代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void mkdirs(String path) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (path.equals(""))
if (!path.startsWith("/"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + "does not start with /");
if (exists(path))
String parent = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
putPersistentData(path, new byte[] {}, NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public MasterTime(Master master) throws IOException {
this.zPath = master.getZooKeeperRoot() + Constants.ZMASTER_TICK;
this.zk = master.getContext().getZooReaderWriter();
this.master = master;
try {
zk.putPersistentData(zPath, "0".getBytes(UTF_8), NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
skewAmount = Long.parseLong(new String(zk.getData(zPath, null), UTF_8)) - System.nanoTime();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException("Error updating master time", ex);
this.timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(this, 0, MILLISECONDS.convert(10, SECONDS));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public static synchronized ZooReaderWriter getInstance(String zookeepers, int timeInMillis,
String scheme, byte[] auth) {
if (instance == null)
instance = new ZooReaderWriter(zookeepers, timeInMillis, scheme, auth);
return instance;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
* Ensure that the full path to ZooKeeper nodes that will be used exist
public static void ensureZooKeeperInitialized(final ZooReaderWriter zooReaderWriter,
final String zRoot) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (!zooReaderWriter.exists(zRoot + ReplicationConstants.ZOO_TSERVERS, null)) {
zooReaderWriter.mkdirs(zRoot + ReplicationConstants.ZOO_TSERVERS);
if (!zooReaderWriter.exists(zRoot + ReplicationConstants.ZOO_WORK_QUEUE, null)) {
zooReaderWriter.mkdirs(zRoot + ReplicationConstants.ZOO_WORK_QUEUE);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void addWork(String workId, byte[] data) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (workId.equalsIgnoreCase(LOCKS_NODE))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("locks is reserved work id");
zoo.putPersistentData(path + "/" + workId, data, NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
if (zoo.exists(monitorPath)) {
byte[] data = zoo.getData(monitorPath, null);
zoo.recursiveDelete(monitorPath, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
zoo.putPersistentData(monitorPath, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.FAIL);
zoo.putPersistentData(monitorLockPath, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.FAIL);
} else if (!zoo.exists(monitorLockPath)) {
zoo.putPersistentData(monitorLockPath, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.FAIL);
zoo.putPersistentData(zRoot + Constants.ZMONITOR, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.FAIL);
if (!zoo.exists(monitorLockPath)) {
zoo.putPersistentData(monitorLockPath, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.FAIL);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void post(String server, String cause) {
try {
zoo.putPersistentData(path + "/" + server, cause.getBytes(UTF_8), NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("post failed with exception", ex);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
private String root() throws WalMarkerException {
String root = context.getZooKeeperRoot() + ZWALS;
try {
if (!checkedExistance && !zoo.exists(root)) {
zoo.putPersistentData(root, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
checkedExistance = true;
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new WalMarkerException(e);
return root;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
if (createValue != null) {
while (true) {
final Retry retry = getRetryFactory().createRetry();
try {
getZooKeeper().create(zPath, createValue, acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
return createValue;
} catch (KeeperException ex) {
} else if (code == Code.OPERATIONTIMEOUT || code == Code.CONNECTIONLOSS
|| code == Code.SESSIONEXPIRED) {
retryOrThrow(retry, ex);
} else {
throw ex;
final Retry retry = getRetryFactory().createRetry();
Stat stat = new Stat();
byte[] data = getData(zPath, false, stat);
data = mutator.mutate(data);
if (data == null)
return data;
try {
getZooKeeper().setData(zPath, data, stat.getVersion());
return data;
} catch (KeeperException ex) {
retryOrThrow(retry, ex);
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public MergeInfo getMergeInfo(Table.ID tableId) {
synchronized (mergeLock) {
try {
String path = getZooKeeperRoot() + Constants.ZTABLES + "/" + tableId + "/merge";
if (!context.getZooReaderWriter().exists(path))
return new MergeInfo();
byte[] data = context.getZooReaderWriter().getData(path, new Stat());
DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
in.reset(data, data.length);
MergeInfo info = new MergeInfo();
return info;
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ex) {
log.info("Error reading merge state, it probably just finished");
return new MergeInfo();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Unexpected error reading merge state", ex);
return new MergeInfo();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void revokeTablePermission(String user, String table, TablePermission permission)
throws AccumuloSecurityException {
byte[] serializedPerms = zooCache.get(ZKUserPath + "/" + user + ZKUserTablePerms + "/" + table);
// User had no table permission, nothing to revoke.
if (serializedPerms == null)
Set<TablePermission> tablePerms = ZKSecurityTool.convertTablePermissions(serializedPerms);
try {
if (tablePerms.remove(permission)) {
if (tablePerms.size() == 0)
zoo.recursiveDelete(ZKUserPath + "/" + user + ZKUserTablePerms + "/" + table,
zoo.putPersistentData(ZKUserPath + "/" + user + ZKUserTablePerms + "/" + table,
ZKSecurityTool.convertTablePermissions(tablePerms), NodeExistsPolicy.OVERWRITE);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
log.error("{}", e.getMessage(), e);
throw new AccumuloSecurityException(user, SecurityErrorCode.CONNECTION_ERROR, e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error("{}", e.getMessage(), e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public List<DeadServer> getList() {
List<DeadServer> result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<String> children = zoo.getChildren(path);
if (children != null) {
for (String child : children) {
Stat stat = new Stat();
byte[] data;
try {
data = zoo.getData(path + "/" + child, stat);
} catch (NoNodeException nne) {
// Another thread or process can delete child while this loop is running.
// We ignore this error since it's harmless if we miss the deleted server
// in the dead server list.
DeadServer server = new DeadServer(child, stat.getMtime(), new String(data, UTF_8));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("{}", ex.getMessage(), ex);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
* @param args
* : the name or UUID of the instance to be deleted
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Opts opts = new Opts();
opts.parseArgs(DeleteZooInstance.class.getName(), args);
ZooReaderWriter zk = new ZooReaderWriter(new SiteConfiguration());
// try instance name:
Set<String> instances = new HashSet<>(zk.getChildren(Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES));
Set<String> uuids = new HashSet<>(zk.getChildren(Constants.ZROOT));
if (instances.contains(opts.instance)) {
String path = Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES + "/" + opts.instance;
byte[] data = zk.getData(path, null);
deleteRetry(zk, path);
deleteRetry(zk, Constants.ZROOT + "/" + new String(data, UTF_8));
} else if (uuids.contains(opts.instance)) {
// look for the real instance name
for (String instance : instances) {
String path = Constants.ZROOT + Constants.ZINSTANCES + "/" + instance;
byte[] data = zk.getData(path, null);
if (opts.instance.equals(new String(data, UTF_8)))
deleteRetry(zk, path);
deleteRetry(zk, Constants.ZROOT + "/" + opts.instance);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
long getCompactionCancelID() {
String zTablePath = Constants.ZROOT + "/" + tabletServer.getInstanceID() + Constants.ZTABLES
+ "/" + extent.getTableId() + Constants.ZTABLE_COMPACT_CANCEL_ID;
try {
return Long
.parseLong(new String(context.getZooReaderWriter().getData(zTablePath, null), UTF_8));
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
try {
try {
processor.newProcessor().process(child, zoo.getData(childPath, null));
zoo.recursiveDelete(childPath, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error received when trying to delete entry in zookeeper " + childPath,
zoo.recursiveDelete(lockPath, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error received when trying to delete entry in zookeeper " + childPath,
lookForWork(processor, zoo.getChildren(path));
} catch (KeeperException e) {
log.error("Failed to look for work", e);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public boolean hasSystemPermission(String user, SystemPermission permission) {
byte[] perms;
try {
String path = ZKUserPath + "/" + user + ZKUserSysPerms;
perms = zoo.getData(path, null);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e.code() == Code.NONODE) {
return false;
log.warn("Unhandled KeeperException, failing closed for table permission check", e);
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("Unhandled InterruptedException, failing closed for table permission check", e);
return false;
if (perms == null)
return false;
return ZKSecurityTool.convertSystemPermissions(perms).contains(permission);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
zoo.putEphemeralData(lockPath, new byte[0]);
} catch (NodeExistsException nee) {
if (!zoo.exists(childPath)) {
zoo.recursiveDelete(lockPath, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
zoo.recursiveDelete(lockPath, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public List<Path> getWalsInUse(TServerInstance tsi) throws WalMarkerException {
List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String zpath = root() + "/" + tsi;
for (String child : zoo.getChildren(zpath)) {
byte[] zdata = null;
try {
// This function is called by the Master. Its possible that Accumulo GC deletes an
// unreferenced WAL in ZK after the call to getChildren above. Catch this exception inside
// the loop so that not all children are ignored.
zdata = zoo.getData(zpath + "/" + child, null);
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
log.debug("WAL state removed {} {} during getWalsInUse. Likely a race condition between "
+ "master and GC.", tsi, child);
if (zdata != null) {
Pair<WalState,Path> parts = parse(zdata);
if (parts.getFirst() != WalState.UNREFERENCED) {
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
log.debug("{} has no wal entry in zookeeper, assuming no logs", tsi);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new WalMarkerException(e);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void delete(String path, int version) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
final Retry retry = getRetryFactory().createRetry();
while (true) {
try {
getZooKeeper().delete(path, version);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
final Code code = e.code();
if (code == Code.NONODE) {
if (retry.hasRetried()) {
// A retried delete could have deleted the node, assume that was the case
log.debug("Delete saw no node on a retry. Assuming node was deleted");
throw e;
} else if (code == Code.CONNECTIONLOSS || code == Code.OPERATIONTIMEOUT
|| code == Code.SESSIONEXPIRED) {
// retry if we have more attempts to do so
retryOrThrow(retry, e);
} else {
throw e;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/accumulo
public void removeNamespace(Namespace.ID namespaceId)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
zoo.recursiveDelete(zkRoot + Constants.ZNAMESPACES + "/" + namespaceId, NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);