
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Class implementing an (indexed) alphabet. An alphabet is a collection of symbols, where each symbol has a (unique) index. Apart from serving as a collection, this class also provides a one-to-one mapping between symbols and indices.


代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-util

private static <S, I> void fillTransitionProperties(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?, ?, ?> automaton,
                          Alphabet<I> alphabet,
                          S state,
                          Object[] properties) {
  int numInputs = alphabet.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
    I sym = alphabet.getSymbol(i);
    properties[i] = automaton.getTransitionProperty(state, sym);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default <I2> Mapping<I2, I> translateFrom(Alphabet<I2> other) {
  if (other.size() > size()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Cannot translate from an alphabet with " + other.size() + " elements into an alphabet with only " +
        size() + " elements");
  return i -> getSymbol(other.getSymbolIndex(i));

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

public void addAlphabetSymbol(I symbol) throws GrowingAlphabetNotSupportedException {
  if (!this.inputAlphabet.containsSymbol(symbol)) {
  final int newAlphabetSize = this.inputAlphabet.size();
  // even if the symbol was already in the alphabet, we need to make sure to be able to store the new symbol
  if (alphabetSize < newAlphabetSize) {
    register.values().forEach(n -> n.ensureInputCapacity(newAlphabetSize));
    alphabetSize = newAlphabetSize;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public AbstractCompactDeterministic(Alphabet<I> alphabet, int stateCapacity, float resizeFactor) {
  this.alphabet = alphabet;
  this.alphabetSize = alphabet.size();
  this.transitions = new Object[stateCapacity * alphabetSize];
  this.resizeFactor = resizeFactor;
  this.stateCapacity = stateCapacity;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default int applyAsInt(I symbol) {
  return getSymbolIndex(symbol);

代码示例来源:origin: de.learnlib/learnlib-lstar

 * Analyzes an inconsistency. This analysis consists in determining the column in which the two successor rows
 * differ.
 * @param incons
 *         the inconsistency description
 * @return the suffix to add in order to fix the inconsistency
protected Word<I> analyzeInconsistency(Inconsistency<I> incons) {
  int inputIdx = alphabet.getSymbolIndex(incons.getSymbol());
  Row<I> succRow1 = incons.getFirstRow().getSuccessor(inputIdx);
  Row<I> succRow2 = incons.getSecondRow().getSuccessor(inputIdx);
  int numSuffixes = table.getSuffixes().size();
  for (int i = 0; i < numSuffixes; i++) {
    D val1 = table.cellContents(succRow1, i), val2 = table.cellContents(succRow2, i);
    if (!Objects.equals(val1, val2)) {
      I sym = alphabet.getSymbol(inputIdx);
      Word<I> suffix = table.getSuffixes().get(i);
      return suffix.prepend(sym);
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bogus inconsistency");

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

default void writeToArray(int offset, Object[] array, int tgtOfs, int num) {
  for (int i = offset, j = tgtOfs, k = 0; k < num; i++, j++, k++) {
    array[j] = getSymbol(i);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public void addAlphabetSymbol(I symbol) {
  if (this.alphabet.containsSymbol(symbol)) {
  final int oldAlphabetSize = this.alphabetSize;
  final int newAlphabetSize = oldAlphabetSize + 1;
  final int newArraySize = this.transitions.length + this.stateCapacity;
  final Object[] newTransitions = new Object[newArraySize];
  for (int i = 0; i < this.numStates; i++) {
    System.arraycopy(transitions, i * oldAlphabetSize, newTransitions, i * newAlphabetSize, oldAlphabetSize);
  this.transitions = newTransitions;
  this.alphabet = Alphabets.withNewSymbol(this.alphabet, symbol);
  this.alphabetSize = newAlphabetSize;

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

final boolean deadlocks = result.getInputAlphabet().stream().noneMatch(
    i -> result.getSuccessor(state, i) != null);
result.setAccepting(state, deadlocks);

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

public void addAlphabetSymbol(I symbol) throws GrowingAlphabetNotSupportedException {
  if (!this.inputAlphabet.containsSymbol(symbol)) {
  final int newAlphabetSize = this.inputAlphabet.size();
  // even if the symbol was already in the alphabet, we need to make sure to be able to store the new symbol
  if (alphabetSize < newAlphabetSize) {
    register.values().forEach(n -> n.ensureInputCapacity(newAlphabetSize));
    alphabetSize = newAlphabetSize;

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public AbstractCompactSimpleDet(Alphabet<I> alphabet, int stateCapacity, float resizeFactor) {
  this.alphabet = alphabet;
  this.alphabetSize = alphabet.size();
  this.transitions = new int[stateCapacity * alphabetSize];
  Arrays.fill(this.transitions, 0, this.transitions.length, INVALID_STATE);
  this.resizeFactor = resizeFactor;
  this.stateCapacity = stateCapacity;

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

default int compare(I o1, I o2) {
  return getSymbolIndex(o1) - getSymbolIndex(o2);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default void writeToArray(int offset, Object[] array, int tgtOfs, int num) {
  for (int i = offset, j = tgtOfs, k = 0; k < num; i++, j++, k++) {
    array[j] = getSymbol(i);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public void addAlphabetSymbol(I symbol) {
  if (this.alphabet.containsSymbol(symbol)) {
  final int oldAlphabetSize = this.alphabetSize;
  final int newAlphabetSize = oldAlphabetSize + 1;
  final int newArraySize = this.transitions.length + this.stateCapacity;
  final int[] newTransitions = new int[newArraySize];
  Arrays.fill(newTransitions, 0, newArraySize, INVALID_STATE);
  for (int i = 0; i < this.numStates; i++) {
    System.arraycopy(transitions, i * oldAlphabetSize, newTransitions, i * newAlphabetSize, oldAlphabetSize);
  this.transitions = newTransitions;
  this.alphabet = Alphabets.withNewSymbol(this.alphabet, symbol);
  this.alphabetSize = newAlphabetSize;

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

private static <S, I> void fillTransitionProperties(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?, ?, ?> automaton,
                          Alphabet<I> alphabet,
                          S state,
                          Object[] properties) {
  int numInputs = alphabet.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
    I sym = alphabet.getSymbol(i);
    properties[i] = automaton.getTransitionProperty(state, sym);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public void addAlphabetSymbol(I symbol) {
  if (this.inputAlphabet.containsSymbol(symbol)) {
  this.inputAlphabet = Alphabets.withNewSymbol(this.inputAlphabet, symbol);
  final int newAlphabetSize = this.inputAlphabet.size();
  for (final S s : this.getStates()) {

代码示例来源:origin: LearnLib/automatalib

default <I2> Mapping<I2, I> translateFrom(Alphabet<I2> other) {
  if (other.size() > size()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Cannot translate from an alphabet with " + other.size() + " elements into an alphabet with only " +
        size() + " elements");
  return i -> getSymbol(other.getSymbolIndex(i));

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-core

public AbstractCompactSimpleNondet(Alphabet<I> alphabet, int stateCapacity, float resizeFactor) {
  this.alphabet = alphabet;
  this.alphabetSize = alphabet.size();
  //this.transitions = new TIntSet[stateCapacity * alphabetSize];
  this.transitions = new Set[stateCapacity * alphabetSize]; // TODO: replace by primitive specialization
  this.resizeFactor = resizeFactor;
  this.stateCapacity = stateCapacity;
  //this.initial = new TIntHashSet();
  this.initial = new HashSet<>(); // TODO: replace by primitive specialization

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default int compare(I o1, I o2) {
  return getSymbolIndex(o1) - getSymbolIndex(o2);

代码示例来源:origin: net.automatalib/automata-api

default I apply(int index) {
  return getSymbol(index);
