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[英]YearMonthDay is an immutable partial supporting the year, monthOfYear and dayOfMonth fields.

NOTE: This class only supports the three fields listed above. Thus, you cannot query the dayOfWeek or centuryOfEra fields for example. The new LocalDate class removes this restriction.

Calculations on YearMonthDay are performed using a Chronology. This chronology is set to be in the UTC time zone for all calculations.

Each individual field can be queried in two ways:

  • getMonthOfYear()

  • monthOfYear().get()
    The second technique also provides access to other useful methods on the field:

  • numeric value - monthOfYear().get()

  • text value - monthOfYear().getAsText()

  • short text value - monthOfYear().getAsShortText()

  • maximum/minimum values - monthOfYear().getMaximumValue()

  • add/subtract - monthOfYear().addToCopy()

  • set - monthOfYear().setCopy()

YearMonthDay is thread-safe and immutable, provided that the Chronology is as well. All standard Chronology classes supplied are thread-safe and immutable.

  • getMonthOfYear()
  • monthOfYear().get()


代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Returns a copy of this date with the specified field set to a new value.
 * <p>
 * For example, if the field type is <code>dayOfMonth</code> then the day
 * would be changed in the returned instance.
 * <p>
 * These three lines are equivalent:
 * <pre>
 * YearMonthDay updated = ymd.withField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfMonth(), 6);
 * YearMonthDay updated = ymd.dayOfMonth().setCopy(6);
 * YearMonthDay updated =;
 * </pre>
 * @param fieldType  the field type to set, not null
 * @param value  the value to set
 * @return a copy of this instance with the field set
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is null or invalid
public YearMonthDay withField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int value) {
  int index = indexOfSupported(fieldType);
  if (value == getValue(index)) {
    return this;
  int[] newValues = getValues();
  newValues = getField(index).set(this, index, newValues, value);
  return new YearMonthDay(this, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this object to a DateMidnight in the default time zone.
 * @return the DateMidnight instance in the default zone
public DateMidnight toDateMidnight() {
  return toDateMidnight(null);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this object to a LocalDate with the same date and chronology.
 * @return a LocalDate with the same date and chronology
 * @since 1.3
public LocalDate toLocalDate() {
  return new LocalDate(getYear(), getMonthOfYear(), getDayOfMonth(), getChronology());

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Returns a copy of this date with the day of month field updated.
 * <p>
 * YearMonthDay is immutable, so there are no set methods.
 * Instead, this method returns a new instance with the value of
 * day of month changed.
 * @param dayOfMonth  the day of month to set
 * @return a copy of this object with the field set
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is invalid
 * @since 1.3
public YearMonthDay withDayOfMonth(int dayOfMonth) {
  int[] newValues = getValues();
  newValues = getChronology().dayOfMonth().set(this, DAY_OF_MONTH, newValues, dayOfMonth);
  return new YearMonthDay(this, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

return this;
int[] newValues = getValues();
for (int i = 0; i < period.size(); i++) {
  DurationFieldType fieldType = period.getFieldType(i);
  int index = indexOf(fieldType);
  if (index >= 0) {
    newValues = getField(index).add(this, index, newValues,
        FieldUtils.safeMultiply(period.getValue(i), scalar));
return new YearMonthDay(this, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Sets this field in a copy of the YearMonthDay.
 * <p>
 * The YearMonthDay attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
 * Instead, a new instance is returned.
 * @param value  the value to set the field in the copy to
 * @return a copy of the YearMonthDay with the field value changed
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value isn't valid
public YearMonthDay setCopy(int value) {
  int[] newValues = iYearMonthDay.getValues();
  newValues = getField().set(iYearMonthDay, iFieldIndex, newValues, value);
  return new YearMonthDay(iYearMonthDay, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic

public void setStateDate(final YearMonthDay ymd) {
  if (ymd == null) {
  setStateDateTime(new YearMonthDay().equals(ymd) ? ymd.toDateTimeAtCurrentTime() : ymd.toDateTimeAtMidnight());

代码示例来源:origin: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic

public ViewEventSpaceOccupationsBean(YearMonthDay day, Space allocatableSpace) {
  if (day != null) {
    setYear(new Partial(DateTimeFieldType.year(), day.getYear()));
    setMonth(new Partial(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear(), day.getMonthOfYear()));
    YearMonthDay monday = day.toDateTimeAtMidnight().withDayOfWeek(MONDAY_IN_JODA_TIME).toYearMonthDay();
    if ((monday.getMonthOfYear() < day.getMonthOfYear()) || (monday.getYear() < day.getYear())) {
      monday = monday.plusDays(Lesson.NUMBER_OF_DAYS_IN_WEEK);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this partial to a full datetime using the default time zone
 * setting the date fields from this instance and the time fields from
 * the current time.
 * @return this date as a datetime with the time as the current time
public DateTime toDateTimeAtCurrentTime() {
  return toDateTimeAtCurrentTime(null);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this object to a DateTime using a TimeOfDay to fill in the
 * missing fields and using the default time zone.
 * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
 * <p>
 * The resulting chronology is determined by the chronology of this
 * YearMonthDay plus the time zone.
 * The chronology of the time is ignored - only the field values are used.
 * @param time  the time of day to use, null means current time
 * @return the DateTime instance
public DateTime toDateTime(TimeOfDay time) {
  return toDateTime(time, null);

代码示例来源:origin: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic

protected YearMonthDay getStartDate() {
  final ExecutionInterval interval = getCandidacyExecutionInterval();
  final YearMonthDay today = new YearMonthDay();
  return interval.isCurrent() && interval.getAcademicInterval().contains(today.toDateMidnight()) ? today : interval

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this YearMonthDay to a full datetime at midnight using the
 * default time zone.
 * @return this date as a datetime at midnight
public DateTime toDateTimeAtMidnight() {
  return toDateTimeAtMidnight(null);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this object to a <code>YearMonthDay</code> using the
 * same millis and chronology.
 * @return a YearMonthDay using the same millis and chronology
 * @deprecated Use LocalDate instead of YearMonthDay
public YearMonthDay toYearMonthDay() {
  return new YearMonthDay(getMillis(), getChronology());

代码示例来源:origin: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic

public List<Interval> getEventSpaceOccupationIntervals(YearMonthDay startDateToSearch, YearMonthDay endDateToSearch) {
  List<Interval> result = new ArrayList<Interval>();
  Collection<LessonInstance> lessonInstances = getLessonInstancesSet();
  DateTime startDateTime = startDateToSearch != null ? startDateToSearch.toDateTimeAtMidnight() : null;
  DateTime endDateTime = endDateToSearch != null ? endDateToSearch.toDateTime(new TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59)) : null;
  for (LessonInstance lessonInstance : lessonInstances) {
    if (startDateTime == null
        || (!lessonInstance.getEndDateTime().isBefore(startDateTime) && !lessonInstance.getBeginDateTime().isAfter(
            endDateTime))) {
      result.add(new Interval(lessonInstance.getBeginDateTime(), lessonInstance.getEndDateTime()));
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Gets the field that this property uses.
 * @return the field
public DateTimeField getField() {
  return iYearMonthDay.getField(iFieldIndex);

代码示例来源:origin: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic

private YearMonthDay getValidEndDate(YearMonthDay endDate) {
  YearMonthDay lessonEnd =
  if (lessonEnd.isAfter(endDate)) {
    lessonEnd = lessonEnd.minusDays(NUMBER_OF_DAYS_IN_WEEK);
  return lessonEnd;

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Converts this partial to a full datetime using the specified time zone
 * setting the date fields from this instance and the time fields from
 * the current time.
 * <p>
 * This method uses the chronology from this instance plus the time zone
 * specified.
 * @param zone  the zone to use, null means default
 * @return this date as a datetime with the time as the current time
public DateTime toDateTimeAtCurrentTime(DateTimeZone zone) {
  Chronology chrono = getChronology().withZone(zone);
  long instantMillis = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
  long resolved = chrono.set(this, instantMillis);
  return new DateTime(resolved, chrono);

代码示例来源:origin: joda-time/joda-time

 * Returns a copy of this date with the year field updated.
 * <p>
 * YearMonthDay is immutable, so there are no set methods.
 * Instead, this method returns a new instance with the value of
 * year changed.
 * @param year  the year to set
 * @return a copy of this object with the field set
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is invalid
 * @since 1.3
public YearMonthDay withYear(int year) {
  int[] newValues = getValues();
  newValues = getChronology().year().set(this, YEAR, newValues, year);
  return new YearMonthDay(this, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: JodaOrg/joda-time

return this;
int[] newValues = getValues();
for (int i = 0; i < period.size(); i++) {
  DurationFieldType fieldType = period.getFieldType(i);
  int index = indexOf(fieldType);
  if (index >= 0) {
    newValues = getField(index).add(this, index, newValues,
        FieldUtils.safeMultiply(period.getValue(i), scalar));
return new YearMonthDay(this, newValues);

代码示例来源:origin: JodaOrg/joda-time

 * Sets this field in a copy of the YearMonthDay.
 * <p>
 * The YearMonthDay attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
 * Instead, a new instance is returned.
 * @param value  the value to set the field in the copy to
 * @return a copy of the YearMonthDay with the field value changed
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value isn't valid
public YearMonthDay setCopy(int value) {
  int[] newValues = iYearMonthDay.getValues();
  newValues = getField().set(iYearMonthDay, iFieldIndex, newValues, value);
  return new YearMonthDay(iYearMonthDay, newValues);
