
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]A Word represents the lexical information related to a specific sense of an IndexWord. Word's are linked by Pointers into a network of lexically related words. #getTargets retrieves the targets of these links, and Word#getPointers retrieves the pointers themselves.


代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

   * @param words
   * @param wordToLookup 
   * @return
  private Word lookupWordInWords(Word[] words, String wordToLookup) {
     boolean found = false;
     Word someWord = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < words.length && !found; i++)
      someWord = words[i];
      found = someWord.getLemma().equalsIgnoreCase(wordToLookup);

    return someWord;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

public String toString() {
  if (_cachedToString == null) {
    Object[] params = new Object[]{getPOS(), getLemma(), getSynset(), new Integer(getIndex())};
    _cachedToString = JWNL.resolveMessage("DATA_TOSTRING_005", params);
  return _cachedToString;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

/** returns all the pointers of the synset that contains this word whose source is this word */
  public Pointer[] getPointers() {
    Pointer[] source = getSynset().getPointers();
    List list = new ArrayList(source.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < source.length; ++i) {
      Pointer pointer = source[i];
      if (this.equals(pointer.getSource()))
    return (Pointer[]) list.toArray(new Pointer[list.size()]);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

/** Two words are equal if their parent Synsets are equal and they have the same index */
public boolean equals(Object object) {
  return (object instanceof Word)
      && ((Word) object).getSynset().equals(getSynset())
      && ((Word) object).getIndex() == getIndex();

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

public long getUsageOf(String word) throws WordNetException
  long ret = 0;
  Word[] wordsOfSynset = this.realSynset.getWords();
  for (Word wordOfSynset : wordsOfSynset)
    if (wordOfSynset.getLemma().equals(word))
      ret = wordOfSynset.getUsageCount();
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

 * Ctor with an {@link Word} and a dictionary
 * This Ctor is quicker than the other.
 * @param jwiDictionary 
 * @throws WordNetException 
JwnlSensedWord(Word objWord, JwnlDictionary jwnlDictionary) throws WordNetException {
  this.wordObj = objWord;
  this.synset = new JwnlSynset(jwnlDictionary, objWord.getSynset());
  this.word = objWord.getLemma();
  this.dictionary = jwnlDictionary;
  this.pos = JwnlUtils.getWordNetPartOfSpeech( wordObj.getPOS());

代码示例来源:origin: Noahs-ARK/semafor

for(int i=0;i<words.length;i++){
  w = words[i];
  syn = w.getLemma();
  pos = w.getPOS();
        for(int j=0;j<words.length;j++){
          w = words[j];
          lemma = w.getLemma();
          pos = w.getPOS();
            String[] parts = lemma.split("_");
        lemma = w.getLemma();
        pos = w.getPOS();
          String[] parts = lemma.split("_");


IndexWord word = dictionary.lookupIndexWord(POS.NOUN, exampleWord);
List<Synset> synset=word.getSenses();
int nums = word.sortSenses();
// for each sense of the word
for (  Synset syn : synset) {
 // get the synonyms of the sense
 PointerTargetTree s = PointerUtils.getSynonymTree(syn, 2 /*depth*/);        
 List<PointerTargetNodeList>  l = s.toList();
 for (PointerTargetNodeList nl : l) {
  for (PointerTargetNode n : nl) {
   Synset ns = n.getSynset();
   if (ns!=null) {
    List<Word> ws = ns.getWords();
    for (Word ww : ws) {
     // ww.getUseCount() is the frequency of occurance as reported by wordnet engine
     println(ww.getLemma(), ww.getUseCount());

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

 * Ctor
 * @param synset
 * @param strWord
 * @throws WordNetException 
public JwnlSensedWord(JwnlSynset synset, String strWord) throws WordNetException {
  this.synset = synset;
  this.word = strWord;
  String wordToLookup = strWord.replace(' ', '_');	// mimic jwnl, which replaces underscores with spaces when looking up
   Word[] words = synset.realSynset.getWords();
   Word wordObj = lookupWordInWords(words, wordToLookup);
   if (wordObj == null)
     throw new WordNetException("\""+ strWord + "\" is not a memeber of the given synset " + synset);
   this.wordObj = wordObj;
   dictionary = synset.jwnlDictionary;
   this.pos = JwnlUtils.getWordNetPartOfSpeech( wordObj.getPOS());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

 * If the target is a synset, return it, otherwise it's a word
 * so return the word's parent synset.
public Synset getSynset() {
  if (isLexical()) {
    return ((Word)_target).getSynset();
  } else {
    return (Synset)_target;

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  if (this == obj)
    return true;
  if (obj == null)
    return false;
  if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
    return false;
  JwnlSensedWord other = (JwnlSensedWord) obj;
  if (wordObj == null) {
    if (other.wordObj != null)
      return false;
  } else if (!wordObj.equals(other.wordObj))
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

protected Word createWord(Synset synset, int index, String lemma) {
  if (synset.getPOS().equals(POS.VERB)) {
    return new MutableVerb(synset, index, lemma);
  } else {
    return new Word(synset, index, lemma);

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

ret.add(new WordAndUsage(word.getLemma(), word.getUsageCount()));

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

public int hashCode() {
  return getSynset().hashCode() ^ getIndex();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

 * Get the synset that is a) the target of this pointer, or b) the     * synset that contains the target of this pointer.
public Synset getTargetSynset() throws JWNLException {
  PointerTarget target = getTarget();
  if (target instanceof Word) {
    return ((Word) target).getSynset();
  } else {
    return (Synset) target;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl

protected Word createWord(Synset synset, int index, String lemma) {
  if (synset.getPOS().equals(POS.VERB)) {
    return new MutableVerb(synset, index, lemma);
  } else {
    return new Word(synset, index, lemma);

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

private void addSynonymFeature(Set<String> f1, Synset synset, WordNetFeatureClass name,
    String key) {
  if (featureClasses.contains(name)) {
    for (Word w : synset.getWords())
      f1.add(key + w.getLemma());

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-edison

private void addSynonymFeature(Set<String> f1, Synset synset, WordNetFeatureClass name,
    String key) {
  if (featureClasses.contains(name)) {
    for (Word w : synset.getWords())
      f1.add(key + w.getLemma());

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

public Set<String> getWords() throws WordNetException
  if (words == null)
    words = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Word word : this.realSynset.getWords())
      String lemma = word.getLemma();
      lemma = lemma.replaceAll("_", " ");	// clean
  return new HashSet<String>(words);	// return a copy

代码示例来源:origin: eu.fbk.pikes/pikes-resources

public static Set<String> getLemmas(final String synsetID) {
  final Set<String> lemmas = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
  final Synset synset = getSynset(synsetID);
  if (synset != null) {
    for (final Word word : synset.getWords()) {
  return lemmas;
