如何将我的es数据文件夹装载到mac os中已释放的文件系统

fafcakar  于 2021-06-14  发布在  ElasticSearch

我正在本地运行es并已定义 path.data 在我的家里 /Users/prerna/es/data 但他一直在抱怨 high-disk watermark 超出如下消息所示

2020-09-16 18:16:07,390][INFO ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark exceeded on one or more nodes, rerouting shards
[2020-09-16 18:16:37,393][WARN ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark [0b] exceeded on [trwvlC3dRUOPYp0QQ9l9GQ][Karkas] free: -1b[100%], shards will be relocated away from this node
[2020-09-16 18:17:07,395][WARN ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark [0b] exceeded on [trwvlC3dRUOPYp0QQ9l9GQ][Karkas] free: -1b[100%], shards will be relocated away from this node
[2020-09-16 18:17:07,396][INFO ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark exceeded on one or more nodes, rerouting shards
[2020-09-16 18:17:37,399][WARN ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark [0b] exceeded on [trwvlC3dRUOPYp0QQ9l9GQ][Karkas] free: -1b[100%], shards will be relocated away from this node
[2020-09-16 18:18:07,401][WARN ][cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Karkas] high disk watermark [0b] exceeded on [trwvlC3dRUOPYp0QQ9l9GQ][Karkas] free: -1b[100%], shards will be relocated away from this node

如信息所示 high disk watermark [0b] 就像我检查我的 _cluster/settings 它没有设定为 0b 如下api响应所示。

    "persistent": {},
    "transient": {}

我注意到了 df -h ,给我下面的答复

Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1   466Gi   10Gi  384Gi     3%  488412 4881964468    0%   /
devfs          198Ki  198Ki    0Bi   100%     690          0  100%   /dev
/dev/disk1s2   466Gi   69Gi  384Gi    16% 1382379 4881070501    0%   /System/Volumes/Data
/dev/disk1s5   466Gi  1.0Gi  384Gi     1%       1 4882452879    0%   /private/var/vm
map auto_home    0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%       0          0  100%   /System/Volumes/Data/home

并怀疑我的es数据文件夹可能安装在 devfs 它是100%满的,但是我不确定,也不知道如何将它挂载到其他有大量可用空间的文件系统上


