代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-kernel-micro
* A minimal micro agent.
public class MinimalAgent
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-kernel-micro
Boolean susp = val.suspend().toBoolean();
Boolean mast = val.master().toBoolean();
Boolean daem = val.daemon().toBoolean();
Boolean auto = val.autoshutdown().toBoolean();
Boolean sync = val.synchronous().toBoolean();
Boolean persist = val.persistable().toBoolean();
Boolean keep = val.keepalive().toBoolean();
PublishEventLevel moni = val.monitoring();
if(isAnnotationPresent(clazz, Agent.class, cl) && getAnnotation(clazz, Agent.class, cl).autoprovide()
&& !serifaces.isEmpty())
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-kernel-micro
Boolean susp = val.suspend().toBoolean();
Boolean mast = val.master().toBoolean();
Boolean daem = val.daemon().toBoolean();
Boolean auto = val.autoshutdown().toBoolean();
PublishEventLevel moni = val.monitoring();
Boolean sync = val.synchronous().toBoolean();
if(isAnnotationPresent(clazz, Agent.class, cl) && getAnnotation(clazz, Agent.class, cl).autoprovide()
&& !serifaces.isEmpty())
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-kernel-bdiv3
public void customResultAvailable(Tuple2<Method, Object> res)
// Only end body if future or void and kill is true
Boolean found = null;
Method method = res!=null? res.getFirstEntity(): null;
if(SReflect.isSupertype(IFuture.class, method.getReturnType()))
found = Boolean.TRUE;
else if(void.class.equals(method.getReturnType()))
AgentBody ab = method.getAnnotation(AgentBody.class);
found = ab.keepalive()? Boolean.FALSE: Boolean.TRUE;
Agent ag = agent.getClass().getAnnotation(Agent.class);
found = ag.keepalive()? Boolean.FALSE: Boolean.TRUE;
if(found!=null && found.booleanValue())
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-kernel-micro
kill = !ag.keepalive();
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-platform-base
* Just a simple agent that holds remote platform proxies.
public class RemotePlatformAgent
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-platform-extension-webservice
* The invocation agent is used to execute the
* synchronous web service call. The agent is
* blocked during the call is running. For each
* call a new invocation agent is used.
public class WebServiceInvocationAgent
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-platform
* Just a simple agent that holds remote platform proxies.
public class RemotePlatformAgent
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.jadex/jadex-platform-extension-webservice
* The invocation agent is used to execute the
* synchronous web service call. The agent is
* blocked during the call is running. For each
* call a new invocation agent is used.
public class RestServiceInvocationAgent
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
public class EmptyCAgent
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
public class EmptyAAgent
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
public class EmptyBAgent
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
* Test what happens if an exception is thrown in body.
public class BodyExceptionAgent
* The agent body.
public IFuture<Void> executeBody()
// System.out.println("execute ExceptionTest ...");
throw new RuntimeException("Exception in agent body");
// System.out.println("... finished");
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-bdiv3
public class BlockingBenchmarkBDI extends BlockingSokratesBDI
* Overwrite wait time.
public BlockingBenchmarkBDI()
delay = 0;
* Overridden to skip gui creation.
protected void createGui(IInternalAccess agent)
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
* Simple agent that offers the math service.
public class MathAgent
protected IInternalAccess agent;
* Called once after agent creation.
public IFuture<Void> agentCreated()
agent.getComponentFeature(IProvidedServicesFeature.class).addService("mathservice", IMathService.class, new MathService(agent.getComponentIdentifier()), BasicServiceInvocationHandler.PROXYTYPE_DIRECT);
return IFuture.DONE;
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-bdiv3
public class BenchmarkBDI extends SokratesBDI
* Overwrite wait time.
public BenchmarkBDI()
delay = 0;
* Overridden to skip gui creation.
protected void createGui(IInternalAccess agent)
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-bdiv3
* Agent that tests if bdi agent factory detects non-enhanced bdi classes.
public class NotEnhancedBDI
/** The injected agent (not injected when not enhanced). */
protected IInternalAccess agent;
* The agent body.
public void body()
throw new RuntimeException("Agent class was not enhaned but creation was initiated.");
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
* Test what happens if an exception is thrown in body.
public class PojoBodyExceptionAgent
* Create a new agent.
public PojoBodyExceptionAgent()
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception in constructor");
* The agent body.
public void executeBody()
// System.out.println("execute ExceptionTest ...");
throw new RuntimeException("Exception in agent body");
// System.out.println("... finished");
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
* Service 2 agent.
* Offers service that needs long time (exceeds def timeout).
public class Service2Agent implements IService2
protected IInternalAccess agent;
public IFuture<Void> service()
// wait longer than default 30 secs
// get must set no timeout to avoid being interrupted
return IFuture.DONE;
代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-applications-micro
* Chat micro agent.
@Description("This agent offers a chat service.")
public class ChatB2Agent