| country | region | town | isComplete |
| Country1 | State1 | Town1 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town2 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town3 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town4 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town5 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town6 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town7 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town8 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town9 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town10 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town11 | FALSE |
第二步。开始流处理并使用在每个微批处理中创建的Dataframe尝试使用left outer join从步骤1更新Dataframe中的状态。
| country | region | town | isComplete |
| Country1 | State1 | Town1 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town2 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town3 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town4 | TRUE |
| country | state | town | isComplete |
| Country1 | State1 | Town1 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town2 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town3 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town4 | TRUE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town5 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town6 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town7 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town8 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town9 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town10 | FALSE |
| Country1 | State1 | Town11 | FALSE |
基本数据集约有120万条记录(约100 mb),预计可扩展到10 gb。
var statusDf = loadStatusFromCassandra(sparkSession)
ipStream.foreachRDD { statusMsgRDD =>
if (!statusMsgRDD.isEmpty) {
// 1. Create data-frame from the current micro-batch RDD
val messageDf = getMessageDf(sparkSession, statusMsgRDD)
// 2. To update, Left outer join statusDf with messageDf
statusDf = updateStatusDf(sparkSession, statusDf, messageDf)
// 3. Use updated statusDf to generate aggregations at higher levels
// and publish to a Kafka topic
// if a higher level (eg. region) is completed.