[英]A collection of various utility methods that are helpful for working with the Bitcoin protocol. To enable debug logging from the library, run with -Dbitcoinj.logging=true on your command line.
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Generates a new key chain with entropy selected randomly from the given {@link java.security.SecureRandom}
* object and of the requested size in bits.
public DeterministicKeyChain(SecureRandom random, int bits) {
this(random, bits, DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE_FOR_MNEMONIC, Utils.currentTimeSeconds());
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
private void checkTimestamp() throws VerificationException {
final long allowedTime = Utils.currentTimeSeconds() + ALLOWED_TIME_DRIFT;
if (time > allowedTime)
throw new VerificationException(String.format(Locale.US,
"Block too far in future: %s (%d) vs allowed %s (%d)", Utils.dateTimeFormat(time * 1000), time,
Utils.dateTimeFormat(allowedTime * 1000), allowedTime));
代码示例来源:origin: dogecoin/libdohj
public AbstractLitecoinParams() {
interval = LITE_INTERVAL;
targetTimespan = LITE_TARGET_TIMESPAN;
maxTarget = Utils.decodeCompactBits(0x1e0fffffL);
packetMagic = 0xfbc0b6db;
bip32HeaderPub = 0x0488C42E; //The 4 byte header that serializes in base58 to "xpub". (?)
bip32HeaderPriv = 0x0488E1F4; //The 4 byte header that serializes in base58 to "xprv" (?)
代码示例来源:origin: dogecoin/libdohj
protected void bitcoinSerializeToStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
stream.write(new VarInt(hashes.size()).encode());
for (Sha256Hash hash: hashes) {
Utils.uint32ToByteStreamLE(index, stream);
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.ONE.negate(), false)));
case OP_1:
case OP_15:
case OP_16:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(decodeFromOpN(opcode)), false)));
case OP_NOP:
case OP_DEPTH:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(stack.size()), false)));
case OP_DROP:
if (stack.size() < 1)
throw new ScriptException("Attempted OP_SIZE on an empty stack");
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(stack.getLast().length), false)));
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(numericOPnum, false)));
case OP_2MUL:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(numericOPresult, false)));
case OP_MUL:
代码示例来源:origin: dogecoin/libdohj
BigInteger newTarget = Utils.decodeCompactBits(lastDifficultyTarget);
newTarget = newTarget.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(actualTime));
newTarget = newTarget.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(retargetTimespan));
return Utils.encodeCompactBits(newTarget);
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
public static Script createCLTVPaymentChannelOutput(BigInteger time, ECKey from, ECKey to) {
byte[] timeBytes = Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(time, false));
if (timeBytes.length > 5) {
throw new RuntimeException("Time too large to encode as 5-byte int");
return new ScriptBuilder().op(OP_IF)
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
/** Gets the hash160 form of the public key (as seen in addresses). */
public byte[] getPubKeyHash() {
if (pubKeyHash == null)
pubKeyHash = Utils.sha256hash160(this.pub.getEncoded());
return pubKeyHash;
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Called when download progress is made.
* @param pct the percentage of chain downloaded, estimated
* @param date the date of the last block downloaded
protected void progress(double pct, int blocksSoFar, Date date) {
log.info(String.format(Locale.US, "Chain download %d%% done with %d blocks to go, block date %s", (int) pct, blocksSoFar,
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Signs a text message using the standard Bitcoin messaging signing format and returns the signature as a base64
* encoded string.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this ECKey does not have the private part.
* @throws KeyCrypterException if this ECKey is encrypted and no AESKey is provided or it does not decrypt the ECKey.
public String signMessage(String message, @Nullable KeyParameter aesKey) throws KeyCrypterException {
byte[] data = Utils.formatMessageForSigning(message);
Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.twiceOf(data);
ECDSASignature sig = sign(hash, aesKey);
// Now we have to work backwards to figure out the recId needed to recover the signature.
int recId = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ECKey k = ECKey.recoverFromSignature(i, sig, hash, isCompressed());
if (k != null && k.pub.equals(pub)) {
recId = i;
if (recId == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("Could not construct a recoverable key. This should never happen.");
int headerByte = recId + 27 + (isCompressed() ? 4 : 0);
byte[] sigData = new byte[65]; // 1 header + 32 bytes for R + 32 bytes for S
sigData[0] = (byte)headerByte;
System.arraycopy(Utils.bigIntegerToBytes(sig.r, 32), 0, sigData, 1, 32);
System.arraycopy(Utils.bigIntegerToBytes(sig.s, 32), 0, sigData, 33, 32);
return new String(Base64.encode(sigData), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
* Called by a {@link Peer} when a transaction is pending and announced by a peer. The more peers announce the
* transaction, the more peers have validated it (assuming your internet connection is not being intercepted).
* If confidence is currently unknown, sets it to {@link ConfidenceType#PENDING}. Does not run listeners.
* @param address IP address of the peer, used as a proxy for identity.
* @return true if marked, false if this address was already seen
public boolean markBroadcastBy(PeerAddress address) {
lastBroadcastedAt = Utils.now();
if (!broadcastBy.addIfAbsent(address))
return false; // Duplicate.
synchronized (this) {
if (getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.UNKNOWN) {
this.confidenceType = ConfidenceType.PENDING;
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
* Returns a reversed copy of the internal byte array.
public byte[] getReversedBytes() {
return Utils.reverseBytes(bytes);
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
/** Track a success - reset back off interval to the initial value */
public final void trackSuccess() {
backoff = params.initial;
retryTime = Utils.currentTimeMillis();
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void keyRotationRandom() throws Exception {
key1.setCreationTimeSeconds(Utils.currentTimeSeconds() - (86400 * 2));
ECKey key2 = new ECKey();
key2.setCreationTimeSeconds(Utils.currentTimeSeconds() - 86400);
sendMoneyToWallet(wallet, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, key2.toAddress(PARAMS));
sendMoneyToWallet(wallet, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, key2.toAddress(PARAMS));
Date compromiseTime = Utils.now();
assertEquals(0, broadcaster.size());
代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core
void verifyDifficulty(BigInteger newTarget, Block nextBlock)
if (newTarget.compareTo(this.getMaxTarget()) > 0) {
log.info("Difficulty hit proof of work limit: {}", newTarget.toString(16));
newTarget = this.getMaxTarget();
int accuracyBytes = (int) (nextBlock.getDifficultyTarget() >>> 24) - 3;
long receivedTargetCompact = nextBlock.getDifficultyTarget();
// The calculated difficulty is to a higher precision than received, so reduce here.
BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(0xFFFFFFL).shiftLeft(accuracyBytes * 8);
newTarget = newTarget.and(mask);
long newTargetCompact = Utils.encodeCompactBits(newTarget);
if (newTargetCompact != receivedTargetCompact)
throw new VerificationException("Network provided difficulty bits do not match what was calculated: " +
Long.toHexString(newTargetCompact) + " vs " + Long.toHexString(receivedTargetCompact));
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void serializationUnencrypted() throws UnreadableWalletException {
Date now = Utils.now();
final ECKey key1 = new ECKey();
final ECKey key2 = new ECKey();
chain.importKeys(ImmutableList.of(key1, key2));
List<Protos.Key> keys = chain.serializeToProtobuf();
assertEquals(2, keys.size());
assertArrayEquals(key1.getPubKey(), keys.get(0).getPublicKey().toByteArray());
assertArrayEquals(key2.getPubKey(), keys.get(1).getPublicKey().toByteArray());
assertArrayEquals(key1.getPrivKeyBytes(), keys.get(0).getSecretBytes().toByteArray());
assertArrayEquals(key2.getPrivKeyBytes(), keys.get(1).getSecretBytes().toByteArray());
long normTime = (long) (Math.floor(now.getTime() / 1000) * 1000);
assertEquals(normTime, keys.get(0).getCreationTimestamp());
assertEquals(normTime + 5000 * 1000, keys.get(1).getCreationTimestamp());
chain = BasicKeyChain.fromProtobufUnencrypted(keys);
assertEquals(2, chain.getKeys().size());
assertEquals(key1, chain.getKeys().get(0));
assertEquals(key2, chain.getKeys().get(1));
代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj
public static boolean verifyMessage(byte [] pubkeyId, MasternodeSignature vchSig, String message,
StringBuilder errorMessage) {
byte [] dataToHash = Utils.formatMessageForSigning(message);
return HashSigner.verifyHash(Sha256Hash.twiceOf(dataToHash), pubkeyId, vchSig, errorMessage);
代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj
public static boolean verifyMessage1(PublicKey pubkey, MasternodeSignature vchSig, byte[] message, StringBuilder errorMessage)
//int length = Utils.BITCOIN_SIGNED_MESSAGE_HEADER.length()+strMessage.length();
byte dataToHash []; // = (Utils.BITCOIN_SIGNED_MESSAGE_HEADER_BYTES+strMessage).getBytes();
//ByteOutputStream bos = new ByteOutputStream(message.length + Utils.BITCOIN_SIGNED_MESSAGE_HEADER_BYTES.length);
dataToHash = Utils.formatMessageForSigning(message);//bos.getBytes();
//PublicKey pubkey2;
ECKey pubkey2 = null;
try {
// pubkey2 = PublicKey.recoverCompact(Sha256Hash.twiceOf(dataToHash), vchSig);
//if(DarkCoinSystem.fDebug && !pubkey.getId().equals(pubkey2.getId()));
// log.info("DarkSendSigner.verifyMessage -- keys don't match: " + pubkey2.getId().toString()+ " " + pubkey.getId().toString());
//return pubkey.getId().equals(pubkey2.getId());
//return true;
pubkey2 = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(pubkey.getBytes());
pubkey2.verifyMessage(message, vchSig.getBytes());
return true;
catch(SignatureException x)
errorMessage.append("keys don't match - input: "+Utils.HEX.encode(pubkey.getId()));
errorMessage.append(", recovered: " + (pubkey2 != null ? Utils.HEX.encode(pubkey2.getPubKeyHash()) : "null"));
errorMessage.append(", message: "+ Utils.sanitizeString(new String(message)));
errorMessage.append(", sig: not impl!\n" + x.getMessage());
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.ONE.negate(), false)));
case OP_1:
case OP_15:
case OP_16:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(decodeFromOpN(opcode)), false)));
case OP_NOP:
case OP_DEPTH:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(stack.size()), false)));
case OP_DROP:
if (stack.size() < 1)
throw new ScriptException(ScriptError.SCRIPT_ERR_INVALID_STACK_OPERATION, "Attempted OP_SIZE on an empty stack");
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(BigInteger.valueOf(stack.getLast().length), false)));
case OP_EQUAL:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(numericOPnum, false)));
case OP_ADD:
stack.add(Utils.reverseBytes(Utils.encodeMPI(numericOPresult, false)));
代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits
public void compactEncoding() throws Exception {
assertEquals(new BigInteger("1234560000", 16), Utils.decodeCompactBits(0x05123456L));
assertEquals(new BigInteger("c0de000000", 16), Utils.decodeCompactBits(0x0600c0de));
assertEquals(0x05123456L, Utils.encodeCompactBits(new BigInteger("1234560000", 16)));
assertEquals(0x0600c0deL, Utils.encodeCompactBits(new BigInteger("c0de000000", 16)));