java—如何在jbpm rhpam bpmn kie服务器中通过api或编程方式创建用户

cwtwac6a  于 2021-07-06  发布在  Java

我有一个应用程序,每当有人注册我的应用程序时,就应该在jbpm中创建这个用户。因此,每当添加新任务时,他都可以批准它。我使用的是运行在localhost上的rhpam jbpm business central。 http://localhost:8080/business-central/kie-wb.jsp 我在google上搜索了如何使用api、swagger或编程方式创建用户,这样,只要新用户在我的应用程序中注册,就可以在jbpm中创建该用户。但没有发现任何东西。你能帮帮我吗?



After a month I found some APIS which we can use to perform operation on user, like add/update/delete/get users, groups and roles.
base url: http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/

[GET] /roles – Get a list of all roles

[GET] /users – Get a list of all users

[GET] /groups – Get groups

[GET] /users/{userName}/groups – Get a list of groups assigned to a user

[GET] /users/{userName}/roles — Gets a list of roles assigned to a user

[POST] /users Creates users

[Post] /users/{userName}/changePassword – Changes user password

[POST] /groups — Creates groups

[POST] /users/{userName}/groups – Overrides the user assigned groups with new values

[POST] /users/{userName}/roles – Overrides the user assigned roles with new values

[Post] /groups/{groupName}/permissions – Updates permissions for a group

[Post] /roles/{roleName}/permissions – Updates permissions for a role

[GET] /groups/{groupName}/permissions –Get all permissions for a group

[GET] /roles/{roleName}/permissions –Get all permissions for a role

[GET] /users/{userName}/permissions –Get all permissions for a user

[DELETE] /users/{userName} – Deletes a given user

[DELETE] /groups/{groupName} Deletes a given groups
