[英]Extends SLF4J logger with some convenience methods.
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
private void close(ResultSet rs)
if (rs != null)
catch (SQLException e)
task.dblog().error( e );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
logger.info( "%s %s", key, value );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/object-browser
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if ( e.getActionCommand().equals( "OK" ) )
task.log().setLevel( group.getSelection().getActionCommand() );
task.dblog().setLevel( group.getSelection().getActionCommand() );
task.log().setLevel( e.getActionCommand() );
task.dblog().setLevel( e.getActionCommand() );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
* Writes the SQL to the log if either log() or dblog() has DEBUG on.
* @param sql
protected void logSql( String sql )
if ( task.log().isDebugEnabled() )
task.log().debug( "<SQL>\n%s\n</SQL>", sql );
if ( task.dblog().isDebugEnabled() )
task.dblog().debug( "<SQL>\n%s\n</SQL>", sql );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
private void readFileMeta() throws Exception
while ( jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT )
String fieldName = jp.getCurrentName();
jp.nextToken(); // Move to value.
switch ( fieldName )
case "version":
version = jp.getValueAsString();
task.log().debug( "JSON version: %s", version );
case "date":
task.log().warn( "Unknown .oimeta fieldname %s", fieldName );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
protected boolean appendString( SqlStatement stmt, StringBuilder buffer, Object value )
String str = value.toString();
if ( str.length() > MAX_INLINE_STRING_LENGTH || bindAllValues)
if ( getTask().dblog().isTraceEnabled() )
getTask().dblog().trace( "Bound string: length = %d, value = %s...", str.length(), StringUtils.substring( str, 0, 50 ) );
stmt.addBoundAttribute( buffer, value );
buffer.append( "'" ).append( StringUtils.replace( str, "'", "''" ) ).append( "'" );
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
task.log().debug( "Caught exception writing pessimisic locks on %s. Trying again", lodDef );
task.log().info( "Caught exception writing pessimisic locks on %s. Trying again", lodDef );
task.log().warn( "Caught exception writing pessimisic locks on %s. Trying again", lodDef );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/object-browser
void warn( String format, Object...args )
oe.getSystemTask().log().warn( format, args );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
InputStream stream = response.getEntity().getContent();
StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();
task.log().info( "Status from http activate = %s", status );
int statusCode = status.getStatusCode();
if ( task.log().isDebugEnabled() || statusCode != 200 )
task.log().debug( "REST response: %s", stringResponse );
stream = IOUtils.toInputStream(stringResponse, "UTF-8");
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
public boolean beginTransaction(View view )
getTask().dblog().debug( "TestSql: Begin Transaction" );
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
task.dblog().debug( "setMaxRows = %d", stmt.activateLimit );
ps.setMaxRows( stmt.activateLimit );
task.dblog().trace( "Using cached statement for Entity => %s \n=> %s", entityDef, sql );
ps = value.ps;
task.dblog().debug( "setMaxRows = %d", stmt.activateLimit );
ps.setMaxRows( stmt.activateLimit );
if ( task.dblog().isDebugEnabled() )
task.dblog().debug( "Bind idx %d = %s (attr value)", idx, leftStr( valueAsString ) );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
public void validateInternalValue( Task task, AttributeDef attributeDef, Object internalValue ) throws InvalidAttributeValueException
String phone = checkNullString( internalValue );
if ( phone != null && phone.isEmpty( ) == false )
// Checks for US style telephone numbers ...
// 10 digit accepts () around area code, and doesn't allow preceeding 1 as country code
// Phone Number formats: (nnn)nnn-nnnn; nnnnnnnnnn; nnn-nnn-nnnn
// ^\\(? : May start with an optional "(" .
// (\\d{3}): Followed by 3 digits.
// \\)? : May have an optional ")"
// [- ]? : May have an optional "-" after the first 3 digits or after optional ) character.
// (\\d{3}) : Followed by 3 digits.
// [- ]? : May have another optional "-" after numeric digits.
// (\\d{4})$ : ends with four digits.
// String expressionPhone = "(?:(?:(\\s*\\(?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\\s*)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\\)?\\s*(?:[.-]\\s*)?)([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[2-9][02-9]{2})\\s*(?:[.-]\\s*)?([0-9]{4})";
String expression = "^[+]?\\(?(\\d{3})\\)?[- ]?(\\d{3})[- ]?(\\d{4})$"; // e.g. matches following phone numbers: (123)456-7890, 123-456-7890, 1234567890, (123)-456-7890
CharSequence inputStr = phone;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( expression );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( inputStr );
if ( matcher.matches( ) == false )
task.log().trace( "Invalid telephone number: " + phone );
throw new InvalidAttributeValueException( attributeDef, phone, "Value must be a valid phone number" );
phone = phone.replaceAll( "[^0-9]", "" );
super.validateInternalValue( task, attributeDef, phone );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
public void endTransaction(boolean commit)
// Close any statements that were cached.
if ( cachedStatements != null )
for ( PreparedStatementCacheValue v : cachedStatements.values() )
DbUtils.closeQuietly( v.ps );
task.dblog().trace( "Loaded %d statements from cache\nTotal cache size = %d",
cachedStatementCount, cachedStatements.size() );
if ( closeTransaction )
if ( commit )
task.dblog().debug( "JDBC: closed transaction" );
transaction = null;
catch ( Throwable e )
throw ZeidonException.prependMessage( e, "JDBC = %s", options.getOiSourceUrl() );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
protected void logSql( SqlStatement sql )
if ( task.log().isDebugEnabled() || task.dblog().isDebugEnabled() )
logSql( sql.toString() );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/object-browser
SetLogLevelAction action = new SetLogLevelAction( t, frame, group );
String currentLevel = t.log().getLoggerLevel().toString();
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
private EntityMeta readEntityMeta(EntityInstanceImpl ei) throws Exception
EntityMeta meta = new EntityMeta();
while ( jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT )
String fieldName = jp.getCurrentName();
switch ( fieldName )
case "incrementals" : readIncrementals( meta ); break;
case "isLinkedSource" : meta.isLinkedSource = true; break;
case "entityKey" : meta.entityKey = jp.getText(); break;
case "linkedSource" : meta.linkedSource = jp.getText(); break;
case "selected" : selectedInstances.add( ei ); break;
case "incomplete" : meta.incomplete = true; break;
case "lazyLoaded" : meta.lazyLoaded = jp.getText(); break;
default: task.log().warn( "Unknown entity meta value %s", fieldName );
entityMetas.put( ei, meta );
return meta;
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
public Domain loadDomain(Application application, Map<String, Object> domainProperties, Task task)
String className = (String) domainProperties.get( "JavaClass" );
String domainName = (String) domainProperties.get( "Name" );
Class<? extends Domain> cl = null;
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
cl = (Class<? extends Domain>) classLoader.loadClass( className );
Constructor<? extends Domain> constructor = cl.getConstructor( constructorArgTypes);
Domain domain = constructor.newInstance( application, domainProperties, task );
task.log().debug( "Loaded class %s for domain %s", className, domainName );
return domain;
catch ( Throwable t )
throw ZeidonException.wrapException( t );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
task.log().debug( "Found resource at " + element );
LOG.debug( "--Found resource at " + element );
task.log().warn( "Multiple, identical resources found of %s. This usually means your classpath has duplicates", resourceName );
LOG.warn( "Multiple, identical resources found of " + resourceName + " This usually means your classpath has duplicates" );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
public void acquireGlobalLock( View view ) throws PessimisticLockingException
createLockOi( task );
// To minimize attempts to write to the DB we'll use a global Java
// lock to single-thread writes for the current JVM.
view.log().trace( "Locking global Java lock" );
view.log().trace( "Global Java acquired" );
writeLocks( view );
代码示例来源:origin: com.quinsoft.zeidon/zeidon-joe
if ( task.dblog().isDebugEnabled() )
task.dblog().debug( "Activated %d %s entities for %s", entityCounts.get( ve ), ve, parentCursor );
task.dblog().debug( "Activated %d %s entities", entityCounts.get( ve ), ve );