
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-05 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerlessGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Object zeroOrMore(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher o2n(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerlessGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Object zeroOrMore(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerlessGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Object zeroOrMore(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher o2n(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#zeroOrMore(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher o2n(Object... e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToSingleExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * During execution of this expression parser will repeatedly try sub-expression until it fails.
 * This expression always succeeds, with an empty match if sub-expression fails.
 * <p>
 * Be aware that:
 * <ul>
 * <li>This expression is greedy, i.e. expression {@code sequence(zeroOrMore("foo"), "foo")} will never succeed.
 * <li>Sub-expression must not allow empty matches, i.e. for expression {@code zeroOrMore(optional("foo"))} parser will report infinite loop.
 * </ul>
 * @param e  sub-expression
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given argument is not a parsing expression
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * During execution of this expression parser will repeatedly try sub-expression until it fails.
 * This expression always succeeds, with an empty match if sub-expression fails.
 * <p>
 * Be aware that:
 * <ul>
 * <li>This expression is greedy, i.e. expression {@code sequence(zeroOrMore("foo"), "foo")} will never succeed.
 * <li>Sub-expression must not allow empty matches, i.e. for expression {@code zeroOrMore(optional("foo"))} parser will report infinite loop.
 * </ul>
 * @param e  sub-expression
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given argument is not a parsing expression
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * During execution of this expression parser will repeatedly try sub-expression until it fails.
 * This expression always succeeds, with an empty match if sub-expression fails.
 * <p>
 * Be aware that:
 * <ul>
 * <li>This expression is greedy, i.e. expression {@code sequence(zeroOrMore("foo"), "foo")} will never succeed.
 * <li>Sub-expression must not allow empty matches, i.e. for expression {@code zeroOrMore(optional("foo"))} parser will report infinite loop.
 * </ul>
 * @param e  sub-expression
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given argument is not a parsing expression
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(convertToExpression(e));

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

public void setup() {
 int n = Integer.getInteger("n", 3);
 input = Strings.repeat("t", n);
 ParsingExpression subExpression = new StringExpression("t");
 oneOrMore = compile(new OneOrMoreExpression(subExpression));
 usingZeroOrMore = compile(new SequenceExpression(subExpression, new ZeroOrMoreExpression(subExpression)));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * Convenience method equivalent to calling {@code zeroOrMore(sequence(e1, rest))}.
 * @param e1  sub-expression
 * @param rest  rest of sub-expressions
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of given arguments is not a parsing expression
 * @see #zeroOrMore(Object)
 * @see #sequence(Object, Object)
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e1, Object... rest) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(new SequenceExpression(convertToExpressions(e1, rest)));

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#till(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher till(Object e) {
 ParsingExpression expression = convertToExpression(e);
 return new SequenceExpression(
   new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
     new SequenceExpression(
       new NextNotExpression(expression),

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * Convenience method equivalent to calling {@code zeroOrMore(sequence(e1, rest))}.
 * @param e1  sub-expression
 * @param rest  rest of sub-expressions
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of given arguments is not a parsing expression
 * @see #zeroOrMore(Object)
 * @see #sequence(Object, Object)
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e1, Object... rest) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(new SequenceExpression(convertToExpressions(e1, rest)));

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#till(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher till(Object e) {
 ParsingExpression expression = convertToExpression(e);
 return new SequenceExpression(
   new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
     new SequenceExpression(
       new NextNotExpression(expression),

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#till(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher till(Object e) {
 ParsingExpression expression = convertToExpression(e);
 return new SequenceExpression(
   new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
     new SequenceExpression(
       new NextNotExpression(expression),

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * Creates parsing expression - "zero or more".
 * Convenience method equivalent to calling {@code zeroOrMore(sequence(e1, rest))}.
 * @param e1  sub-expression
 * @param rest  rest of sub-expressions
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of given arguments is not a parsing expression
 * @see #zeroOrMore(Object)
 * @see #sequence(Object, Object)
public final Object zeroOrMore(Object e1, Object... rest) {
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(new SequenceExpression(convertToExpressions(Lists.asList(e1, rest))));

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

public void setup() {
 int n = Integer.getInteger("n", 3);
 input = Strings.repeat("t", n);
 ParsingExpression subExpression = new StringExpression("t");
 zeroOrMore = compile(new ZeroOrMoreExpression(subExpression));
 optionalOneOrMore = compile(new OptionalExpression(new OneOrMoreExpression(subExpression)));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sonarsource.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#exclusiveTill(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher exclusiveTill(Object... e) {
 ParsingExpression[] expressions = convertToExpressions(e);
 ParsingExpression subExpression = expressions.length == 1 ? expressions[0] : new FirstOfExpression(expressions);
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
   new SequenceExpression(
     new NextNotExpression(

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.sonar.sslr/sslr-core

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#exclusiveTill(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher exclusiveTill(Object... e) {
 ParsingExpression[] expressions = convertToExpressions(e);
 ParsingExpression subExpression = expressions.length == 1 ? expressions[0] : new FirstOfExpression(expressions);
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
   new SequenceExpression(
     new NextNotExpression(

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sslr

 * @deprecated in 1.19, use {@link org.sonar.sslr.grammar.LexerfulGrammarBuilder#exclusiveTill(Object)} instead.
public static Matcher exclusiveTill(Object... e) {
 ParsingExpression[] expressions = convertToExpressions(e);
 ParsingExpression subExpression = expressions.length == 1 ? expressions[0] : new FirstOfExpression(expressions);
 return new ZeroOrMoreExpression(
   new SequenceExpression(
     new NextNotExpression(

