
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Represents ENUM to represent the type of data in parse tree.


代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-linker

 * Validates identifier and returns concatenated string if string contains plus symbol.
 * @param identifier    string from yang file
 * @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message=
 * @return concatenated string after removing double quotes
public static String getValidIdentifier(String identifier, YangConstructType yangConstruct) {
  if (identifier.length() > IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
    throw new LinkerException("YANG file error : " +
                     getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + identifier + " is " +
                     "greater than 64 characters.");
  } else if (!IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(identifier).matches()) {
    throw new LinkerException("YANG file error : " +
                     getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " + identifier + " is not " +
  } else if (identifier.toLowerCase().startsWith(XML)) {
    throw new LinkerException("YANG file error : " +
                     getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " identifier " + identifier +
                     " must not start with (('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l')).");
  } else {
    return identifier;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Throws parser exception for unsupported YANG constructs.
 * @param type       construct type
 * @param ctx        construct context
 * @param errorInfo  error msg
 * @param fileName   YANG file name
 * @param identifier identifier of the node
public static void handleUnsupportedYangConstruct(YangConstructType type,
                         ParserRuleContext ctx,
                         String errorInfo,
                         String fileName,
                         String identifier) {
  StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
  int lineNumber = ctx.getStart().getLine();
  int charPostion = ctx.getStart().getCharPositionInLine();

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

+ getYangConstructType(yangConstructType);

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Checks if a rule occurrences is as per the expected YANG grammar's
 * cardinality.
 * @param childContext child's context
 * @param yangChildConstruct child construct for whom cardinality is to be
 *            validated
 * @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
 * @param parentName parent name
 * @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityMaxOne(List<?> childContext, YangConstructType yangChildConstruct,
    YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName)
    throws ParserException {
  if (!childContext.isEmpty() && childContext.size() != 1) {
    ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: \""
        + getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" is defined more than once in \""
        + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " " + parentName + "\".");
    Iterator<?> context = childContext.iterator();
    throw parserException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Checks if a either of one construct occurrence.
 * @param child1Context       first optional child's context
 * @param yangChild1Construct first child construct for whom cardinality is
 *                            to be validated
 * @param child2Context       second optional child's context
 * @param yangChild2Construct second child construct for whom cardinality is
 *                            to be validated
 * @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
 * @param parentName          parent name
 * @param parentContext       parents's context
 * @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityEitherOne(List<?> child1Context, YangConstructType yangChild1Construct,
                        List<?> child2Context, YangConstructType yangChild2Construct,
                        YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName,
                        ParserRuleContext parentContext)
    throws ParserException {
  if (child1Context.isEmpty() && child2Context.isEmpty()) {
    ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Either \""
        + getYangConstructType(yangChild1Construct) + "\" or \"" + getYangConstructType(yangChild2Construct)
        + "\" should be present in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " "
        + parentName + "\".");
    throw parserException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

String error = "YANG file error: Either " + getYangConstructType(type1)
    + " or " + getYangConstructType(type2) + " should be present in "
    + getYangConstructType(type) + " " + parentName + ".";
ParserException parserException = new ParserException(error);

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " +
                         identifierString + " is " +
                         "greater than 64 characters.");
} else if (!IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(identifierString).matches()) {
  parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                         getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " +
                         identifierString + " is not " +
} else if (identifierString.toLowerCase().startsWith(XML)) {
  parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                         getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " identifier " +
                         identifierString +
                         " must not start with (('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l')).");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

+ getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct)
    + " " + parentName + "\".");
Iterator<?> childcontext = childContext.iterator();
ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: \""
    + getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" is present more than once in \""
    + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct) + " " + parentName + "\".");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Checks if a rule occurrences is minimum 1.
 * @param childContext child's context
 * @param yangChildConstruct child construct for whom cardinality is to be
 *                           validated
 * @param yangParentConstruct parent construct
 * @param parentName parent name
 * @param parentContext parents's context
 * @throws ParserException exception if cardinality check fails
public static void validateCardinalityNonZero(List<?> childContext, YangConstructType yangChildConstruct,
    YangConstructType yangParentConstruct, String parentName,
    ParserRuleContext parentContext)
    throws ParserException {
  if (childContext.isEmpty()) {
    ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error: Missing \""
        + getYangConstructType(yangChildConstruct) + "\" in \"" + getYangConstructType(yangParentConstruct)
        + " " + parentName + "\".");
    throw parserException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

new ParserException("YANG file error : " + getYangConstructType(yangConstructType) +
                  " name " + argumentString + "is not valid");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Checks and return valid prefix.
 * @param inputString   string from yang file
 * @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
 * @param ctx           yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
 * @return valid prefix
public static String getValidPrefix(String inputString,
                  YangConstructType yangConstruct, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
  String tmpPrefixString = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(inputString);
  String[] tmpData = tmpPrefixString.split(Pattern.quote(COLON));
  if (tmpData.length == 2) {
    return tmpData[0];
  } else {
    ParserException parserException =
        new ParserException("YANG file error : " + getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                      " name " + inputString + " is not valid.");
    throw parserException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

   * Validates and return the valid pattern.
   * @param ctx context object
   * @return validated string
  private static String getValidPattern(PatternStatementContext ctx) {
    List<TerminalNode> patternList = ctx.string().STRING();
    StringBuilder inputPat = new StringBuilder();
    String compile;
    for (TerminalNode pattern : patternList) {
    compile = inputPat.toString().replaceAll("[\'\"]", EMPTY_STRING);
    try {
    } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
      ParserException exc = new ParserException(
          "YANG file error : " + getYangConstructType(PATTERN_DATA)
              + " name " + ctx.string().getText()
              + " is not a valid regular expression");
      throw exc;
    return compile;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

 * Validates boolean value.
 * @param booleanValue  value to be validated
 * @param yangConstruct yang construct for creating error message
 * @param ctx           context object of the grammar rule
 * @return boolean value either true or false
public static boolean getValidBooleanValue(String booleanValue, YangConstructType yangConstruct,
                      ParserRuleContext ctx) {
  String value = removeQuotesAndHandleConcat(booleanValue);
  if (value.equals(TRUE)) {
    return true;
  } else if (value.equals(FALSE)) {
    return false;
  } else {
    ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                   getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                   " value " + value + " is not valid.");
    throw parserException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-linker

 * Checks and return valid node identifier.
 * @param nodeIdentifierString string from yang file
 * @param yangConstruct        yang construct for creating error message
 * @return valid node identifier
static YangNodeIdentifier getValidNodeIdentifier(String nodeIdentifierString,
                         YangConstructType yangConstruct) {
  String[] tmpData = nodeIdentifierString.split(Pattern.quote(COLON));
  if (tmpData.length == 1) {
    YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
    nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[0], yangConstruct));
    return nodeIdentifier;
  } else if (tmpData.length == 2) {
    YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = new YangNodeIdentifier();
    nodeIdentifier.setPrefix(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[0], yangConstruct));
    nodeIdentifier.setName(getValidIdentifier(tmpData[1], yangConstruct));
    return nodeIdentifier;
  } else {
    throw new LinkerException("YANG file error : " +
                     getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) + " name " +
                     nodeIdentifierString + " is not valid.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

if (!INTEGER_PATTERN.matcher(value).matches()) {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                 getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                 " value " + value + " is not valid.");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                 getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                 " value " + value + " is not valid.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

if (!value.matches(NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER_PATTERN)) {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                 getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                 " value " + value + " is not valid.");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                 getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                 " value " + value + " is not valid.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-datamodel

"YANG file error : " + getYangConstructType(conType) +
        SPACE + rangeArg + " is not valid.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                     MAX_ELEMENT_DATA) + " value " +
                                 value + " is not " +
                                   MAX_ELEMENT_DATA) + " value " +
                               value + " is not " +

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

} else {
  ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : " +
                                 getYangConstructType(yangConstruct) +
                                 " name " + nodeIdentifierString +
                                 " is not valid.");

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-compiler-parser

getYangConstructType(STATUS_DATA) + " " + ctx.status().getText() +
    " is not valid.");
