
yvfmudvl  于 2021-07-05  发布在  Java

据我所知,它应该在jackrabbit 1.6中本机提供(我发现了这个博客条目)但我找不到任何配置示例。



无论如何,要查看它,请运行jackrabbit 1.6独立服务器,并在http://localhost:8080/webdav-jcr.jsp
如果不使用独立服务器,可以使用jackrabbit war发行版。标准的web.xml已经配置为公开jcr over webdav remoting at /server 例如。

<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- J C R  R E M O T I N G  S E R V L E T                                  -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
        The servlet used to remote JCR calls over HTTP.
            Defines how a missing authorization header should be handled.
            1) If this init-param is missing, a 401 response is generated.
            This is suiteable for clients (eg. webdav clients) for which
            sending a proper authorization header is not possible if the
            server never sent a 401.
            2) If this init-param is present with an empty value,
            null-credentials are returned, thus forcing an null login
            on the repository.
            3) If this init-param has a 'user:password' value, the respective
            simple credentials are generated.
        Optional parameter to define the value of the 'WWW-Authenticate' header
        <param-value>Basic realm="Jackrabbit Webdav Server"</param-value>
            Defines the value of the 'WWW-Authenticate' header.
            defines the prefix for spooling resources out of the repository.
        Init parameters specific for JcrRemotingServlet
        <description>JcrRemotingServlet: Optional home directory for JcrRemotingServlet temporary files (default: "jackrabbit")</description>
        <description>JcrRemotingServlet: Optional temporary directory name (under home, default: "tmp")</description>
        <description>JcrRemotingServlet: Optional mapping from node type names to default depth.</description>
