[英]Static XML utility methods
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private Optional<Element> findChildById(Element parent, String id) {
for (Element child : XML.getChildren(parent))
if (id.equals(child.getAttribute("id"))) return Optional.of(child);
return Optional.empty();
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private List<Node> readNodes(Element providerElement) {
Element nodesSpec = XML.getChild(providerElement, "nodes");
if (nodesSpec == null) {
return null;
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element nodeSpec : XML.getChildren(nodesSpec, "node")) {
return nodes;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Returns the Document of the string XML payload
public static Document getDocument(String xmlString) {
return getDocument(new StringReader(xmlString));
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private String getPath(Element servletElement) {
Element pathElement = XML.getChild(servletElement, "path");
return XML.getValue(pathElement);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private Map<String, String> getServletConfig(Element servletElement) {
Map<String, String> servletConfig = new HashMap<>();
Element servletConfigElement = XML.getChild(servletElement, "servlet-config");
XML.getChildren(servletConfigElement).forEach( parameter ->
servletConfig.put(parameter.getTagName(), XML.getValue(parameter))
return servletConfig;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
public static Collection<String> valuesFromElements(Element parent, String elementName) {
List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element symbol : XML.getChildren(parent, elementName)) {
return symbols;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private boolean readSourceSet(Element searcherSpec) {
return XML.getChild(searcherSpec, "source-set") != null;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model-api
* Returns a ValidationOverrides instance with the content of the given XML string.
* An empty ValidationOverrides is returned if the argument is empty.
* @param xmlForm the string which optionally contains a validation-overrides XML structure
* @return a ValidationOverrides from the argument
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the validation-allows.xml file exists but is invalid
public static ValidationOverrides fromXml(String xmlForm) {
if ( xmlForm.isEmpty()) return ValidationOverrides.empty;
try {
// Assume valid structure is ensured by schema validation
Element root = XML.getDocument(xmlForm).getDocumentElement();
List<ValidationOverrides.Allow> overrides = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element allow : XML.getChildren(root, "allow")) {
Instant until = LocalDate.parse(allow.getAttribute("until"), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)
.plus(Duration.ofDays(1)); // Make the override valid *on* the "until" date
Optional<ValidationId> validationId = ValidationId.from(XML.getValue(allow));
if (validationId.isPresent()) // skip unknown ids as they may be valid for other model versions
overrides.add(new ValidationOverrides.Allow(validationId.get(), until));
return new ValidationOverrides(overrides, xmlForm);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("validation-overrides is invalid", e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
public List<Element> createQueryProfiles(List<NamedReader> queryProfileReaders, QueryProfileRegistry registry) {
List<Element> queryProfileElements = new ArrayList<>(queryProfileReaders.size());
for (NamedReader reader : queryProfileReaders) {
Element root = XML.getDocument(reader).getDocumentElement();
if ( ! root.getNodeName().equals("query-profile")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root tag in '" + reader.getName() +
Element dimensions = XML.getChild(root,"dimensions");
if (dimensions != null)
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the following:
* <ul>
* <li>all ascii codes less than 32 except 9 (tab), 10 (nl) and 13 (cr) if
* escapeLowAscii is <code>true</code>
* <li>ampersand (&)
* <li>less than (<)
* <li>larger than (>)
* <li>double quotes (") if isAttribute is <code>true</code>
* </ul>
* with character entities.
public static String xmlEscape(String string, boolean isAttribute, boolean escapeLowAscii, StringBuilder buffer) {
return xmlEscape(string, isAttribute, escapeLowAscii, buffer, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model-api
List<Step> steps = new ArrayList<>();
Optional<String> globalServiceId = Optional.empty();
Element root = XML.getDocument(xmlForm).getDocumentElement();
if (validate)
for (Element environmentTag : XML.getChildren(root)) {
if ( ! isEnvironmentName(environmentTag.getTagName())) continue;
for (Element stepTag : XML.getChildren(environmentTag)) {
Optional<AthenzService> athenzService = stringAttribute("athenz-service", environmentTag).map(AthenzService::from);
if (stepTag.getTagName().equals("delay")) {
} else if (stepTag.getTagName().equals("parallel")) {
List<DeclaredZone> zones = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element regionTag : XML.getChildren(stepTag)) {
zones.add(readDeclaredZone(environment, athenzService, regionTag));
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
public List<Element> createQueryProfileTypes(List<NamedReader> queryProfileTypeReaders, QueryProfileTypeRegistry registry) {
List<Element> queryProfileTypeElements = new ArrayList<>(queryProfileTypeReaders.size());
for (NamedReader reader : queryProfileTypeReaders) {
Element root = XML.getDocument(reader).getDocumentElement();
if ( ! root.getNodeName().equals("query-profile-type")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root tag in '" + reader.getName() +
"' must be 'query-profile-type', not '" + root.getNodeName() + "'");
String idString=root.getAttribute("id");
if (idString == null || idString.equals(""))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + reader.getName() + "' has no 'id' attribute in the root element");
ComponentId id = new ComponentId(idString);
validateFileNameToId(reader.getName(),id,"query profile type");
QueryProfileType type = new QueryProfileType(id);
type.setMatchAsPath(XML.getChild(root,"match") != null);
type.setStrict(XML.getChild(root,"strict") != null);
return queryProfileTypeElements;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private static String getBinding(Element e) {
String binding = XML.getValue(e);
if (! binding.endsWith("/")) {
log.warning("Adding a trailing '/' to the document-api binding: " + binding + " -> " + binding + "/");
binding = binding + "/";
return binding;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Creates a new XML DocumentBuilder
* @return a DocumentBuilder
* @throws RuntimeException if we fail to create one
public static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() {
return getDocumentBuilder("com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl", null);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
private Map<String,String> readParameters(Element containingElement) {
List<Element> parameterElements=XML.getChildren(containingElement,"parameter");
if (parameterElements.size()==0) return Collections.emptyMap(); // Shortcut
Map<String,String> parameters=new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Element parameter : parameterElements) {
String key=parameter.getAttribute("name");
String value=XML.getValue(parameter);
return parameters;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private static String getCleanValue(Element spec, String name) {
Element elem = XML.getChild(spec, name);
if (elem == null) {
return null;
String value = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
if (value == null) {
return null;
value = value.trim();
return value.isEmpty() ? null : value;
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model
private void addRoutingAliases(ContainerCluster cluster, Element spec, Environment environment) {
if (environment != Environment.prod) return;
Element aliases = XML.getChild(spec, "aliases");
for (Element alias : XML.getChildren(aliases, "service-alias")) {
for (Element alias : XML.getChildren(aliases, "endpoint-alias")) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the following:
* <ul>
* <li>all ascii codes less than 32 except 9 (tab), 10 (nl) and 13 (cr)
* <li>ampersand (&)
* <li>less than (<)
* <li>larger than (>)
* <li>double quotes (") if isAttribute is <code>true</code>
* </ul>
* with character entities.
public static String xmlEscape(String string, boolean isAttribute, StringBuilder buffer) {
return xmlEscape(string, isAttribute, true, buffer, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
private Object readFieldValue(Element field, String name, String targetDescription, QueryProfileRegistry registry) {
Element ref = XML.getChild(field,"ref");
if (ref != null) {
String referencedName = XML.getValue(ref);
QueryProfile referenced = registry.getComponent(referencedName);
if (referenced == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find query profile '" + referencedName + "' referenced as '" +
name + "' in " + targetDescription);
return referenced;
else {
return XML.getValue(field);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/config-model-api
private DeclaredZone readDeclaredZone(Environment environment, Optional<AthenzService> athenzService, Element regionTag) {
return new DeclaredZone(environment, Optional.of(RegionName.from(XML.getValue(regionTag).trim())),
readActive(regionTag), athenzService);