elasticsearch-elasticsearch索引失败错误:类型为[null]的Map器[index\u is\u throttled]上的未知参数[norms]

7hiiyaii  于 2021-06-10  发布在  ElasticSearch

telegraf 1.14.0~rc1(git:head 69aa6c01)
7.x elasticsearch.x86_64 7.9.1-1版本
我在telegraf.log文件中得到了这个错误消息 tail -f /var/log/telegraf/telegraf.log ```
2020-09-23T16:41:21Z E! Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 1027, error: unknown parameter [norms] on mapper [indexing_is_throttled] of type [null], caused by: %!s(), %!s()
2020-09-23T16:41:21Z E! Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 1028, error: unknown parameter [norms] on mapper [__indexing_is_throttled] of type [null], caused by: %!s(), %!s()
2020-09-23T16:41:21Z E! Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 1029, error: unknown parameter [norms] on mapper [__indexing_is_throttled] of type [null], caused by: %!s(), %!s()
2020-09-23T16:41:21Z E! Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 1030, error: unknown parameter [norms] on mapper [jvm_versions_0_bundled_jdk] of type [null], caused by: %!s(), %!s()
2020-09-23T16:41:21Z E! Elasticsearch indexing failure, id: 1031, error: unknown parameter [norms] on mapper [timed_out] of type [null], caused by: %!s(), %!s()

当我测试配置文件时( `telegraf.conf` )它工作正常,我没有看到上面的错误(在控制台输出中)。

[root@ip-10-10-100-200 log]# cd /etc/telegraf/
[root@ip-10-10-100-200 telegraf]# /bin/telegraf --test --config telegraf.conf



