
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Zombie adapter for the non local cache services. It just balks if there is no queue configured.

If a queue is configured, then events will be added to the queue. The idea is that when proper operation is restored, the non local cache will walk the queue. The queue must be bounded so it does not eat memory.

This originated in the remote cache.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that a remove event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testRemoveThenWalk()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> service = new MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );
  String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";
  String key = "myKey";
  // DO WORK
  zombie.remove( cacheName, key, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", key, service.lastRemoveKey );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

   * Verify that a removeAll event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
   * <p>
   * @throws Exception
  public void testRemoveAllThenWalk()
    throws Exception
    // SETUP
    MockRemoteCacheService<String, String> service = new MockRemoteCacheService<String, String>();

    ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );

    String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";

    // DO WORK
    zombie.removeAll( cacheName, 123l );
    zombie.propagateEvents( service );

    // VERIFY
    assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", cacheName, service.lastRemoveAllCacheName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Adds a removeAll event to the queue if the maxSize is greater than 0;
 * <p>
 * @param cacheName - region name
 * @param key - item key
 * @param listenerId - identifies the caller.
public void remove( String cacheName, K key, long listenerId )
  if ( maxQueueSize > 0 )
    RemoveEvent<K> event = new RemoveEvent<K>( cacheName, key, listenerId );
    addQueue( event );
  // Zombies have no inner life

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that an update event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testUpdateThenWalk()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockRemoteCacheService<String, String> service = new MockRemoteCacheService<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );
  String cacheName = "testUpdate";
  // DO WORK
  ICacheElement<String, String> element = new CacheElement<String, String>( cacheName, "key", "value" );
  zombie.update( element, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", element, service.lastUpdate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

 * Not yet sure what to do here.
 * <p>
 * @param ex
 * @param msg
 * @throws IOException
private void handleException( Exception ex, String msg )
  throws IOException
  log.error( "Disabling lateral cache due to error " + msg, ex );
  lateralCacheService = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<K, V>( lateralCacheAttributes.getZombieQueueMaxSize() );
  // may want to flush if region specifies
  // Notify the cache monitor about the error, and kick off the recovery
  // process.
  // could stop the net search if it is built and try to reconnect?
  if ( ex instanceof IOException )
    throw (IOException) ex;
  throw new IOException( ex.getMessage() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

  zombie.propagateEvents( restoredLateral );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

Integer.valueOf(( (ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<K, V>) getRemoteCacheService() ).getQueueSize()) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that nothing is added if the max is set to 0.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testUpdateThenWalk_zeroSize()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockRemoteCacheService<String, String> service = new MockRemoteCacheService<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 0 );
  String cacheName = "testUpdate";
  // DO WORK
  ICacheElement<String, String> element = new CacheElement<String, String>( cacheName, "key", "value" );
  zombie.update( element, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertNull( "Nothing should have been put to the service.", service.lastUpdate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Not yet sure what to do here.
 * <p>
 * @param ex
 * @param msg
 * @throws IOException
private void handleException( Exception ex, String msg )
  throws IOException
  log.error( "Disabling lateral cache due to error " + msg, ex );
  lateralCacheService = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<K, V>( lateralCacheAttributes.getZombieQueueMaxSize() );
  // may want to flush if region specifies
  // Notify the cache monitor about the error, and kick off the recovery
  // process.
  // could stop the net search if it is built and try to reconnect?
  if ( ex instanceof IOException )
    throw (IOException) ex;
  throw new IOException( ex.getMessage() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

  zombie.propagateEvents( restoredLateral );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

Integer.valueOf(( (ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<K, V>) getRemoteCacheService() ).getQueueSize()) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that an update event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testUpdateThenWalk()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> service = new MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );
  String cacheName = "testUpdate";
  // DO WORK
  ICacheElement<String, String> element = new CacheElement<String, String>( cacheName, "key", "value" );
  zombie.update( element, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", element, service.lastUpdate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that a remove event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testRemoveThenWalk()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockRemoteCacheService<String, String> service = new MockRemoteCacheService<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );
  String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";
  String key = "myKey";
  // DO WORK
  zombie.remove( cacheName, key, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", key, service.lastRemoveKey );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tomee.patch/commons-jcs-core

   * Verify that a removeAll event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
   * <p>
   * @throws Exception
  public void testRemoveAllThenWalk()
    throws Exception
    // SETUP
    MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> service = new MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();

    ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );

    String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";

    // DO WORK
    zombie.removeAll( cacheName, 123l );
    zombie.propagateEvents( service );

    // VERIFY
    assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", cacheName, service.lastRemoveAllCacheName );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

this.remoteService = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();
remoteWatch.setCacheWatch( new ZombieCacheWatch() );
throw new IOException( "Problem finding server at [" + registry + "]", ex );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

  zombie.propagateEvents( remote );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Adds an update event to the queue if the maxSize is greater than 0;
 * <p>
 * @param item ICacheElement
 * @param listenerId - identifies the caller.
public void update( ICacheElement<K, V> item, long listenerId )
  if ( maxQueueSize > 0 )
    PutEvent<K, V> event = new PutEvent<K, V>( item, listenerId );
    addQueue( event );
  // Zombies have no inner life

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that nothing is added if the max is set to 0.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testUpdateThenWalk_zeroSize()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockRemoteCacheService<String, String> service = new MockRemoteCacheService<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 0 );
  String cacheName = "testUpdate";
  // DO WORK
  ICacheElement<String, String> element = new CacheElement<String, String>( cacheName, "key", "value" );
  zombie.update( element, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertNull( "Nothing should have been put to the service.", service.lastUpdate );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

 * Verify that a remove event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
 * <p>
 * @throws Exception
public void testRemoveThenWalk()
  throws Exception
  // SETUP
  MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> service = new MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();
  ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );
  String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";
  String key = "myKey";
  // DO WORK
  zombie.remove( cacheName, key, 123l );
  zombie.propagateEvents( service );
  assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", key, service.lastRemoveKey );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-jcs-core

   * Verify that a removeAll event gets added and then is sent to the service passed to propagate.
   * <p>
   * @throws Exception
  public void testRemoveAllThenWalk()
    throws Exception
    // SETUP
    MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> service = new MockCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>();

    ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String> zombie = new ZombieCacheServiceNonLocal<String, String>( 10 );

    String cacheName = "testRemoveThenWalk";

    // DO WORK
    zombie.removeAll( cacheName, 123l );
    zombie.propagateEvents( service );

    // VERIFY
    assertEquals( "Updated element is not as expected.", cacheName, service.lastRemoveAllCacheName );
