代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-redis
public Long zInterStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weights(weights.toArray()).aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.valueOf(aggregate.name()));
try {
return connection.getCluster().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZINTERSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: sohutv/cachecloud
public void zunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) {
final List<byte[]> args = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
for (final byte[] set : sets) {
sendCommand(ZUNIONSTORE, args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]));
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.data/spring-data-redis
public Long zInterStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weightsByDouble(weights.toArray())
try {
return connection.getCluster().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZINTERSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private Long zinterstoremin0(Jedis j, String destination, String... keys) {
return j.zinterstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(Aggregate.MIN), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private Long zunionstore_weights(Jedis j, String destination, Map<String, Integer> weightkeys) {
Object[] objs = convert4zstore(weightkeys);
String[] keys = (String[]) objs[0];
int [] weights = (int[]) objs[1];
return j.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().weights(weights), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: Exrick/x-boot
ZParams params = new ZParams();
params.weightsByDouble(1.0, 0.0);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public Long zInterStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weightsByDouble(weights.toArray())
try {
return connection.getCluster().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZINTERSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private Long zunionstoremin0(Jedis j, String destination, String... keys) {
return j.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(Aggregate.MIN), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private Long zinterstore_weights(Jedis j, String destination, Map<String, Integer> weightkeys) {
Object[] objs = convert4zstore(weightkeys);
String[] keys = (String[]) objs[0];
int [] weights = (int[]) objs[1];
return j.zinterstore(destination, new ZParams().weights(weights), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-redis
public Long zUnionStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weights(weights.toArray()).aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.valueOf(aggregate.name()));
try {
return connection.getCluster().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("ZUNIONSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.data/spring-data-redis
public Long zUnionStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weightsByDouble(weights.toArray())
try {
return connection.getCluster().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("ZUNIONSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private void zinterstoremax0(String destination, String... keys) {
t.zinterstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(Aggregate.MAX), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private void zinterstore_weights(String destination, Map<String, Integer> weightkeys) {
Object[] objs = convert4zstore(weightkeys);
String[] keys = (String[]) objs[0];
int [] weights = (int[]) objs[1];
t.zinterstore(destination, new ZParams().weights(weights), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: sohutv/cachecloud
public void zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) {
final List<byte[]> args = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
for (final byte[] set : sets) {
sendCommand(ZINTERSTORE, args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]));
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-redis
public Long zUnionStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(weights, "Weights must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
try {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weights(weights.toArray()).aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.valueOf(aggregate.name()));
if (isPipelined()) {
pipeline(connection.newJedisResult(connection.getRequiredPipeline().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets)));
return null;
if (isQueueing()) {
transaction(connection.newJedisResult(connection.getRequiredTransaction().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets)));
return null;
return connection.getJedis().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public Long zUnionStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
byte[][] allKeys = ByteUtils.mergeArrays(destKey, sets);
if (ClusterSlotHashUtil.isSameSlotForAllKeys(allKeys)) {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weightsByDouble(weights.toArray())
try {
return connection.getCluster().zunionstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("ZUNIONSTORE can only be executed when all keys map to the same slot");
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private void zunionstoremin0(String destination, String... keys) {
t.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().aggregate(Aggregate.MIN), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: mindwind/craft-atom
private void zunionstore_weights(String destination, Map<String, Integer> weightkeys) {
Object[] objs = convert4zstore(weightkeys);
String[] keys = (String[]) objs[0];
int [] weights = (int[]) objs[1];
t.zunionstore(destination, new ZParams().weights(weights), keys);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public void zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) {
final List<byte[]> args = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
for (final byte[] set : sets) {
sendCommand(ZINTERSTORE, args.toArray(new byte[args.size()][]));
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-redis
public Long zInterStore(byte[] destKey, Aggregate aggregate, Weights weights, byte[]... sets) {
Assert.notNull(destKey, "Destination key must not be null!");
Assert.notNull(sets, "Source sets must not be null!");
Assert.noNullElements(sets, "Source sets must not contain null elements!");
Assert.isTrue(weights.size() == sets.length, () -> String
.format("The number of weights (%d) must match the number of source sets (%d)!", weights.size(), sets.length));
try {
ZParams zparams = new ZParams().weights(weights.toArray()).aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate.valueOf(aggregate.name()));
if (isPipelined()) {
pipeline(connection.newJedisResult(connection.getRequiredPipeline().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets)));
return null;
if (isQueueing()) {
transaction(connection.newJedisResult(connection.getRequiredTransaction().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets)));
return null;
return connection.getJedis().zinterstore(destKey, zparams, sets);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw convertJedisAccessException(ex);