websphere admin:运行jython脚本wasx7025e时出错:在

ifsvaxew  于 2021-07-07  发布在  Java


### cat deplApps.py

import time

# the 3 arguments are jvm name, ent app name, and path to war file

print "Args are:" , sys.argv
SERVERMBEAN = AdminServerManagement.queryMBeans("AppSrvNode01", sys.argv[0] , "Server")
if SERVERMBEAN == [] :
        print "Server is in stopped state"
else :
        AdminServerManagement.stopSingleServer("AppSrvNode01", sys.argv[0] )

print "sleeping for 10 seconds"
AdminApplication.updateApplicationUsingDefaultMerge( sys.argv[1],  sys.argv[2] )
Sync1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=NodeSync,process=nodeagent,node=AppSrvNode01,*')
AdminControl.invoke(Sync1, 'sync')
print "sleeping for 120 seconds before starting the server"
AdminServerManagement.startSingleServer("AppSrvNode01", sys.argv[0] )


ADMA5017I: Uninstallation of productX started.
ADMA5104I: The server index entry for WebSphere:cell=Cell01,node=Node01 is updated successfully.
ADMA5102I: The configuration data for productX from the configuration repository is deleted successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application productX is complete.
ADMA5106I: Application productX uninstalled successfully.
ADMA5016I: Installation of productX started.
ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment targets.
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5081I: The bootstrap address for client module is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created.
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr/wstemp/Script176216ef255/workspace/cells/Cell01/applications/productX.ear/productX.ear
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application productX with the appContextIDForSecurity information.
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5005I: The application productX is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository.
ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application productX is complete.
ADMA5013I: Application productX installed successfully.
OK: updateApplicationUsingDefaultMerge('productX', '/apps/tempFiles/productXAPP.war', 'false'):
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/apps/deploy/deplApps.py"; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7025E: Error found in String ""; cannot create ObjectName.



