
xnifntxz  于 2021-07-09  发布在  Spark

我正在寻求帮助,试图了解如何使 sparklyr 在对建模数据集进行采样的日常工作中,工作更智能、速度更快。
在hive中使用结构化数据,我启用了相同的执行器和ram配置,这样我就可以在不到15分钟的时间内完成pyspark中的相同流程。。。但与 sparklyr ,大约需要90分钟。

referenceData<-"datamart.archivedFile" # About 200 million rows and 1000 columns
nonTargetCriteria<-"Score>0 AND MonthsSinceActivity>12"  # Drops to about 80% of the file
targetCriteria<-"MonthsSinceActivity>0 AND MonthsSinceActivity<4" # Drops to about 1% of the file
WHERE.NT<-paste("WHERE ",nonTargetCriteria)
WHERE.T<-paste("WHERE ",targetCriteria)
nT<- 10000 # sample size of target behavior (let's say response is coded as target=1)
nNT<- 20000 # sample size of non-targets (let's say non-response is coded as target=0)
join_vars <- c('id','address')
names(join_vars) <- c('id','address')

## First I count my responders available

n.targetSDF <- hive_context(sc) %>% invoke('sql', paste("select count(1) AS N, ",paste("SUM(CASE WHEN ",targetCriteria," THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)  nTar"),
                                                        " from ",targetData)) %>% sdf_collect()

## Then I count the full available population in the reference data set subject to criteria

n.referenceSDF <- hive_context(sc) %>% invoke('sql', paste("select count(1) AS N, ",paste("SUM(CASE WHEN ",nonTargetCriteria," THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) nNonTar"),
                                                               " from ",referenceData)) %>% sdf_collect()

# Now I pull the target=1 group and join them to the earlier archived data

targetSDF.S <- hive_context(sc) %>% invoke('sql', paste("select ",paste0(join_vars,collapse=",")," from ",targetData,WHERE.T)) %>% 
  sdf_sample(fraction = 2*nT/n.targetSDF[2]) ## Bring in the count from above to define the fraction.

join.S <- tbl(sc,referenceData) %>% inner_join(targetSDF.S,by=join_vars) %>% mutate(target=1)

# Now I initialize the response=0 data

referenceSDF.S <- hive_context(sc) %>% invoke('sql', paste("select *, 0 target from ",referenceData,WHERE.NT)) 

# Bring in the count from above to define the fraction.


# Union the two samples and collect into R.

df <- sdf_bind_rows(join.S,referenceSDF.S %>% sdf_sample(fraction = 1.2*nNT/N.NT)) %>% sdf_collect()


