
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples

private static void waitForComplete(Job job) {
    while (job.getStatus() != JobStatus.COMPLETED) {
      uncheckRun(() -> SECONDS.sleep(1));

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-demos

  public String toString() {
    return "CarCount{" +
        "location='" + location + '\'' +
        ", time=" + toLocalDateTime(time) +
        ", count=" + count +

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public boolean complete() {
  return uncheckCall(this::tryComplete);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

 * Returns the lowest frame timestamp greater than the given timestamp. If
 * there is no such {@code long} value, returns {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}.
public long higherFrameTs(long timestamp) {
  long tsPlusFrame = timestamp + frameSize;
  return sumHadOverflow(timestamp, frameSize, tsPlusFrame)
      ? addClamped(floorFrameTs(timestamp), frameSize)
      : floorFrameTs(tsPlusFrame);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public SenderTasklet(InboundEdgeStream inboundEdgeStream, NodeEngine nodeEngine, Address destinationAddress,
           long executionId, int destinationVertexId, int packetSizeLimit) {
  this.inboundEdgeStream = inboundEdgeStream;
  this.packetSizeLimit = packetSizeLimit;
  this.connection = getMemberConnection(nodeEngine, destinationAddress);
  this.outputBuffer = createObjectDataOutput(nodeEngine);
  uncheckRun(() -> outputBuffer.write(createStreamPacketHeader(
      nodeEngine, executionId, destinationVertexId, inboundEdgeStream.ordinal())));
  bufPosPastHeader = outputBuffer.position();

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

private void broadcastFlowControlPacket() {
  try {
    getRemoteMembers(nodeEngine).forEach(member -> uncheckRun(() -> {
      final byte[] packetBuf = createFlowControlPacket(member);
      if (packetBuf.length == 0) {
      Connection conn = getMemberConnection(nodeEngine, member);
      if (conn != null) {
        conn.write(new Packet(packetBuf)
            .raiseFlags(FLAG_URGENT | FLAG_JET_FLOW_CONTROL));
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    logger.severe("Flow-control packet broadcast failed", t);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

private byte[] createFlowControlPacket(Address member) throws IOException {
  try (BufferObjectDataOutput out = createObjectDataOutput(nodeEngine)) {
    final boolean[] hasData = {false};
    Map<Long, ExecutionContext> executionContexts = jobExecutionService.getExecutionContextsFor(member);
    executionContexts.forEach((execId, exeCtx) -> uncheckRun(() -> {
      exeCtx.receiverMap().forEach((vertexId, ordinalToSenderToTasklet) ->
          ordinalToSenderToTasklet.forEach((ordinal, senderToTasklet) -> uncheckRun(() -> {
            hasData[0] = true;
    return hasData[0] ? out.toByteArray() : EMPTY_BYTES;

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
  client = newHazelcastClient(asClientConfig(clientXml));
  partitionToIterator = iteratorSupplier.apply(client);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public final boolean offer(@Nonnull int[] ordinals, @Nonnull Object item) {
  assert snapshotEdge == null || Util.arrayIndexOf(snapshotEdge[0], ordinals) < 0
      : "Ordinal " + snapshotEdge[0] + " is out of range";
  return offerInternal(ordinals, item);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
  if (clientXml != null) {
    instance = client = newHazelcastClient(asClientConfig(clientXml));
  } else {
    instance = context.jetInstance().getHazelcastInstance();

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

protected void restoreFromSnapshot(@Nonnull Object key, @Nonnull Object value) {
  int partitionId = ((BroadcastKey<Integer>) key).key();
  int partitionIndex = arrayIndexOf(partitionId, partitionIds);
  long offset = ((long[]) value)[0];
  long wm = ((long[]) value)[1];
  if (partitionIndex >= 0) {
    readOffsets[partitionIndex] = offset;
    emitOffsets[partitionIndex] = offset;
    // Always use partition index of 0, treating all the partitions the
    // same for coalescing purposes.
    eventTimeMapper.restoreWatermark(0, wm);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples

private static void waitForComplete(Job job) {
    while (job.getStatus() != JobStatus.COMPLETED) {
      uncheckRun(() -> SECONDS.sleep(1));

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-demos

  public String toString() {
    return "TrendKey{" +
        "location='" + location + '\'' +
        ", time=" + toLocalDateTime(time) +

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public AttributeList getAttributes(String[] attributes) {
         .map(a -> uncheckCall(() -> new Attribute(a, getAttribute(a))))

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
  HazelcastInstance instance = context.jetInstance().getHazelcastInstance();
  if (clientXml != null) {
    client = newHazelcastClient(asClientConfig(clientXml));
    instance = client;
  eventJournalReader = eventJournalReaderSupplier.apply(instance);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

private void submitBlockingTasklets(ExecutionTracker executionTracker, ClassLoader jobClassLoader,
                  List<Tasklet> tasklets) {
  CountDownLatch startedLatch = new CountDownLatch(tasklets.size());
  executionTracker.blockingFutures = tasklets
      .map(t -> new BlockingWorker(new TaskletTracker(t, executionTracker, jobClassLoader), startedLatch))
  // do not return from this method until all workers have started. Otherwise
  // on cancellation there is a race where the executor might not have started
  // the worker yet. This would results in taskletDone() never being called for
  // a worker.

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-demos

  public String toString() {
    return "Prediction{" +
        "location='" + location + '\'' +
        ", time=" + toLocalDateTime(time) + " (" + time + ")" +
        ", predictedCounts=" + Arrays.toString(predictedCounts) +

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public boolean complete() {
  if (traverser == null) {
    resultSet = uncheckCall(() -> resultSetFn.createResultSet(connection, parallelism, index));
    traverser = ((Traverser<ResultSet>) () -> uncheckCall(() -> ? resultSet : null))
  return emitFromTraverser(traverser);

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet

public void init(@Nonnull Context context) {
  HazelcastInstance client = newHazelcastClient(asClientConfig(clientXml));
  try {
    HazelcastClientProxy clientProxy = (HazelcastClientProxy) client;
    remotePartitionCount = clientProxy.client.getClientPartitionService().getPartitionCount();
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: hazelcast/hazelcast-jet-code-samples

private void createAvroFile() throws IOException {
  Path inputPath = new Path(INPUT_PATH);
  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
  fs.delete(inputPath, true);
  DataFileWriter<User> fileWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(new GenericDatumWriter<User>(User.SCHEMA));
  fileWriter.create(User.SCHEMA, fs.create(new Path(inputPath, "file.avro")));
  IntStream.range(0, 100)
       .mapToObj(i -> new User("name" + i, "pass" + i, i, i % 2 == 0))
       .forEach(user -> Util.uncheckRun(() -> fileWriter.append(user)));
