void sort(int[] A, int left, int right) {
if (right > left) {
// Choose outermost elements as pivots
if (A[left] > A[right]) swap(A, left, right);
int p = A[left], q = A[right];
// Partition A according to invariant below
int l = left + 1, g = right - 1, k = l;
while (k <= g) {
if (A[k] < p) {
swap(A, k, l);
} else if (A[k] >= q) {
while (A[g] > q && k < g) --g;
swap(A, k, g);
if (A[k] < p) {
swap(A, k, l);
--l; ++g;
// Swap pivots to final place
swap(A, left, l); swap(A, right, g);
// Recursively sort partitions
sort(A, left, l - 1);
sort(A, l + 1, g - 1);
sort(A, g + 1, right);
void swap(int[] A, int i, int j) {
final int tmp = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = tmp;