
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  



[英]Representation of data model node to maintain absolute path defined in YANG path-arg.
[中]表示数据模型节点,以维护YANG path arg中定义的绝对路径。


代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

   * Returns the augment name, after removing the prefix, in each atomic
   * content, which is equal to the root prefix.
   * @param atomics atomic content list
   * @param root    root node
   * @return prefix removed augment name
  public static String getPrefixRemovedName(List<YangAtomicPath> atomics,
                       YangNode root) {

    String rootPrefix = getRootPrefix(root);
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (YangAtomicPath atomic : atomics) {
      String id;
      String prefix = atomic.getNodeIdentifier().getPrefix();
      String name = atomic.getNodeIdentifier().getName();
      if (rootPrefix.equals(prefix) || prefix == null) {
        id = SLASH_FOR_STRING + name;
      } else {
        id = SLASH_FOR_STRING + prefix + COLON + name;
    return builder.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

 * Returns the remaining path after parsing and processing an atomic
 * content which doesn't have path-predicate.
 * @param path       leaf-ref path
 * @param atomicList atomic content list
 * @param pathType   yang construct for creating error message
 * @param pathCtx    yang construct's context to get the line number
 *                   and character position
 * @return remaining path after parsing one atomic content
public static String getPath(String path, List<YangAtomicPath> atomicList,
               YangConstructType pathType,
               PathStatementContext pathCtx) {
  String comPath = path;
  String nodeId;
  if (comPath.contains(SLASH_FOR_STRING)) {
    nodeId = comPath.substring(0, comPath.indexOf(CHAR_OF_SLASH));
    comPath = comPath.substring(comPath.indexOf(CHAR_OF_SLASH));
  } else {
    nodeId = comPath;
    comPath = null;
  YangNodeIdentifier validNodeId =
      getValidNodeIdentifier(nodeId, pathType, pathCtx);
  YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();
  return comPath;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-datamodel

 * Adds predicate expression in data holder.
 * @param predicatesExp the predicate expression to be added
public void addLeavesPredicate(YangPathPredicate predicatesExp) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();
YangNodeIdentifier validId =
    getValidNodeIdentifier(nodeId, pathType, pathCtx);
                            pathCtx, yangLeafRef);
return comPath;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-datamodel

 * Converts the prefixes in all the nodes of the leafref with respect to the uses node.
 * @param leafrefForCloning leafref that is to be cloned
 * @param yangUses          instance of YANG uses where cloning is done
 * @throws DataModelException data model error
private static void convertThePrefixesDuringChange(YangLeafRef leafrefForCloning, YangUses yangUses)
    throws DataModelException {
  List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPathList = leafrefForCloning.getAtomicPath();
  if (atomicPathList != null && !atomicPathList.isEmpty()) {
    Iterator<YangAtomicPath> atomicPathIterator = atomicPathList.listIterator();
    while (atomicPathIterator.hasNext()) {
      YangAtomicPath atomicPath =;
      Map<String, String> prefixesAndItsImportNameNode = leafrefForCloning.getPrefixAndNode();
      String prefixInPath = atomicPath.getNodeIdentifier().getPrefix();
      String importedNodeName = prefixesAndItsImportNameNode.get(prefixInPath);
      assignCurrentLeafedWithNewPrefixes(importedNodeName, atomicPath, yangUses);

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

YangNodeIdentifier nodeId =
    getValidNodeIdentifier(relPath, pathType, pathCtx);
YangAtomicPath atomicPath = new YangAtomicPath();

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

 * Returns the leaf which unique refers.
 * @param nodeForLeaf  last node where leaf is referred
 * @param leafInUnique leaf in unique path
 * @return YANG leaf
private static YangLeaf getReferenceLeafFromUnique(YangNode nodeForLeaf, YangAtomicPath leafInUnique) {
  YangLeavesHolder leavesHolder = (YangLeavesHolder) nodeForLeaf;
  List<YangLeaf> leaves = leavesHolder.getListOfLeaf();
  if (leaves != null && !leaves.isEmpty()) {
    for (YangLeaf leaf : leaves) {
      if (leafInUnique.getNodeIdentifier().getName().equals(leaf.getName())) {
        return leaf;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

for (String nodeIdentifiers : tmpData) {
  yangNodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifier(nodeIdentifiers, yangConstructType, ctx);
  YangAtomicPath yangAbsPath = new YangAtomicPath();

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-datamodel

 * Assigns leafref with new prefixes while cloning.
 * @param importedNodeName imported node name from grouping
 * @param atomicPath       atomic path in leafref
 * @param node             instance of YANG uses where cloning is done
 * @throws DataModelException data model error
private static void assignCurrentLeafedWithNewPrefixes(String importedNodeName, YangAtomicPath atomicPath,
                            YangNode node)
    throws DataModelException {
  while (!(node instanceof YangReferenceResolver)) {
    node = node.getParent();
    if (node == null) {
      throw new DataModelException("Internal datamodel error: Datamodel tree is not correct");
  if (node instanceof YangModule) {
    List<YangImport> importInUsesList = ((YangModule) node).getImportList();
    if (importInUsesList != null && !importInUsesList.isEmpty()) {
      Iterator<YangImport> importInUsesListIterator = importInUsesList.listIterator();
      while (importInUsesListIterator.hasNext()) {
        YangImport importInUsesNode =;
        if (importInUsesNode.getModuleName().equals(importedNodeName)) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

 * Validates the unique syntax from the reference path.
 * @param uniquePath   path of unique
 * @param prefixOfFile current file's prefix
 * @param ctx          yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
 * @return list of absolute path
private static List<YangAtomicPath> validateUniqueValues(String uniquePath, String prefixOfFile,
                             ParserRuleContext ctx) {
  List<YangAtomicPath> atomicPath = new LinkedList<>();
  String[] pathInUnique = uniquePath.split(SLASH_FOR_STRING);
  for (String uniqueValue : pathInUnique) {
    YangAtomicPath yangAtomicPathPath = new YangAtomicPath();
    YangNodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = getValidNodeIdentifier(uniqueValue, YangConstructType.UNIQUE_DATA, ctx);
    if (nodeIdentifier.getPrefix() != null && nodeIdentifier.getPrefix() != prefixOfFile) {
      ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : A leaf reference, in unique," +
                                     " must refer to a leaf in the list");
      throw parserException;
  return atomicPath;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

 * Returns the last node under the unique path.
 * @param uniquePath atomic path list
 * @param node       root node from where it starts searching
 * @param ctx        yang construct's context to get the line number and character position
 * @return last node in the list
private static YangNode getNodeUnderListFromPath(List<YangAtomicPath> uniquePath, YangNode node,
                         ParserRuleContext ctx) {
  Iterator<YangAtomicPath> nodesInReference = uniquePath.listIterator();
  YangNode potentialReferredNode = node.getChild();
  while (nodesInReference.hasNext()) {
    YangAtomicPath nodeInUnique =;
    YangNode referredNode = getReferredNodeFromTheUniqueNodes(nodeInUnique.getNodeIdentifier(),
    if (referredNode == null) {
      ParserException parserException = new ParserException("YANG file error : The target node in unique " +
                                     "reference path is invalid");
      throw parserException;
    } else {
      potentialReferredNode = referredNode.getChild();
  return potentialReferredNode;

代码示例来源:origin: org.onosproject/onos-yang-utils-parser

 * Validates the prefix of the YANG file where leaf-ref is present and
 * puts it in the map of node and prefix in leaf-ref.
 * @param atomicList atomic content list in leaf-ref
 * @param leafRef    YANG leaf-ref
private static void valPrefix(List<YangAtomicPath> atomicList,
               YangLeafRef leafRef) {
  for (YangAtomicPath atomicPath : atomicList) {
    String prefix = atomicPath.getNodeIdentifier().getPrefix();
    YangNode parent = leafRef.getParentNode();
    YangNode rootNode = getRootNode(parent);
    List<YangImport> imports;
    if (rootNode instanceof YangModule) {
      imports = ((YangModule) rootNode).getImportList();
    } else {
      imports = ((YangSubModule) rootNode).getImportList();
    updatePrefixWithNode(rootNode, imports, prefix, leafRef);

