之前在https://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/123955067介绍过SGD(Mini-Batch Gradient Descent(MBGD),有时提到SGD的时候,其实指的是MBGD)。这里介绍下带动量(Momentum)的SGD。
SGD(Stochastic Gradient Descent)难以导航沟壑(SGD has trouble navigating ravines),即SGD在遇到沟壑时容易陷入震荡。
Momentum是梯度下降优化算法的扩展,通常称为带动量的梯度下降。它旨在加速优化过程,例如减少达到最优值所需的函数评估次数,或提高优化算法的能力,例如从而获得更好的最终结果(It is designed to accelerate the optimization process, e.g. decrease the number of function evaluations required to reach the optima, or to improve the capability of the optimization algorithm, e.g. result in a better final result)。
Momentum在目标函数具有大曲率(例如变化很大)的优化问题中最有用,这意味着梯度可能在搜索空间的相对较小区域内发生很大变化(Momentum is most useful in optimization problems where the objective function has a large amount of curvature (e.g. changes a lot), meaning that the gradient may change a lot over relatively small regions of the search space)。当搜索空间平坦或接近平坦时,动量很有帮助,例如零梯度。动量允许搜索与平坦点之前相同的方法进行,并有助于穿过平坦区域。
1. https://machinelearningmastery.com/gradient-descent-with-momentum-from-scratch/
1. 在原有枚举类Optimization的基础上新增SGD_Momentum:
enum class Optimization {
BGD, // Batch Gradient Descent
SGD, // Stochastic Gradient Descent
MBGD, // Mini-batch Gradient Descent
SGD_Momentum // SGD with momentum
2. 在原有LogisticRegression2类的基础上新增set_mu,用于设置动量项超参数mu:
void set_mu(float mu) { mu_ = mu; }
3. 为了每次运行与SGD产生的随机初始化权值相同,这里使用std::default_random_engine:
template<typename T>
void generator_real_random_number(T* data, int length, T a, T b, bool default_random)
// 每次产生固定的不同的值
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_real_distribution<T> distribution(a, b);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
data[i] = distribution(generator);
4. 为了对数据集每次执行shuffle时,结果一致,这里有std::random_shuffle调整为std::shuffle:
//std::random_shuffle(random_shuffle_.begin(), random_shuffle_.end(), generate_random); // 每次执行后random_shuffle_结果不同
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::shuffle(random_shuffle_.begin(), random_shuffle_.end(), generator); // 每次执行后random_shuffle_结果相同
5. calculate_gradient_descent函数:
void LogisticRegression2::calculate_gradient_descent(int start, int end)
switch (optim_) {
case Optimization::SGD_Momentum: {
int len = end - start;
std::vector<float> change(feature_length_, 0.);
std::vector<float> z(len, 0), dz(len, 0);
for (int i = start, x = 0; i < end; ++i, ++x) {
z[x] = calculate_z(data_->samples[random_shuffle_[i]]);
dz[x] = calculate_loss_function_derivative(calculate_activation_function(z[x]), data_->labels[random_shuffle_[i]]);
for (int j = 0; j < feature_length_; ++j) {
float new_change = mu_ * change[j] - alpha_ * (data_->samples[random_shuffle_[i]][j] * dz[x]);
w_[j] += new_change;
change[j] = new_change;
b_ -= (alpha_ * dz[x]);
case Optimization::SGD:
case Optimization::MBGD: {
int len = end - start;
std::vector<float> z(len, 0), dz(len, 0);
for (int i = start, x = 0; i < end; ++i, ++x) {
z[x] = calculate_z(data_->samples[random_shuffle_[i]]);
dz[x] = calculate_loss_function_derivative(calculate_activation_function(z[x]), data_->labels[random_shuffle_[i]]);
for (int j = 0; j < feature_length_; ++j) {
w_[j] = w_[j] - alpha_ * (data_->samples[random_shuffle_[i]][j] * dz[x]);
b_ -= (alpha_ * dz[x]);
case Optimization::BGD:
default: // BGD
std::vector<float> z(m_, 0), dz(m_, 0);
float db = 0.;
std::vector<float> dw(feature_length_, 0.);
for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
z[i] = calculate_z(data_->samples[i]);
o_[i] = calculate_activation_function(z[i]);
dz[i] = calculate_loss_function_derivative(o_[i], data_->labels[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < feature_length_; ++j) {
dw[j] += data_->samples[i][j] * dz[i]; // dw(i)+=x(i)(j)*dz(i)
db += dz[i]; // db+=dz(i)
for (int j = 0; j < feature_length_; ++j) {
dw[j] /= m_;
w_[j] -= alpha_ * dw[j];
b_ -= alpha_*(db/m_);
版权说明 : 本文为转载文章, 版权归原作者所有 版权申明
原文链接 : https://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/124648766