[英]This class is an implementation of VariableSpace
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
* Please supply real namespace as it is required for proper VFS operation
public FTPSConnection( int connectionType, String hostname, int port, String username, String password ) {
this( connectionType, hostname, port, username, password, new Variables() );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
private String reapplyCurrentDir( String oldCurrentDir, String newCurrentDir, String path ) {
Variables vars = new Variables();
vars.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, oldCurrentDir );
String newPath = vars.environmentSubstitute( path );
return getPath( newCurrentDir, newPath );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
private void setAuthProperties() {
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
this.principal = variables.getVariable( KETTLE_AEL_PDI_DAEMON_PRINCIPAL, null );
this.keytab = variables.getVariable( KETTLE_AEL_PDI_DAEMON_KEYTAB, null );
String reuse = variables.getVariable( KETTLE_AEL_PDI_DAEMON_CONTEXT_REUSE, Boolean.FALSE.toString() );
this.reuseSparkContext =
Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals( reuse.toLowerCase() ) || Y_LWC.equals( reuse.toLowerCase() );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
* @return new var space with follow vars from parent space or just new space if parent was null
* {@link org.pentaho.di.core.Const#INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY}
* {@link org.pentaho.di.core.Const#INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_DIRECTORY}
* {@link org.pentaho.di.core.Const#INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_NAME}
private static VariableSpace getVarSpaceOnlyWithRequiredParentVars( VariableSpace parentSpace ) {
Variables tmpSpace = new Variables();
if ( parentSpace != null ) {
return tmpSpace;
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin
public GatewayConnectivityTestImpl( MessageGetterFactory messageGetterFactory, URI uri, String testPath,
String user, String password, RuntimeTestEntrySeverity severity ) {
super( messageGetterFactory, uri.getHost(), Integer.toString( uri.getPort() ), true,
severity );
// The connection information might be parameterized. Since we aren't tied to a transformation or job, in order to
// use a parameter, the value would have to be set as a system property or in kettle.properties, etc.
// Here we try to resolve the parameters if we can:
variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
this.path = variables.environmentSubstitute( testPath );
this.password = variables.environmentSubstitute( password );
this.user = variables.environmentSubstitute( user );
this.uri = uri.resolve( uri.getPath() + path );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public static void applyKettleProperties( Map<?, ?> kettleProperties, boolean override ) {
Variables variables = new Variables();
for ( Object key : kettleProperties.keySet() ) {
String variable = (String) key;
String value = variables.environmentSubstitute( (String) kettleProperties.get( key ) );
variables.setVariable( variable, value );
for ( String variable : variables.listVariables() ) {
String value = variables.getVariable( variable );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
Variables tmpSpace = new Variables();
tmpSpace.setParentVariableSpace( parentVariables );
tmpSpace.initializeVariablesFrom( parentVariables );
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, directory.toString() );
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_DIRECTORY, directory.toString() );
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_TRANSFORMATION_FILENAME_DIRECTORY, directory.toString() );
} else if ( filename != null ) {
try {
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_NAME, fileName.getBaseName() );
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_DIRECTORY, fileDir.getURI() );
tmpSpace.setVariable( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, fileDir.getURI() );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
* Creates the appropriate trans. Either
* 1) A {@link TransWebSocketEngineAdapter} wrapping an Engine
* if an alternate execution engine has been selected
* 2) A legacy {@link Trans} otherwise.
public Trans get() {
if ( Utils.isEmpty( transMeta.getVariable( "engine" ) ) ) {
log.logBasic( "Using legacy execution engine" );
return fallbackSupplier.get();
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
String protocol = transMeta.getVariable( "engine.protocol" );
String host = transMeta.getVariable( "engine.host" );
String port = transMeta.getVariable( "engine.port" );
//default value for ssl for now false
boolean ssl = "https".equalsIgnoreCase( protocol ) || "wss".equalsIgnoreCase( protocol );
return new TransWebSocketEngineAdapter( transMeta, host, port, ssl );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void getUsedVariables( TransMeta transMeta ) {
Properties sp = new Properties();
VariableSpace space = Variables.getADefaultVariableSpace();
String[] keys = space.listVariables();
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
sp.put( keys[i], space.getVariable( keys[i] ) );
List<String> vars = transMeta.getUsedVariables();
if ( vars != null && vars.size() > 0 ) {
HashMap<String, String> newVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
for ( int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++ ) {
String varname = vars.get( i );
if ( !varname.startsWith( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX ) ) {
newVariables.put( varname, Const.NVL( variables.get( varname ), sp.getProperty( varname, "" ) ) );
// variables.clear();
variables.putAll( newVariables );
// Also add the internal job variables if these are set...
for ( String variableName : Const.INTERNAL_JOB_VARIABLES ) {
String value = transMeta.getVariable( variableName );
if ( !Utils.isEmpty( value ) ) {
variables.put( variableName, value );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public String[] environmentSubstitute( String[] string ) {
String[] retval = new String[string.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < string.length; i++ ) {
retval[i] = environmentSubstitute( string[i] );
return retval;
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void testPassEmbeddedMetastoreKey() {
Variables mockVariables = mock( Variables.class );
namedClusterEmbedManager.passEmbeddedMetastoreKey( mockVariables, "key" );
verify( mockVariables ).setVariable( anyString(), anyString() );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin
public ConnectivityTestImpl( MessageGetterFactory messageGetterFactory, String hostname, String port,
boolean haPossible,
RuntimeTestEntrySeverity severityOfFailures, SocketFactory socketFactory,
InetAddressFactory inetAddressFactory ) {
this.messageGetter = messageGetterFactory.create( PKG );
// The connection information might be parameterized. Since we aren't tied to a transformation or job, in order to
// use a parameter, the value would have to be set as a system property or in kettle.properties, etc.
// Here we try to resolve the parameters if we can:
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
this.hostname = variables.environmentSubstitute( hostname );
this.port = variables.environmentSubstitute( port );
this.haPossible = haPossible;
this.severityOfFalures = severityOfFailures;
this.socketFactory = socketFactory;
this.inetAddressFactory = inetAddressFactory;
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void testCheckErrorsOnVariables() {
List<CheckResultInterface> remarks = new ArrayList<>();
Variables space = new Variables();
space.setVariable( "something", "1000" );
meta.setBatchSize( "${something}" );
meta.setBatchDuration( "0" );
meta.check( remarks, null, null, null, null, null, null, space, null, null );
assertEquals( 0, remarks.size() );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin
@Override public RuntimeTestResultSummary runTest( Object objectUnderTest ) {
// Safe to cast as our accepts method will only return true for named clusters
NamedCluster namedCluster = (NamedCluster) objectUnderTest;
// The connection information might be parameterized. Since we aren't tied to a transformation or job, in order to
// use a parameter, the value would have to be set as a system property or in kettle.properties, etc.
// Here we try to resolve the parameters if we can:
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
if ( !namedCluster.isUseGateway() ) {
return super.runTest( objectUnderTest );
} else {
return new RuntimeTestResultSummaryImpl(
new ClusterRuntimeTestEntry( RuntimeTestEntrySeverity.SKIPPED,
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void getUsedVariables( JobMeta jobMeta ) {
Properties sp = new Properties();
VariableSpace space = Variables.getADefaultVariableSpace();
String[] keys = space.listVariables();
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
sp.put( keys[i], space.getVariable( keys[i] ) );
List<String> vars = jobMeta.getUsedVariables();
if ( vars != null && vars.size() > 0 ) {
HashMap<String, String> newVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
for ( int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++ ) {
String varname = vars.get( i );
if ( !varname.startsWith( Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX ) ) {
// add all new non-internal variables to newVariablesMap
newVariables.put( varname, Const.NVL( variables.get( varname ), sp.getProperty( varname, "" ) ) );
// variables.clear();
variables.putAll( newVariables );
// Also add the internal job variables if these are set...
for ( String variableName : Const.INTERNAL_JOB_VARIABLES ) {
String value = jobMeta.getVariable( variableName );
if ( !Utils.isEmpty( value ) ) {
variables.put( variableName, value );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public boolean getBooleanValueOfVariable( String variableName, boolean defaultValue ) {
if ( !Utils.isEmpty( variableName ) ) {
String value = environmentSubstitute( variableName );
if ( !Utils.isEmpty( value ) ) {
return ValueMetaBase.convertStringToBoolean( value );
return defaultValue;
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void testNullMin() throws Exception {
variables.setVariable( Const.KETTLE_AGGREGATION_MIN_NULL_IS_VALUED, "Y" );
addColumn( new ValueMetaInteger( "intg" ), null, 0L, 1L, -1L );
addColumn( new ValueMetaString( "str" ), "A", null, "B", null );
aggregates = Maps.toMap( ImmutableList.of( "min", "max" ), Functions.forMap( default_aggregates ) );
RowMetaAndData output = runStep();
assertThat( output.getInteger( "intg_min" ), nullValue() );
assertThat( output.getInteger( "intg_max" ), is( 1L ) );
assertThat( output.getString( "str_min", null ), nullValue() );
assertThat( output.getString( "str_max", "invalid" ), is( "B" ) );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
* Get a default variable space as a placeholder. Everytime you will get a new instance.
* @return a default variable space.
public static VariableSpace getADefaultVariableSpace() {
VariableSpace space = new Variables();
space.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
return space;
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin
@Override public RuntimeTestResultSummary runTest( Object objectUnderTest ) {
// Safe to cast as our accepts method will only return true for named clusters
NamedCluster namedCluster = (NamedCluster) objectUnderTest;
// The connection information might be parameterized. Since we aren't tied to a transformation or job, in order to
// use a parameter, the value would have to be set as a system property or in kettle.properties, etc.
// Here we try to resolve the parameters if we can:
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.initializeVariablesFrom( null );
if ( !namedCluster.isUseGateway() ) {
return super.runTest( objectUnderTest );
} else {
return new RuntimeTestResultSummaryImpl( new ClusterRuntimeTestEntry( messageGetterFactory,
connectivityTestFactory.create( messageGetterFactory,
variables.environmentSubstitute( namedCluster.getGatewayUrl() ), TEST_PATH,
variables.environmentSubstitute( namedCluster.getGatewayUsername() ),
variables.environmentSubstitute( namedCluster.getGatewayPassword() ) )
.runTest(), ClusterRuntimeTestEntry.DocAnchor.OOZIE ) );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void testCheckErrorsOnVariablesSubstituteError() {
List<CheckResultInterface> remarks = new ArrayList<>();
Variables space = new Variables();
space.setVariable( "something", "0" );
meta.setBatchSize( "${something}" );
meta.setBatchDuration( "${something}" );
meta.check( remarks, null, null, null, null, null, null, space, null, null );
assertEquals( 1, remarks.size() );
assertEquals( "The \"Number of records\" and \"Duration\" fields can’t both be set to 0. Please set a value of 1 "
+ "or higher for one of the fields.", remarks.get( 0 ).getText() );
testRoundTrip( meta );