication());
    // Start the component.
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // Something is wrong.

代码示例来源:origin: uber/uReplicator

public void start() throws Exception {
 _component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, _config.getManagerPort());
 Context applicationContext = _component.getContext().createChildContext();"Injecting conf and helix to the api context");
 applicationContext.getAttributes().put(ManagerConf.class.toString(), _config);
 applicationContext.getAttributes().put(ControllerHelixManager.class.toString(), _controllerHelixManager);
   .put(SourceKafkaClusterValidationManager.class.toString(), _srcKafkaValidationManager);
 Application managerRestApp = new ManagerRestApplication(null);
 try {"Starting helix manager");
  _controllerHelixManager.start();"Starting source kafka cluster validation manager");
  _srcKafkaValidationManager.start();"Starting API component");
 } catch (final Exception e) {
  LOGGER.error("Caught exception while starting uReplicator-Manager", e);
  throw e;

代码示例来源:origin: icclab/cyclops

component.getDefaultHost().attach(new Service().createInboundRoot());
} catch (Exception e) {
  String log = String.format("Couldn't create router and initialise things accordingly: %s", e.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: icclab/cyclops

component.getDefaultHost().attach(new Service().createInboundRoot());
} catch (Exception e) {
  String log = String.format("Couldn't create router and initialise things accordingly: %s", e.getMessage());
