
cnh2zyt3  于 2021-06-24  发布在  Pig


# include <iostream>

//Since those are used in ALL function of program, it wont hurt to set it to global
//Else it is considered EVIL to declare global variables
const int maxLine = 100;
char phraseLine[maxLine] = { '\0' };

void pigLatinString();

using namespace std;

void main()
    // Displayed heading of program

    cout << "* You will be prompted to enter a string of *" << endl;
    cout << "* words. The string will be converted into  *" << endl;
    cout << "* Pig Latin and the results displayed.      *" << endl;
    cout << "* Enter as many strings as you would like.  *" << endl;

    //prompt the user for a group of words or press enter to quit
    cout << "Please enter a word or group of words. (Press enter to quit)\n";
    cin.getline(phraseLine, 100, '\n');
    cout << endl;

    // This is the main loop. Continue executing until the user hits 'enter' to quit.
    while (phraseLine[0] != '\0')

        // Display the word (s) entered by the user
        cout << "You entered the following: " << phraseLine << endl;

        // Display the word (s) in Pig Latin
        cout << "The same phrase in Pig latin is: ";
        cout << endl;

        //prompt the user for a group of words or press enter to quit
        cout << "Please enter a word or group of words. (Press enter to quit)\n";
        cin.getline(phraseLine, 100, '\n');

void pigLatinString() //phraseLine is a cstring for the word,  maxline is max length of line
{ //variable declarations
    char tempConsonant[10];
    tempConsonant[0] = '\0';
    int numberOfConsonants = 0;
    char previousCharacter = ' ';
    char currentCharacter = ' ';
    bool isInWord = 0;

    // for loop checking each index to the end of whatever is typed in
    for (int i = 0; i < maxLine; i++)

        //checking for the end of the phraseline 
        if (phraseLine[i] == '\0')
        {//checking to see if it's in the word
            if (isInWord)
            {//checking to see that there wasn't a space ahead of the word and then sending the cstring + ay to the console
                if (previousCharacter != ' ')
                    cout << tempConsonant << "ay" << endl;

        // this covers the end of the word condition
        if (isInWord)
        {// covers the condition of index [i] being the space at the end of the word
            if (phraseLine[i] == ' ')
                // spits out pig latin word, gets you out of the word, flushes the temp consonants array and resets the # of consonants to 0
                cout << tempConsonant << "ay";
                isInWord = 0;
                tempConsonant[0] = '\0';
                numberOfConsonants = 0;
            cout << phraseLine[i] ;

        {//this covers for the first vowel that makes the switch
            if (phraseLine[i] != ' ')
            {// sets the c string to what is in the phraseline at the time and makes it capitalized
                char currentCharacter = phraseLine[i];
                currentCharacter = toupper(currentCharacter);

                // this takes care of the condition that currentCharacter is not a vowel
                if ((currentCharacter != 'A') && (currentCharacter != 'E') &&
                    (currentCharacter != 'I') && (currentCharacter != 'O') && (currentCharacter != 'U'))
                    //this sets the array to temporarily hold the consonants for display before the 'ay'
                {//this sets the null operator at the end of the c string and looks for the next consonant
                    tempConsonant[numberOfConsonants] = phraseLine[i];
                    tempConsonant[numberOfConsonants + 1] = '\0';
                {// this sets the boolean isInWord to true and displays the phraseline
                    isInWord = 1;
                    cout << phraseLine[i];
                cout << phraseLine[i] ;

        previousCharacter = phraseLine[i];


你有两个条件要考虑。 if 你的单词以元音开头,在单词末尾加上“way”, else 移动第一个字母并在末尾加上“ay”。
这是一项可以通过使用 std::string 而不是c字串。这是因为您现在不再关心超出长度或丢失空字符。它还允许更容易地访问标准库算法。

# include <algorithm>

# include <iostream>

# include <string>

std::string make_pig_latin(const std::string& word) {
  std::string vowels("aeiou");
  std::string newWord(word);

  if (newWord.find_first_not_of(vowels) == 0) {
    // Word starts with a consanant
    std::rotate(newWord.begin(), newWord.begin() + 1, newWord.end());
    newWord += "ay";
  } else {
    newWord += "way";

  return newWord;

int main() {
  std::cout << make_pig_latin("apple") << '\n'
            << make_pig_latin("box") << '\n'
            << make_pig_latin("king") << '\n'
            << make_pig_latin("easy") << '\n';



通过查看代码,您应该在分离关注点方面做得更好。pig latin一次只写一个单词比较容易,但是在pig latin函数中有字符串拆分代码和许多“not pig latin”代码。你的main可以处理输入。您可能应该有一个单独的函数,使用 std::vector 保留这些词是最好的,因为它可以按需增长,而不必预先知道具体的容量。然后遍历单词数组并分别翻译它们。根据您的实际需求,您甚至不必存储翻译的单词,只需将它们直接打印到屏幕上即可。

# include <algorithm>

# include <iostream>

# include <iterator>

# include <sstream>

# include <string>

# include <vector>

std::string make_pig_latin(const std::string& word) {
  std::string vowels("aeiouAEIOU");
  std::string newWord(word);

  if (newWord.find_first_not_of(vowels) == 0) {
    // Word starts with a consanant
    std::rotate(newWord.begin(), newWord.begin() + 1, newWord.end());
    newWord += "ay";
  } else {
    newWord += "way";

  return newWord;

int main() {
  std::string phrase(
      "A sentence where I say words like apple box easy king and ignore "

  std::istringstream sin(phrase);
  std::vector<std::string> words(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(sin), {});

  for (auto i : words) {
    std::cout << make_pig_latin(i) << ' ';


Away entencesay hereway Iway aysay ordsway ikelay appleway oxbay easyway ingkay andway ignoreway unctuationpay
